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Friday, September 13, 2019
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013
< x 60&utm_content=obama&utm_campaign=RD_web_Oct2> Is South Korea stealing American military secrets? Ike Skelton is dead at 81; NSA on Feinstein: “We’re really screwed now;” Asia series launches; Liposuction for the troops?; and a bit more. By Gordon Lubold
Exclusive: Is trusted ally South Korea stealing American military secrets? Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel watched a live-fire exercise in South Korea last month in which American and Korean tanks operated side-by-side in a display of military might between two trusted partners fond of describing their relationship as a "blood alliance." But just beneath that relationship's surface is a growing unease. South Korea, one of America's strongest partners in East Asia, is aggressively targeting U.S. advanced technology for its own use in a variety of Korean weapons programs, Situation Report has learned. From anti-ship missiles, electronic warfare equipment, torpedoes, a multiple-launch rocket system, and even components on a Korean-made Aegis destroyer, the United States is concerned about the uncanny resemblance those systems bear to American weaponry. Even the tanks Hagel watched on the range that day may be partial knock-offs: The Korean models have fire control systems that appear to be all-but-identical to the American versions.
Though the United States long has had systems in place to monitor technology-sharing with allies, the case with South Korea has become particularly acute in the last few years. As the United States pivots East and Asia's once sleepy defense industries begin to awaken, it has quietly begun to scrutinize its technology-sharing relationships with such allies, conducting secret but robust "dialogues" to ensure that American secrets stay that way.
"We need people to have good capabilities," said Beth McCormick, the head of the Pentagon's Defense Technology Security Administration, or DTSA, in an interview in her office a few miles from the Pentagon. "But at the same time, when we provide that technology, the United States has the perspective that we want to make sure that it is used for the purpose for which we provide it." McCormick would not discuss any specific platforms on which DTSA is applying additional scrutiny, saying only that the United States is in a robust "dialogue" with Korea and must ensure that the technologies it shares, even with trusted allies, are properly safeguarded. "We really want to have an advanced dialogue with Korea because we saw the fact that Korea has definitely made it very clear that they want to have a bigger, indigenous defense industry," McCormick said. Read the rest of our story here. <>
Read below for a new series on the Asia Pivot with Randy Forbes.
Welcome to Tuesday's edition of Situation Report. Sign up for Situation Report here <> or just e-mail us at <> and we'll stick you on. And if you have a report you want teased, a piece of news, or a good tidbit, send it to us early for maximum tease, because if you see something, say something -- to Situation Report. That and please follow us @glubold on the Tweeter machine.
"We're really screwed now." That's what someone from the NSA told FP after Sen. Dianne Feinstein flipped and came out against spying on foreign leaders and called for a review: FP's Shane Harris and John Hudson, with an assist from Matthew Aid and us: "One of the National Security Agency's biggest defenders in Congress is suddenly at odds with the agency and calling for a top-to-bottom review of U.S. spy programs. And her long-time friends and allies are completely mystified by the switch. 'We're really screwed now,' one NSA official told FP. 'You know things are bad when the few friends you've got disappear without a trace in the dead of night and leave no forwarding address.'
In a pointed statement issued today, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Dianne Feinstein said she was 'totally opposed' to gathering intelligence on foreign leaders and said it was 'a big problem' if President Obama didn't know the NSA was monitoring the phone calls of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She said the United States should only be spying on foreign leaders with hostile countries, or in an emergency, and even then the president should personally approve the surveillance. It was not clear what precipitated Feinstein's condemnation of the NSA. It marks a significant reversal for a lawmaker who not only defended agency surveillance programs -- but is about to introduce a bill expected to protect some of its most controversial activities." The rest of the story here. <>
Bonus: Dennis C. Blair, Mr. Obama's first director of national intelligence to the NYT today: "in our intelligence relationship with countries like France and Germany, 90 to 95 percent of our activity is cooperative and sharing, and a small proportion is about gaining intelligence we can't obtain in other ways." And, he said, he had little patience for the complaints of foreign leaders. Blair: "If any foreign leader is talking on a cellphone or communicating on unclassified email, what the U.S. might learn is the least of their problems."
Here's the Der Spiegel story about how the NSA spied on Merkel's cell phone, one of a couple different versions of how it went down. Read it here. <>
Today at AEI, Rep. Randy Forbes announces a new "Asia series" that aims to make sure the "Asia pivot" stays on the map. The Virginia Republican will announce this morning a bipartisan effort to educate Congress and the public about the security dynamics in the Asia Pacific region and identify the budget shortfalls that threaten to undermine the "rebalancing" there. In so doing, it will force the administration's hand to put as much substance as possible behind the rebalancing to Asia. The series will include hearings, briefings and other events that for Forbes and like-minded members will bring the Pivot to the fore. Forbes, to Situation Report: "We are examining and asking the questions to make sure we actually have the capability to buttress what we need to be doing in the Asia Pacific make sure we're not just looking at the next three weeks but at the next three years... we will ask the tough questions."
Democrat Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, on the Asia series, to Situation Report: "Congress has a responsibility to take the lead in facilitating a balance between the needs of today and those that represent the future...The security, prosperity, and vital interests of the U.S. are increasingly tied to other countries, and we must seize the opportunity to cement a comprehensive plan to take on new roles and engagement throughout the Asia-Pacific."
Forbes, who sits on the HASC and chairs the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcomm, asked the White House for an "Asia Strategy Review," but the White House this month rejected the idea. In a statement to Situation Report, Forbes said that was unfortunate. Forbes: "...the White House continues to reject such a proposal and has instead allowed the rest of the U.S. Government and officials in Asian capitals to try and parse policy from a disparate collection of speeches, interviews, and articles. Announcing a rhetorical 'rebalance' to the region served to put the national security bureaucracy on notice, now the White House needs to provide clear guidance to the Congress and the rest of the Government to ensure that our military and operational planning is aligned with our diplomatic and political goals." Read the letter to Forbes from Thomas Sullivan, acting assistant secretary for leg affairs, to Forbes, here. <>
Yesterday in our rush to deadline we dropped the last name of the two-star quoted in a WSJ piece about why troops wanted to stay in Afghanistan. Of course it's Maj. Gen. Austin Scott Miller, sometimes goes by "Scotty."
Ike Skelton is dead at 81. The former Democratic Congressman from Missouri and longtime chairman of the House Armed Services Committee died Monday in Arlington, according to the NYT. <> He was remembered as a compassionate and thoughtful leader of another time, a "fierce and relentless advocate" for men and women in uniform, according to Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat from Washington.
Erin Conaton, the Pentagon's former Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, who served Skelton for nine years (part of that time as Skelton's staff director) in an e-mail to Situation Report early this morning: "Chairman Ike Skelton was the definition of a true patriot and a superb legislator. The readiness and exceptional quality of our troops was his first consideration in every decision affecting national defense. And his ability to build bipartisan consensus in support of American national security is his legacy. Many members of Congress have learned from him. And it has been the sincere privilege of many of us to serve as part of his personal and committee staffs. He will be deeply missed for his leadership, his passion for our troops, and his tremendous friendship."
Want to understand better the support Iran is giving the Assad regime? Foreign Policy obtained documents last week that shows that Iran has been "selling" shipments totaling about 4 million barrels of light crude oil over the last year to Syria at a 10 percent discount. Writing on FP, Michael Weiss: "...Documentary evidence has come to light showing that Iran -- which had previously been helping the regime in Damascus sell and ship its own sanctioned oil to international buyers -- is shipping light crude into Syria under terms that practically amount to pro bono petroleum imports. Simply put, the Iranian regime is giving its natural resources away at a time when its own people are starving thanks to debilitating international sanctions on its nuclear program... the discounted cost borne by the Assad regime... appears to be paid out of a long-term $3.6 billion line of credit for energy imports that Tehran issued Damascus a few months ago to help it counteract the economic impacts of a devastating nearly three-year civil war. In reality, however, Assad may never be able to repay this loan -- not that the Iranians likely even expect him to, given that they view his survival as inextricable from their own." Read the rest here. <>
Fahreal? Some troops turn to plastic surgeons to get liposuction to pass their PFTs. AP: "...Service members complain that the Defense Department's method of estimating body fat weeds out not just flabby physiques but bulkier, muscular builds. Fitness experts agree and have joined the calls for the military's fitness standards to be revamped. They say the Pentagon's weight tables are outdated and do not reflect that Americans are now bigger, though not necessarily less healthy. Defense officials say the test ensures troops are ready for the rigors of combat. The military does not condone surgically altering one's body to pass the test, but liposuction is not banned." The rest here. <>
We didn't forget - Today is the official pubdate of "You Are Not Forgotten," (The Story of a Lost World War II Pilot and a Twenty-First Century Soldier's Mission to Bring Him Home) by Bryan Bender, Pentagon correspondent for The Boston Globe. It's already received great reviews from the likes of The Washington Times, The Daily Beast and Army Times. Press release for the book from Doubleday here. <> Amazon link here. <>
Stimson's Russell Rumbaugh on "The Coming Cut" (the CR), here. <>
State refuses Lindsey Graham's demands on Benghazi. Daily Beast's Josh Rogin, here. <>
USIP is hosting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Thursday. All the deets here.
DIA's Mike Flynn, in an exclusive interview with DefenseOne's James Kitfield, here. <>
Maybe Saudi men shouldn't be driving. On FP, by Katelyn Fossett, here. <>
Four female Marines pass a key hurdle during enlisted infantry training. More here. <>
The Latest National Security coverage from FP Is South Korea stealing American military secrets? Ike Skelton is dead at 81; NSA on Feinstein: “We’re really screwed now;” Asia series launches; Liposuction for the troops?; and a bit more. <>
Two Cheers For America's Restraint in the Drone War <>
As few as 5K for Afghanistan?; Why do troops want to stay there?; The security descent in Iraq; Will the Pentagon’s Jedi return?; A new breed of NatSecWonk; and a bit more. <>
Germany, Brazil ask the U.N. for help re: spies; The last few minutes of Jofi Joseph’s fame; Troops in Afg cost $2.1 million a piece; How do you open up a halal sex shop?; The ‘girly hats’ story wasn’t exactly true, Marines say; and a bit more. <>
An administration split over Geneva II for Syria; The U.S. and Pakistan’s deal on drones; Gates, looking for the adults in Congress; Lawmakers on Iran negotiations: Wendy Sherman done good so far; Do not call that Navy 0-6 ‘thickset;’ and a bit more. <>
Estimated Recovery Time <>
NatSecWonk, unmasked; DOJ looking at Pentagon hopeful Jofi Joseph; “navel gazing” at the White House over Syria; Afghanistan talks may work out; Why SpongeBob isn’t welcome in Cincinnati; and a bit more. <>
Obama’s drone problem (still); 92k vets hired; Saudi spy chief steps away from the U.S.; Flournoy: sustaining Afg; Forbes wants Taiwan in RIMPAC; Remembering @NatSecWonk; and a bit more. <>
The Price of War <>
High North or High Tension? <>
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FP's Situation Report: Iraqis want attack drones; Anbar rages; Obama's war on transparency; House passes a budget; Worries about CIA's Afg plans; Why Geoff Morrell makes the big bucks; and a bit more. <hr style="border: medium none ; background-color: #999999 ! important; color: #999999; width: 60px; background-image: none; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-position: 0pt 0pt; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; display: block; height: 1px">
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<style> </style><p style="margin: 0;"> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> By Gordon Lubold with Nathaniel Sobel </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">The Iraqis want armed drones and would accept American operators in the country if that's what it takes. </b><i>Lubold's story: </i>The Iraqi government is actively seeking armed drones from the U.S. to combat al Qaeda in its increasingly violent Anbar province, and in a significant reversal, would welcome American military drone operators back into the country to target those militants on its behalf, according to people with knowledge of the matter... Iraq has long sought drones for surveillance and reconnaissance purposes and has begun to receive some from the U.S. in limited numbers. But the nature of the fight the Maliki government confronts in western Iraq is such that officials say Baghdad is looking not only for better reconnaissance and surveillance capability, but also for more robust, lethal platforms. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Iraq has been unwilling to accept American military </i></b>personnel in the country in any operational form, but the willingness to revisit that policy appears now to be shifting. A spokesman for the Iraqi Embassy declined to comment on the issue of allowing American military personnel into the country to conduct drone operations, but acknowledged that the U.S. and Iraq share a "common enemy" in al Qaeda. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>... But the Iraqis want more. </i></b>Specifically, they want armed drones, like the Predators or Reapers Washington uses to target al Qaeda fighters and other militants in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere. While selling the Iraqis such systems outright would likely be a political non-starter, at least some officials from the same government that once demanded the withdrawal of all U.S. troops have switched their tune and now want U.S. personnel to come back to Iraq to operate the unmanned aircraft if that's what it would take to obtain the capability. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>"There is more willingness to have a discussion"</i></b> about having American trainers and technicians return to the country to support and operate armed drone systems, said a senior Iraqi official, speaking anonymously due to the sensitive nature of the matter. "We are after a stronger capability," the official said. "We want attack capability." </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> ... Pentagon officials said they could not comment on the matter... A spokeswoman for the National Security Council, Bernadette Meehan, said such a proposal is not under active consideration. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Andrew Shapiro, who served as the assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs until last year</i></b>: "It's not a crazy idea, but one that would require a lot of work to make a reality," he said. "The question is could you come up with an agreement that would satisfy what the Iraqis are looking for but also address concerns on the Hill and elsewhere." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Read the rest of our story <a style="color:#000066;" href="">here.</a> </i></b> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Iraq's Anbar has become "a deadly Iraqi battleground," and the Shiite government's war against Islamists threatens to split the country. </i></b><i>The WaPo's Loveday Morris, on Page One this morning: </i>"Iraq's acting defense minister looks beleaguered, his face drawn, with deep bags below his eyes from a lack of sleep. For four months, Sadoun al-Dulaimi has been operating from Anbar, the most dangerous province for U.S. soldiers during the Iraq war and one again riven by conflict. The army has dispatched 42,000 troops here in a bid to quell al-Qaeda-inspired jihadists and hostile tribesmen, whose <a style="color:#000066;" href="">resurgence</a> is posing the biggest test for the Iraqi military and the country's Shiite-led government since the withdrawal of U.S. forces 2 1/2 years ago. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>"The battle is filled with potential pitfalls. A government failure to</i></b> regain control in Sunni-dominated Anbar would jeopardize the country's unity. But an escalated military offensive could deepen anger among the nation's Sunni minority, fanning the flames of sectarian war. The fight has proved tougher than expected. Hundreds of soldiers have died, and the military is facing mass desertions. The government says it is incapable of stemming the flow of hardened militants, who are often better equipped than Iraqi forces, across the border from Syria." </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>"Like the United States before it, the Iraqi government has been</i></b> attempting to <a style="color:#000066;" href="">recruit Sunni tribesmen</a> to help in the fight. Dulaimi, who hails from Anbar's largest tribe, spends much of his time negotiating with tribal leaders. He is also Iraq's culture minister and has a PhD in psychology, and he acknowledges that he prefers 'the academic life.' But for now, his life is consumed by the conflict. 'It's one of the sheiks,' he said, apologizing as he took a phone call on a recent evening. 'We are trying to be nice to the sheiks, because we are supposed to be fighting shoulder to shoulder.'" <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More <a style="color:#000066;" href="">here.</a> </i></b> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">Welcome to Friday's edition of Situation Report, </b>where we bid adieu to FP's own Dan Lamothe, our excellent SitRep stand-in when we were out of town and all-around stand-up guy. His last day is today and he's headed to the WaPo to start up a new military blog. Sorry to see him go and wish him luck, kinda-sorta. JK! </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> If you'd like to sign up to receive Situation Report, send us a note at <a style="color:#000066;" href=""></a> and we'll just stick you on. Like what you see? <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Te</i></b><b style="color: #333333;"><i>ll a friend. </i></b> And if you have a report you want teased, a piece of news, or a good tidbit, <b style="color: #333333;"><i>send it to us early for maximum tease, </i></b>because if you<i> see </i>something<i>, </i>we hope you'll <i>say </i>something -- to Situation Report. <i>Follow us: @glubold and @njsobe4. </i> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">Another seven U.S. military personnel arrive in Nigeria today. </b>They will join the 10 or so that are already on the ground as part of the U.S. government's "interagency" task force that is helping the Nigerian government in the search for the kidnapped school girls. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Boko Haram exploits Nigeria's slow decline, </i></b>by Reuters this hour, <a style="color:#000066;" href="">here.</a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Pentagon Presssec Rear Adm. John Kirby </i></b>briefs the press at the Pentagon today at 11:30. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">The CIA's plan to retrench in Afghanistan worries the Pentagon. </b><i>The LA Times' David Cloud: </i>"The CIA is planning to close its satellite bases in Afghanistan and pull all its personnel back to Kabul by early summer, an unexpectedly abrupt withdrawal that the U.S. military fears will deprive it of vital intelligence while thousands of American troops remain in the country, U.S. officials said. <br><b style="color: #333333;"><i>"CIA Director John Brennan</i></b> informed U.S. military commanders in March that his agency would shutter operations outside Kabul, removing CIA case officers and analysts as well as National Security Agency specialists responsible for intercepting insurgent phone calls and other communications, a rich source of daily intelligence, the officials said.<br><b style="color: #333333;"><i>"Pentagon officials</i></b> warn that the CIA drawdown after 12 years of war is coming just as insurgent attacks are normally at their peak. As a result, the CIA withdrawal has strained relations between the agency and military commanders in Kabul, the officials said. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>"...The Pentagon is</i></b> seeking to persuade the CIA to slow its withdrawal, arguing that keeping CIA and NSA operators in the field as long as possible will help prevent a surge in insurgent attacks before the end of 2014, when most U.S. troops are due to leave." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More </i></b><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i>here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>The Clapper Clampdown Continues: </i></b><b style="color: #333333;">Now, government officials can't even talk about classified information that is already public knowledge.<i> </i></b><i>The NYT's Charlie Savage: </i>"The Obama administration is clamping down on a technique that government officials have long used to join in public discussions of well-known but technically still-secret information: citing news reports based on unauthorized disclosures. A new pre-publication review policy for the Office of Director of National Intelligence says the agency's current and former employees and contractors may not cite news reports based on leaks in their speeches, opinion articles, books, term papers or other unofficial writings. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>"Such officials 'must not use sourcing that comes from</i></b> known leaks, or unauthorized disclosures of sensitive information,' it says. 'The use of such information in a publication can confirm the validity of an unauthorized disclosure and cause further harm to national security.'"<b style="color: #333333;"><i> More <a style="color:#000066;" href="">here.</a></i></b> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>CIA analysts relied on news reports of protests in Benghazi, fueling the scandal and revealing the agency's continuing struggle to accurately assess publicly available information.</i></b><b style="color: #333333;"> </b><i>TIME's Massimo Calabresi: </i>"Here's an unsolicited tip for the newly appointed head of the House of Representative's select committee on Benghazi, Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina: A smoking gun explanation for the Obama Administration's use of false talking points to describe the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack has already been found. And the culprit is not a White House adviser or State Department bureaucrat. It's the intelligence community's reliance on the media. Before Gowdy launches another eight month probe into the attack that killed four Americans, it is worth noting that there is a simple, real-world explanation hiding in plain sight. It's tucked inside the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on Benghazi, which reveals a key source of the bad intelligence that made it into Ambassador Susan Rice's famous talking points: the media incorrectly reported that before the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 there were protests outside the U.S. facilities in Benghazi when there weren't." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More </i></b><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i>here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">Syria has exposed the failings of the U.N. Security Council. </b><i>The NYT's Somini Sengupta</i>: "Since the beginning of the year, the Security Council has discussed Syria no fewer than 18 times and devoted 13 more sessions to Ukraine. That remains about the most substantive action the Council has taken to resolve the conflicts, which flourish unabated. The Council has come up with no diplomatic road maps. In the case of Syria, Russia has vetoed three resolutions in three years. The Council has been dismissed as toothless before, precisely over the right of its five permanent members to block any measure with a veto. <b style="color: #333333;"><i>But the paralysis over Syria has marked a new level of dysfunction,</i></b> experts say, and has given a fillip to those who call for a fundamental shake-up of the Council's composition and rules of engagement. It is not just that the Council has failed to halt the civil war, but that it has been unable even to deliver humanitarian supplies like food and medicine to millions of Syrians in need. Instead, Russia and its Western rivals have spent months trading blame over who is blocking aid, all the while failing to persuade their allies on the ground to open a humanitarian corridor." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More </i></b><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i>here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">State congratulates WIPO chief on his re-election, then calls for an investigation into his alleged misdeeds. </b><i>FP's Colum Lynch: </i>"The United States and other global powers on Thursday elected Francis Gurry, an Australian national, to a second six-year term as the director general of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), an influential United Nations agency charged with protecting patents around the world. Gurry might want to wait to pop the cork off the champagne bottle. The U.S. State Department is seeking to rally support for an independent investigation of Gurry, who has been dogged by numerous allegations of misconduct and mismanagement from current and former senior advisors. U.S. diplomats -- who resisted calls from Gurry's critics to postpone the election until an investigation was complete -- offered up congratulations to the Australian civil servant, while making it clear he would have to submit to an investigation. South Korea made an explicit request for an independent inquiry." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More </i></b><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i>here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">Putin arrives in Crimea for the first time since annexing it, </b>in the NYT this hour, <a style="color:#000066;" href="">here.</a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Pro-Russian separatists defy Putin.</i></b><b style="color: #333333;"> </b><i>The WaPo's </i><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><i>Simon Denyer</i></a><i>, </i><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><i>Michael Birnbaum</i></a><i> and </i><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><i>Fredrick Kunkle</i></a><i> on Page One: </i>"Pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine vowed Thursday to press ahead with a referendum on independence, defying Russian President Vladimir Putin's surprise call for Sunday's vote to be postponed. Having captured government buildings across eastern Ukraine and vehemently denounced the interim government in Kiev as fascists, the leaders of the self-styled Donetsk People's Republic argued that they would lose credibility if they canceled the vote. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>"...The decision to proceed with the vote could be seen as a rebuff to</i></b> Putin, whose call Wednesday for a postponement struck a more conciliatory tone than his previous statements on Ukraine. It remained unclear what a referendum might look like, who would participate, how fair it might be, or even in how many or which cities it would be held. But the separatists clearly felt they had little choice but to press on: Canceling the vote would leave them without even a fig leaf of popular legitimacy and deflate their movement, perhaps fatally." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More </i></b><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i>here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Check out pictures of Putin's war room in the WaPo, </i></b><i><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;">here.</b></a></i> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">House Armed Services OKs the NDAA. </b><i>Defense News' John Bennett: </i>"The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) early Thursday unanimously approved a measure that would authorize just over $600 billion in 2015 US defense spending and block plans to retire the A-10 attack plane.<br><b style="color: #333333;"><i>"After a marathon markup</i></b> session, the committee easily approved its version of the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act that includes a $495.8 billion base Pentagon budget level and $79.4 billion more for an overseas contingency operations (OCO) budget.<br><b style="color: #333333;"><i>"The bill, which also authorizes</i></b> $17.9 billion in Energy Department defense programs and $7.9 billion in mandatory defense spending, could grow even larger. That's because the OCO amount is a placeholder; senior lawmakers expect the White House will send over an exact amount for the war in Afghanistan and other needs before the bill hits the House floor, likely this spring.<br><b style="color: #333333;"><i>"The $495.4 billion</i></b> - if the final amount authorized and appropriated for the Pentagon - would be cut by around $35 billion because sequestration remains in place. That sequestration cut amount was reduced by $9 billion under December's bipartisan budget deal." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More</i></b><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i> here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>The Joint Chiefs are split over the savings from cutting the commissaries.</i></b><b style="color: #333333;"> </b><i>Stripes' Tom Philpott: </i>All seven members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff testified Tuesday on the need to slow growth in military compensation and apply dollars saved to underfunded readiness accounts for training, equipment and spare parts. But their united front for easing current budget burdens cracked over the notion of slashing savings for commissary shoppers. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>"Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos called the</i></b> proposal to cut commissary appropriations, from $1.4 billion yearly down to $400 million within three years, and the projected cut in average shopper savings from 30 percent down to 10 percent, 'a sore point for me.' 'That's a 66 percent drop in savings for my Marines. I don't like that,' Amos told the Senate Armed Services Committee. Families don't either. 'The commissary issue itself is radioactive,' Amos said." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More <a style="color:#000066;" href="">here.</a></i></b> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Read FP's Rosa Brooks' piece on the why plans for the future of the Army is awesome sauce. </i></b>The header: "The service's plan to revamp itself for the post-post-9/11 world is ambiguous and rife with contradiction. That's what makes it brilliant." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Read all that <a style="color:#000066;" href="">here.</a> </i></b> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Apropos of nothing, but BP! This is why former Pentagon pressec Geoff Morrell makes the big bucks, literally. </i></b>Morrell, now a senior exec at BP, appeared on CBS' 60 Minutes last Sunday. With the mastery he used to brand former Defense Secretary Bob Gates as what some would consider to be one of the best modern defense secretaries - an arguable point to others - Morrell was actually able to get CBS' Scott Pelley to portray the oil giant as a <i>victim</i> in the post-oil rig explosion amid the pay-out of claims to those supposedly impacted by it. Morrell exhibited the kind of outrage and anger for which he's known in what some PR types would say was a failure, yet he got the point across and made people wonder if BP really was the victim. <i>We should have run this days ago, but from</i> "Over a Barrel:" </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Morrell, on claims that have been paid out: "...</i></b>We're talking about a wireless phone company store that burned to the ground and shut down before the spill. An RV park owner that was foreclosed upon before the spill. And I love this one. A Pontiac dealer [Morrell's voice rising in typical fashion] who could no longer sell Pontiacs because GM had discontinued the line before the spill." </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Scott Pelley:</i></b> Those are all real examples and they are people who actually got a check? </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Morrell, outraged, eyes piercing: </i></b>"Those are all real examples and are, frankly not exceptions but rather emblematic of a far larger problem. There are more than a thousand claims just like them that had glaring red flags associated with them that should have been picked out by the claims administrator and instead were ultimately awarded more than $500 million." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>Read and watch <a style="color:#000066;" href="">here.</a> </i></b> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">China is making trouble in the South China Sea. </b><i>The WSJ's Brian Spegele and Vu Trong Khanh: </i>"When China parked a giant oil rig in disputed waters off Vietnam, it confirmed what Washington and regional governments have long feared: Beijing is taking a major leap in the defense of its territorial claims, testing the resolve of rattled neighbors-as well as the U.S. At the heart of the latest maneuvering for control in the South China Sea is China's most modern oil rig, deployed by a state-owned oil company off the contested Paracel Islands over the objections of Hanoi, whose coast guard has sought to obstruct the rig's work. </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;"><i>"The standoff over the rig has built over several days, bursting into open</i></b> conflict on Wednesday when Vietnamese officials said that about 80 Chinese vessels had moved into disputed areas near it and that six Vietnamese crew members had been injured in scuffles. Rear Adm. Ngo Ngoc Thu, vice commander of the Vietnamese coast guard, said Thursday that the situation at the site remains tense, with many ships still there. Officials from both countries allege its vessels have been rammed by the other. A Chinese Foreign Ministry official demanded on Thursday that Vietnam withdraw its ships." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More </i></b><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i>here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">Outside satellite experts say investigators could be looking in the wrong ocean for Flight 370. </b><i>Ari Schulman for the Atlantic: </i>"Investigators searching for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight were ebullient when they detected what sounded like signals from the plane's black boxes. This was a month ago, and it seemed just a matter of time before the plane was finally discovered. But now the search of 154 square miles of ocean floor around the signals has concluded with no trace of wreckage found. Pessimism is growing as to whether those signals actually had anything to do with Flight 370. If they didn't, the search area would return to a size of tens of thousands of square miles. Even before the black-box search turned up empty, observers had begun to raise doubts about whether searchers were looking in the right place." <b style="color: #333333;"><i>More </i></b><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i>here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> <b style="color: #333333;">What today's digital defenders must learn from cybersecurity's early thinkers. </b><i>A new report by Brookings' Richard Bejtlich: </i>"...The focus on change and speed, driving the desire to reengineer Internet technology, prompted action by the National Science and Technology Council within the Executive Office of the President. In December 2011 they released a report titled Trustworthy Cyberspace: Strategic Plan for the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Program. The document introduced the concept of "Trustworthy Cyberspace," claiming that the idea 'replaces the piecemeal approaches of the past with a set of coordinated research priorities whose promise is to 'change the game,' resulting in a trustworthy cyberspace... we need enduring cybersecurity principles that will allow us to stay secure despite changes in technologies and in the threat environment.' This document and the research effort behind it seek to 'change the game' and identify 'enduring cybersecurity principles' in order to counter the change and speed of the technology environment. However, it may not be necessary to embark upon another government or private effort to determine how to 'secure cyberspace' through technological means. The early days of computer security have much to teach modern practitioners and policymakers. An historical review of security lessons may be a cheaper and more effective way to identify and promote security measures."<i> <b style="color: #333333;">Full report </b></i><a style="color:#000066;" href=""><b style="color: #333333;"><i>here.</i></b></a> </p><br><p style="margin: 0;"> </p><br>
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Panetta divulges secrets to make cyber-security come alive
*Tonight, Panetta will tell a story about what he's called a "Cyber Pearl
Harbor" *in an effort to bring the issue front-and-center* *for the U.S.
government and the private sector -- and for his own building, in which
senior officers are still trying to figure out what DoD's cyber-security
policy should be exactly. In speaking in New York to the Business Executives
for National Security this evening, Panetta's biggest challenge is to tell a
story about an decidedly un-sexy issue
that is largely based on classified information. And Pentagon officials
struggled to get just enough information de-classified to allow him to make a
substantive speech. It's always been difficult: a White House official told
Killer Apps' John Reed that telling the story of cyber-security is an
intractable problem.
"Protecting ourselves in cyberspace is an important issue we need to talk
about, but it's exceptionally difficult to be forthcoming and reassuring when
so much of our effort is classified or sensitive," the official told John.
The last thing the government wants to do is "harm our ability to protect
ourselves by putting al of our tactics, techniques and procedures out in the
open" for the bad guys to see. [1]
*Welcome to Thursday's edition of Situation Report, *where we classify almost
anything you send us on a need-to-see basis. Follow me @glubold or hit me
anytime at [2]. Sign up for Situation Report
here: [3] or just send me an e-mail and we'll put you on
the list.
*Foreign policy may well come up tonight during the veep debate. *Joe Biden,
a former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, will seek to
expose Paul Ryan's lack of foreign policy experience in a debate moderated by
Martha Raddatz, herself a seasoned foreign affairs correspondent for ABC.
This comes the day after Republicans on the Hill pummeled administration
officials with questions about U.S. diplomatic security surrounding the
attack in Benghazi -- a potential vulnerability that Ryan, if it comes up, is
expected to exploit.
*Joe Biden thought his influence on foreign affairs would be weakened when he
entered the White House/ /*but the opposite is true, writes James Traub on
the "Biden Doctrine" on FP: "Biden has played a central role in White House
decisions on policy in Afghanistan, Russia, China, Israel, and the Arab
world, and his worldly pragmatism has helped shape a White House posture less
starry-eyed, and perhaps also less hopeful, than many had expected at the
outset of Obama's tenure." [4]
*State was "excoriated" by a House panel yesterday for failing to have the
proper amount of security *in Libya, and witnesses and lawmakers pointed to
State Department official Charlene Lamb as the person most directly
responsible for rejecting multiple requests for increased security at the
U.S. diplomatic missions there prior to the attack on Sept. 11, 2012. The
Cable's Josh Rogin reports: "During the hearing, the top regional security
officer in Libya over the summer, Eric Nordstrom, and Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, a
Utah National Guardsman who was leading a security team in Libya until
August, placed the blame squarely on Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary of
state for international programs, whom they said was the official who denied
those requests." [5]
*/New Reuters: The Yemeni chief of security at the U.S. embassy was shot dead
by a gunman on a motorcycle. /*/The killing had al Qaeda's fingerprints on
it, Reuters reported. / [6]
*Who will succeed Joe Dunford as ACMC? *Probably Lt. Gen. Jay Paxton, Jr.,
but of course we've been wrong before. The E-Ring's Kevin Baron reports that
there are other names as well: Paxton, now the commander of II Marine
Expeditionary Force at Camp Lejeune and the former J-3 on the Joint Staff, is
in the running with Lt. Gen. George Flynn, currently the J-7 on the Joint
Staff, and Lt. Gen. Robert Schmidle, the deputy commandant for aviation. Any
one of them could be chosen to succeed Gen. Joe Dunford, the sitting ACMC,
who was finally nominated yesterday to command ISAF in Afghanistan. Both
Paxton and Flynn are ground guys and Schmidle is an aviator. Traditionally
the ACMC goes to a fly-guy, but since Commandant Gen. Jim Amos is an aviator,
the Corps' No. 2 position will likely go to a ground officer. Two aviators at
the top would be a bridge too far for the tradition-bound Corps. [7]
*ISAF's chief intelligence officer will be replaced by someone who doesn't
have Afghan battlefield experience. *The Pentagon announced that the head of
ISAF's intelligence operations, Maj. Gen. Robert Ashley, Jr., will be
replaced by Maj. Gen. Gregg Potter. Potter will leave his post at the Army's
Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca, Ariz. and head to Kabul;
Ashley will leave Kabul and head to Fort Huachuca. Intel historian Matthew
Aid writes that Potter doesn't have any recent battlefield experience.
*/DoD announcement: /*/ [8]
*/Matthew Aid: /* [9]
*One of the scariest moments in history just got scarier. *Unbeknownst to the
U.S. in 1962, the Soviets had brought about 100 tactical nuclear weapons to
Cuba, including 80 nuclear-armed front cruise missiles, 12 nuclear warheads
for dual-use Luna short range rockets, and six nuclear bombs for IL-28
bombers -- and they were still there in November, long after the Cuban
missile crisis was thought to have ended. "Even with the pullout of the
strategic missiles, the tacticals would stay, and Soviet documentation
reveals the intention of training the Cubans to use them," Svetlana
Savranskaya reveals today on FP in documentation that is being published for
the first time. [10]
*"Old Iron Jaw" takes his last breath. *U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major
Basil Plumley died yesterday at a hospice in Georgia of cancer, a battle one
news report said, "he simply could not win." Plumley, of course, was
portrayed in 2002's "We Were Soldiers," which depicted one of the first
ground battles of the Vietnam War, with Mel Gibson playing Lt. Col. Hal Moore
and Sam Elliot as Plumley, based on "We Were Soldiers Once... and Young"
written by Moore and Joe Galloway.
"While I never knew CSM Plumley personally, I am terribly saddened and feel
like I lost a true mentor," wrote Kerry Patton, combat disabled veteran, in
the Examiner. "He was such a heroic man that many of us veterans aspired to
one day be like him. He pushed his troops, loved his family and believed in
America's greatness. He was the epitome of the American soldier." [11]
Spilling Over
* BBC: Syrian plane leaves Turkey after inspections.
* WaPo: Russia denounces Turkish seizure of plane.
* CNN: U.S. sends military personnel to Jordan to monitor chemical weapons. [14]
* Reuters: Oil tops $115 a barrel over Syrian tensions. [15]
The Girl Child
* Press Trust of India: UN to focus on "International Day of Girl Child." [16]
* The Guardian: Why we must debate the age of consent.
* HuffPo (blog): A day for all girls, a day for Malala. [18]
* CBC News: The Pakistani girl who is taking on the Taliban. [19]
* UPI: Yemen seizes Iranian arms slated for rebels.
* AP: French terror cell planned Syria trip. [21]
* National Review: The crying need for a bigger military. [22]
Reading Pincus
* WaPo: Romney's Syria plan is easier said than done.
The Latest National Security coverage from FP
* Panetta divulges secrets to make cyber-security come alive [24]
* Cuba Almost Became a Nuclear Power in 1962 [25]
* Never Mind about Those Jobs Cuts [26]
* Failing History [27]
* The refugee problem in Jordan is worse than you think [28]
* Don't Just 'Do Something' [29]
* The Enemy Within [30]
* Missiles Away! [31]
* Panetta argues for staying the course in Afghanistan [32]
* Rocket Science 101 [33]
FP's complete national security coverage: National Security Channel [34] |
The Best Defense [35] | The E-Ring [36] | Killer Apps [37] | See the Full
NatSec Archive [38] | Sign Up for all of FP's Newsletters [39] | Twitter [40]
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Foreign Policy Magazine | 11 Dupont Circle NW | Suite 600 | Washington | DC | 20036
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
BURISMA Energy Still active in UK Biden's, Flynn, China, MSM, DS, and more
Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Flew to China for Business dealings. Hunter Biden i part of a Energy Company in Ukraine ranking in billions with Help of China. hint hint.. BURISMA. (part of 911) don't believe me? Research for yourselves I will drop a Whole Bunch of Links in this from there you Research and Connect the Dots. Happy Hunting!!
First Link of Wikileaks 911
Hunter Biden's father, Joe Biden, traveled to Kiev on April 22, 2014, and urged the Ukraine government "... to reduce its dependence on Russia for supplies of natural gas."[27] And he discussed how the United States could help provide technical expertise for expanding domestic production of natural gas.[28] Some critics accuse the United States of maneuvering the Ukraine situation so that Western oil companies have unfettered access to shale gas of "Lublin Basin" (from "fracking") and to drill all across Ukraine. With the revelations that Hunter Biden serves on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma, many raised concerns about Hunter Biden's interests conflicting with official US government positions. The White House dismissed nepotism charges against Biden's son.[29][30] But the director of the US-Ukraine Business Council Morgan Williams pointed to an "American tradition that frowns on close family members of government working for organizations with business links to active politics". Williams stated Biden appears to have violated this unwritten principle: "... when you're trying to keep the political sector separate from the business sector, and reduce corruption, then it's not just about holding down corruption, it's also the appearance."[31] Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of loan guarantees if President Petro Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating corruption in Burisma Holdings; Shokin was fired on March 29, 2016.[32][33][34][35][36][37]
China private equity
Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, wrote: "In December 2013 Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, travels with his father aboard Air Force Two to Beijing. ... Shortly after they return to the U.S., Hunter Biden's firm receives a $1 billion private equity deal from the Chinese government. The deal was later increased to $1.5 billion.
First Link of Wikileaks 911
Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Is Invested in China’s Mass Surveillance Program Used to Monitor Uyghur Muslims
Hunter Biden's father, Joe Biden, traveled to Kiev on April 22, 2014, and urged the Ukraine government "... to reduce its dependence on Russia for supplies of natural gas."[27] And he discussed how the United States could help provide technical expertise for expanding domestic production of natural gas.[28] Some critics accuse the United States of maneuvering the Ukraine situation so that Western oil companies have unfettered access to shale gas of "Lublin Basin" (from "fracking") and to drill all across Ukraine. With the revelations that Hunter Biden serves on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma, many raised concerns about Hunter Biden's interests conflicting with official US government positions. The White House dismissed nepotism charges against Biden's son.[29][30] But the director of the US-Ukraine Business Council Morgan Williams pointed to an "American tradition that frowns on close family members of government working for organizations with business links to active politics". Williams stated Biden appears to have violated this unwritten principle: "... when you're trying to keep the political sector separate from the business sector, and reduce corruption, then it's not just about holding down corruption, it's also the appearance."[31] Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of loan guarantees if President Petro Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating corruption in Burisma Holdings; Shokin was fired on March 29, 2016.[32][33][34][35][36][37]
China private equity
Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, wrote: "In December 2013 Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, travels with his father aboard Air Force Two to Beijing. ... Shortly after they return to the U.S., Hunter Biden's firm receives a $1 billion private equity deal from the Chinese government. The deal was later increased to $1.5 billion.
Biden-China ties are a major threat to US national security
NYT Confirms Hunter Biden Bank of China Deal, Leaves Out Key Details
As vice president, Biden said Ukraine should increase gas production. Then his son got a job with a Ukrainian gas company.
Hunter Biden also issued a statement declaring that "at no time have I discussed with my father the company’s business, or my board service, including my initial decision to join the board" of the Ukrainian energy company.
Schweizer's op-ed also details Hunter Biden's alleged dealings with China, noting how the former second son accompanied his father on an official trip to Beijing in 2013 only to then have his company ink a $1 billion private equity deal with the Chinese government two weeks later.
Schweizer's op-ed also details Hunter Biden's alleged dealings with China, noting how the former second son accompanied his father on an official trip to Beijing in 2013 only to then have his company ink a $1 billion private equity deal with the Chinese government two weeks later.
and the rest you dig
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Breaking News:
Sir Richard Branson gave Bill Clinton 3 Billion Dollar Check in 2006 part of the Solar Farming in 10 islands Scheme for Child Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Human Trafficking, drug Trafficking scheme.
The Article where Richard Branson gave BC 3 billion dollars
Another Article of Richard Branson giving BC 3 billion dollars
During that time Epstein Schemes were going beserk with his home in Florida, Island Little St. James aka Orgy Island, his New York Mansion, Apartments in NY, Home in NM, Paris, London and on and on. Prince Andrews Was involved majorly n this.
I Found 2024 page unsealed court Docs on Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew,Bill Clinton, Bill Gates. Alan Dershowitz, and many more names mentioned
Jeffrey Epstein
Flight Log
Jeffrey Epstein
Black Book
Leslie Wexner, Bill Gates, and lot more big wigs, Hollywood, senators, etc. So Coming in 2016 Islands get hit with Tropical Storms Hurricane Matthew and it hit Florida too. Hurricane Irma hit Florida and Islands too. .. 2018 BC game a speech on Not Stop Tourism to the Islands Why? Pedo Farming. Disney part of this too, Disney is very very dirty. Remember the Cities & Locations I mention right now. St. Lucia, Freeport, Queens Cover, Parpart Bahamas. Main Cities to focus on right now.
June Epstein was Arrested. July 30, 2019 Nancy Pelosi & Gang go to Italy for some Type of Rituals. August 9 2019 Dora the Explorer New Movie The Lost City of Gold is released. August First Fake News Article by Yahoo claiming FBI calling Q a terrorist. Fake News. End of August Cat 5 Hurricane Dorian makes a Appearance. aka. Hurricane Dora for Short. Hits Bahamas hover in Bahamas for over 24 hours moving less than 6 miles distance. destroys the Cities August 31 2019 Ripleys Believe it or not release a Article on Lot City of Atlantis Walkway found by Bimini Bahamas. Q drop 135 Rothschild bank in Bahamas.
P.S. Odesa Midland Texas first Reported by CNN 5 dead 21 Injured
Bahamas Reported 5 dead 21 injured
Nothing a Coincidence.
Bahamas Reported 5 dead 21 injured
Nothing a Coincidence.
P.S.S.S. Bull Gates Refuses why he went to Jeffrey Epsteins Island and NM ranch!!…/bill-gates-jeffrey-epstein-loli…/…/bill-gates-jeffrey-epstein-loli…/
Ten Islands with Bill Clinton & Sir Richard Branson (Buckingham Royalty)…/shipwrecked-on-ten-islands-w…/……/shipwrecked-on-ten-islands-w…/…
Bill Clinton Speech Urges Tourism to Not Stop…/bill-clinton-urges-caribbe…/……/bill-clinton-urges-caribbe…/…
Lost City of Atlantis found by Bimini Bahama…/01/atlantis-has-been-found/…/01/atlantis-has-been-found/
Dora the Explorer: Lost City of Gold
Hurricane Matthew
Hurricane Matthew
Nancy Pelosi on Trip to Italy (Rituals)…/nancy-pelosi-travel-italy-ukrain…
Q drop 135 of
Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada…/nancy-pelosi-travel-italy-ukrain…
Q drop 135 of
Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
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