Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Insurrection Act Of 1807: 

 Im sure many of us are wondering exactly what this is. Especially many newcomers, so I wanna try to look into it a little and ease concerns, or keep the media spin from deflating you.
The Insurrection Act is a Federal Law that allows POTUS to utilize the US Military, including National Guard within the United States to suppress a perceived insurrection or rebellion. 

Under the Posse Comitatus Act, the US Military is extremely reduced in it’s capacity to
police it’s own citizens. The Insurrection Act provides a statutory exception from the Posse Comitatus Act. Meaning - the US Military can be used to police it’s own populace. 

Many pundits have argued that POTUS requires state approval to do this. This is simply not
 true as the IA1807 has been enacted many times without State request, as you can see here. 
 Futhermore the act has been used NUMEROUS times to quell riots and civil unrest. 

In screencap two, you can see the conditions required in order to declare the Insurrection Act. 
 Now read the second one again, except look at what I outlined. We all know these riots are being funded and planned. This makes it a conspiracy, and THIS is what I believe POTUS will use to declare the Act. 
 Do you remember I7 asking what conditions need be met for the Marines to work with the National Guard? Yep. This is it. Marines and NG would be able to work side by side under the Insurrection Act.
The first thing to keep an eye out for is an official proclamation from POTUS ordering the insurgents to disperse. Once he does this, the “ball is called”. He will give them a deadline, and if they fail to adhere, shit gets real - really fast.
Here is what this would mean should the Act be declared and you see military in your community. 

Dont freak - They are there to assist local law enforcement, protect life, protect property, and protect business. 
While protests are protected under the First Amendment, once IA1807 is declared, the government has the right to shut down any protest the moment it gets rowdy. 
 Ignore the talking heads. If POTUS has the evidence and belief that we are under an insurrection, HE DOES NOT NEED CONGRESSIONAL OR SENATE APPROVAL TO DECLARE THE INSURRECTION ACT. 

It. Is. Constitutional. End of story. Done. No argument.
 And do not forget the expansion of power POTUS has right now while we are under a pandemic. Quite frankly; His restraint has been remarkable. He truly has backed them into a lose/lose situation. 

Like I said when FLOTUS wore the Kek Dress: They. Are. Fooked.
(13) As you can see in these links;
This isn’t something he could just declare. He had to give states AMPLE time to seek help. He has done that. And I fully expect the hammer to drop very soon. He knows that we are on the precipice of Trump supporters taking matters into their own hands, and this will ..
do nothing to help anybody. He is going to go through with this before we reach that point. I guarantee it. He wont allow violence to kill his vote. Case and point; look how using violence has worked for Dems.

I tweeted this yesterday, as I thought it was very interesting;
To me; that came off as Wood laying out to POTUS that he is in the clear to move forward. He tagged General Flynn, and the night before -  Trump confirmed Meadows is looking into the Insurrection Act.
 What is REALLY interesting here, is that Jack Flynn retweeted that tweet of mine. 

“Learn. Our. Comms.”
 I firmly believe these were comms pointing towards what is coming. 

I know this was kinda thrown together on the fly, but I *really* feel like the Insurrection Act is about to be declared, and I wanted to try to help some of you understand what it is and how it will..
happen. Again - do not be afraid. 

The military is there to get the 6 of your LEO. This is going to be the last nail for Antifa and BLM, and it’s one of many Trump cards. This is why he has been so methodical and painfully patient in deploying it. 

Timing is everything.
Nothing will be able to derail or slow down the train that is coming. 

Enjoy the show. 🍿🍿

Love & Light, friends.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

I'll Let You Decide

The media continue to undermine the gravity of how compromised the DNC is.

They want you to believe that there are no consequences for having relations with a Chinese Spy. Or having one as your chauffeur for 20 years.

All the executed intel operatives would beg to differ.  
Don't take my word for it. Ask Reuters.

"China killed or imprisoned 18 to 20 CIA sources from 2010 to 2012, hobbling U.S. spying operations in a massive intelligence breach whose origin has not been identified."

Obama admin?  

Ask the NYTs.

"The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward."  
Business Insider for good measure.

"Chinese officials began accurately identifying spies working for the US. Chinese authorities rounded up the suspects and executed or imprisoned them before their handlers were able to determine what was going on."  
So our CIA spy operation in China was wiped out under Obama, and they conveniently have spies, literally and figuratively in bed, with DNC congressman in charge of CIA oversight?

They have spies living with a committee sitting DNC senator for over 20 years?

There are Chinese military assets working with our most regarded (liberal) institutions, to retrieve biochemical material and smuggle it back to Wuhan, the source of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Don't take my word for it, just ask the DOJ.  
CIA operative, charged 8/17/2020. Passed Top Secret intel to the PRC.

“This serious act of espionage is another example in a long string of illicit activities that the​ People's Republic of China is conducting within and against the United States,”  
Not only that, but Hilldog thinks its perfectly acceptable to leave her private server, with top secret intel, connected to IMAP, in her bathroom.

This was too easy for the Chinese. Might as well gift wrapped it laid it under their Christmas tree...  
Is it safe to say that We have a serious problem in regards to Chinese infiltration?

Why is it only democrats that are being targeted by the Chinese?

Why are the media hellbent on telling you that China has not compromised the DNC? Yet the Russia threat is real?

There are two possibilities.

A- The democrats are insanely stupid and easily manipulated/controlled, therefore easy targets for China.

B- The democrats are wittingly aiding and abetting China in advances on our intelligence and selling us out.

I'll let you decide.


Monday, December 14, 2020


THREAD: The Optimist

1. Admiral James Stockdale was a US Navy vice admiral and aviator awarded the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam War, during which he was a POW for over seven years.

2. Stockdale’s story was recalled by author Jim Collins in his book: “Good to Great.”

It is an inspiring story of mental discipline and patience in the face of uncertainty and potential death.

Lessons from Stockdale's story are relevant for us all in today's climate.

3. When asked about his coping-strategy, while in the POW camp, Stockdale said:

“I never lost faith in the end of the story, I never doubted not only that I would get out, but also that I would prevail in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life.”

4. When asked who didn't make it out of Vietnam, Stockdale replied:

“Oh, that's easy, the optimists.

They were the ones who said, 'We're going to be out by Christmas.'

..and Christmas would come, and Christmas would go.

Then they'd say, 'We're going to be out by Easter'...

5. ...and Easter would come, and Easter would go. …and then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again.

...and they died of a broken heart.”

6. Stockdale then added: “This is a very important lesson:

You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end… with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality.”

7. The lesson is that optimism lures our mind into false scenarios, forcing us into a reality that hopes good things will happen!

Optimism swings on a grief/ relief pendulum, always hoping for some future relief. This makes us weak humans.

It is time to learn from Stockdale.

8. Optimism is a response to the pressures applied to our beliefs.

Hope and expectations are the fruit of optimism, which are our enemy, because they weaken our resolve.

- Hope is the response to uncertainty.  
- Expectation is the response to desire.

9. Positivity is our true expression, as this creates a new energy.

A positive outlook embraces all experiences, knowing they can elevate our awareness and strengthen our resolve.

Optimism and positivity live within completely different realities.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

💥Big Boom💥: This makes it all make sense! Read this entire thread! Sauce linked at the end. 🇺🇸 This is how Trump wins! 🇺🇸

💥Big Boom💥: This makes it all make sense! Read this entire thread! Sauce linked at the end. 

🇺🇸 This is how Trump wins! 🇺🇸
1. The Stage - The legal effort - Make no mistake that Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood, Ted Cruz and the Texas AG are quite familiar with standing. They knew they had little to no chance of the cases being heard, and even less chance of favorable relief.
2. The BIG one - The Texas SCOTUS filing - This case was 50/50 on standing but it wouldn't have offered relief. The Justices Trump appointed had no issue dismissing the case and deferring power back to the state legislatures. The reason will become clear in just a moment.
3. The Reason - The various court filings were never meant to prevail. Their only purpose was to inform the pubic. It allowed people see the fraud. The actual filing docs allowed Anons to read and share so that people could see the problems with our elections.
4. The Fire 🔥 - MSM and the trolls continue to assist in Trump's path to victory. They only fuel the🔥 when they ignore or antagonize Republicans. Why is that a good thing? Every pissed off Republican is another call to Congress reps and senators demanding action.
5. The Clout - The calls matter! Why? Republicans know that Trump is the way to the Republican voters' hearts. When the media tried to shame Trump for overshadowing the senators in the GA rally - they basically provided incentive for every Republican to have Trumps back instead.
6. The Election Rejection - On January 6th Congress will convene to count the electoral votes. At this time the sitting VP, Mike Pence, has the ability to challenge by refusing to accept the votes from states in which he believes the vote was compromised. Which - he won't because it will be interfered by the ANTIFA disguised as Trump Supporters. Trump will use this opportunity to use the Military to confiscate all material the Ds and Rs have that are criminals. Laptops for one. 
7. The Second Vote - As directed by the US Federal constitution - a challenged election is settled by a simple majority house vote by ballot. However, the house gets one vote per state not per representative - Giving Trump the Republican majority 26-23 (or 22). Winner takes all.
8. The Appeal - Democrats will panic and immediately appeal this decision to SCOTUS. But SCOTUS having set a very clear legal precedent that the power lies with the state legislatures - will again - dismiss the case on standing.
9. The Democracy Hypocrisy - Dems and MSM will call Trumps actions unprecedented, claiming irrevocable damage to our Democracy. Except - Biden honored the EXACT same challenge attempted by Democrats in 2016. In which the house majority voted in favor of Trump.
10. Checkmate - Sauce in form of links to follow: Link 1 was written by a Harvard Government Professor who figured this out way before me (make sure to click full article to see where Trump himself outlined this plan months ago) Link 2 outlines the Dem challenge on Jan 6th 2016.

Saturday, December 12, 2020


The ex-obama employees came out of woodwork. They are programmed individuals. Already blue pilled to Destroy the USA abd its people by lies cheating stealing. Fixed Medicare For All just like Ovanacare, Raise of taxes making people go poor, Depression of Society leading to more Druggies more Crimes. Leading to more division. Over populating USA with more immigrants from ASIA, MID EAST, AFRICA, EUROPE. Nazis, Socialism, Communist, ISIS.. this just a tidbit. More evil comes woth Joe Bidens picks. Worse School education, removing GOD from USA installing Pedophiles legalizing it. Push of HAARP Killing more elderly!! Stealing our Social Security!! 👈 BUT ALL THIS WON'T HAPPEN IF WE KEEP FIGHTING FOR TRUMP. KEEP DOING YOUR BOAT RALLIES EVERY WEEKEND IN WARMER STATES!! KEEP DOING YOUR RALLIES YOUR MARCHES!! 
Pray for Trump!! We are still winning!! 


Rudy had cold flu bronchitis.. sometimes painful sometimes painful each person it affects in different ways if you already have breathing problems it will hurt it's the coronavirus not covid-19 it's a made up name for politics to put taxes vaccines another form of human genocide watch bill gates on ted from 2015. Watch bill gates interview from January 22 2017. Watch Obama interview from December 2016. Watch Obama in wuhan labs in news from 2013. Look up Nancy Pelosi trip to China from 2015. Look up all BIDENS trips to China on AF2 during 2011-2016 from Ukraine to China to Iran to North Korea. Look up CIA BIDEN ISRAEL MOSSAD. I can write you a history book.. look for it in the near future. Look up the Executive Order September 12 2018 Trump signed Foreign Interference with Elections. You really think that's the real Joe Biden?? 😂😂 watch the second debate on October 22 2020 Joes eyes change colors. Look up AI ROBOT SOPHIA on YouTube. Learn research connect the dots people. Feel free to copy paste this and share. 
Trump Got This 
The Best Is Yet To Come 
Oh yes watch STOU 2020. .Watch Trump Rally back in February 2020 at Colorado springs. Watch Trump Press Conference dates March 13-18 2020. Watch Trump speaking after All Baghdadi killed on October 27 2019 at 24 minute mark listen to what Trump Says about Computers

Newly added
As I have said time and time again the plan is set in motion. Countries were involved foreign countries were involved in this election this is only way to show the truth about fraud and election how they steal our privacy as American citizens and share it with the world. Our information is not safe our lives are not safe we are treated like cattle. That is why AOC introduced the green new deal with Greta thunberg climate change hoax and the BJ massacre of MSD high School with crisis actor David hogs to take away our guns this is the only way they will control us lock us down mask us up like tchina 1984, refer to George Orwell's book 1984. Break it down Bill Gates introducing the human depopulation vaccine. It doesn't matter what company it comes from at all it contains the same ingredients to depopulate the world by euthanizing the human beings. Making the human being submit the free will the freedoms. If you don't see this playing out then you are stupid. You must have took education during the bush Obama era of common core were they force communism and socialism upon people of America and the world. You are not rightly educated. 
Again this is a plan that is playing out it's good versus evil you must be showing the truth to wake up this is the only way to deprogram the population of the world so they can wake up to the New world order agenda at the globalist plan the great reset the Democrats are trying to push upon us along with the Republicans both sides of the party are involved. This is where race and division and cultural classification and political parties divide is in order. Don't forget the attack on religion. Try to introduce a new God the devil. President Trump is doing this the legal way voter fraud Arizona audit state audits it will be taken to court very soon time and date will not be released till the public you do not let the enemy know what you're doing. This is why there is mass panic within the world. Look at the puppets they throw out in the streets the antifa the blm the hate groups. To cause havoc and to try to hide trafficking and drug trafficking with Cindy's hate groups so they can continue with their agenda because they are scared they are caught look at all these public arrests and all the people that are dropping that left and rights everyone thinks nothing is happening but something is happening and it's happening right now to pay attention stay woke. Not like the Wolf CIA crap agenda video that they made. Are you serious this is how people stupid they are. Trump's plan to go through it the legal way so he can take back his presidency the legal way with supreme Court by the organic Constitution. You really think that's Joe Biden no it's not Joe Biden is dead so if I didn't have blonde hair on his arms not black hair games Woods looks like Joe Biden James Woods can pass for Joe Biden. James Woods has black hair on his arms not blonde hair. This is all a Hollywood prop president Trump knows what he's doing he's an actor remember and he's a businessman he is a super smart human being. Oh yeah his uncle works for nick tesla that should tell you something  .. WWG1WGA Q19 


When Snopes, Political Fact checkers are heavily pushing against the Warrant issued For BIDENS getting arrested by Ukrainian Supreme Courts. You know this story is True and Big Tech is heavily Censoring this "BIG NEWS"

Ukrainian Supreme Courts issued Warrants Rudy Giuliani helped that's why they throwing he sexually molested russian girl hoax on Rudy. :🤔

Ukraine Courts issued Arrest Warrants for Joe Biden, Hunter Biden...


YEAR (1995) ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH 132 W 138th St, New York, NY 10030. Just proved political fact checker and fake news lies.  
#theepochtimes #newsmax #oann #seanhannity #blazetv #rushlimbaugh #charliekirk #gatewaypundit #brietbartnews


Youtube video from 1995  

Raphel Warnock was 26 in 1995 when he met fidel castro "

Raphel Warnock mimicked Malcolm X before Malcolm X turned away from Elijah Cummings.

Fidel Castro & Raphel Warnock meet several occasions in NY. Because NY was Castros playground with Drugs, Money Laundering, Prostitution, Raping Seducing Minors... #treason #crimesagainsthumanity #nxvim #epsteinisland  
#socialismtakeover  #humanharvesting #organharvesting #satanicworhship #racism #whiteman #jewsplagarism  

What's Punishment for Treason?  
Military Tribunials  
Federal Executions  
Death Sentence  
Public Hangings  

January 5 2021 "PLAN" 🤔🤔🍿

Thanks 4 what huh?? :thinking::thinking::unamused:  
Fyi she's dead.... But thanks 4 what?  
We know Barbara Windsor died today 8:45 am. Part of #Windsorfamily  
Is there a Big Royal Funeral coming up? what's the comms for this a specific date? Before Inauguration? A shake to the world.. hmm..  
Looking down history Jan 5 is a significant day.. here's some historical facts for you to Ponder on..

1.**January 5, 1919** - The German Workers' Party (*Deutsche Arbeiterpartei*) was founded by Anton Drexler in Munich. [Adolf Hitler][] became member No. 7 and changed the name in April of 1920 to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (*Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei*) commonly shortened to Nazi or Nazi Party.

2.**January 5, 1919** - German Communists in Berlin led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht attempted to take over the government by seizing a number of buildings. However, ten days later, they were both assassinated by German soldiers.

3.**January 5, 1925** - Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming became the first female governor inaugurated in the U.S.

4. January **5, 1968** - Alexander Dubcek became first secretary of Czechoslovakia's Communist Party. He introduced liberal reforms known as "Communism with a human face" which resulted in Soviet Russian troops invading Prague to crack down.

5. January **5, 1972** - President Richard Nixon signed a bill approving $5.5 billion over six years to build and test the NASA space shuttle.

6. January **5, 1976** - In Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge led by [Pol Pot][] announced a new constitution which legalized the Communist government and renamed the country as Kampuchea. During the reign of Pol Pot, over 1 million persons died in "the killing fields" as he forced people out of the cities into the countryside to create an idyllic agrarian society. Educated and professional city people were especially targeted for murder and were almost completely annihilated. In January of 1979, the Pol Pot was overthrown by Cambodian rebels and Vietnamese troops.

7. Birthday - King Juan Carlos I of Spain was born in Rome on January 5, 1938. He was chosen by Francisco Franco to inherit his right-wing dictatorship and was sworn in as King on November 22, 1975, two days after Franco's death. The new King then announced his intention to mold Spain into a broadly based democratic society.

Looks as though through History on January 5 there was lots of confusion on Communism, Marxism, Satanism, Nazism, Germans, Cuba, Spain, Kings, Murders, Orwellian Society, Dictatorship, NIXON, NASA 1972...names of Adolf Hitler, Karl, Luxemburg, Francisco Franco, King Juan (dictatorship, Alex Dubcek, President Nixon, Nellie Taylor, Russia, Wyoming????

Didn't Pence Just talk about Nixon NASA 1972. Date set?  

Here's something I found  
**Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg is 98 on January 5th**  
*Jean Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano was born on January 5th 1921 in Luxembourg. He was the first child of Charlotte, who had become Grand Duchess of Luxembourg just two years earlier on the abdication of her sister, Marie-Adelaide, following political unrest. His father was Prince Felix of Bourbon Parma. Jean became Grand Duke of Luxembourg in 1964 on the abdication of his mother and ruled until 2000 when he stepped aside in favour of his eldest son, Henri. He now lives in Fischbach Castle.*

[Adolf Hitler]:  
[Pol Pot]:


ARRESTS ARE COMING.. 335 YES voted.. but wait why'd Nancy Pelosi vote when she can't vote? 🤔 She was blocked.. cause the crime she committed.. 
Yes GA Lofler & Perdue voted Yes.. but not the 4 Squad.. 
And Savannah River mentioned BIGLY in Bill?? Why? #Cadinos #CruiseLines #IndianReservations #DrugTrafficking #ChildTrafficking #SexTrafficking #HumanTrafficking #Rituals #PizzaParties #MeetingWithForeignAdversaries 
#ChinaUSAGate #Bidens #Clintons #Obamas #Bushes #Pelosis #FengFeng #ChineseSpues #Darpa #CIA #FBI #Comey #McCabe?? 

Oh it gets better #JekyllIsland is right off #SavanahRiver!! FUNDING IN NDAA FY 2021 for Savannah River $441,896,000.00 millions? 
That's lots of FUCKEN money going to these locations for the illegal activities Hidden by Plutonium Bill!! 
Read below the article. See for yourself I effin dare you!!

The White House Office of Management and Budget in a letter said US President Donald Trump has been advised to veto the revised 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Anons Breakdown of Last 4 Years (DOMINIONS CCP HACK OF CV & VOTING)

My analysis of last 4 years and 4 years more..😎🍿🍿
Enjoy the Show.. people who are SLOW. 😁😁🍿

So like we been discussing biden replaced.. now new biden controlled by trump turned himself in.. hobbles out of orthopedic office.. hunter turned himself in.. new Hunter look alike sucks ass.. dnc 2020 the 4 day marathon was just a glimpse of who the players are and the main characters replaced right.. the shows on.. we know the show ... All pieces been set in place years ago.. like September 12 2018 E.O. on foreign countries committing hacking elections.. Hawaii kicked out of USA and arrested Spying in May 2019.. the letter to nancy #SalemWitchTrials.. letter to them on D5..GHWB signature Im sorry they know everything.. RBG death 12.2018announcement after Peace in middle east signed.   The recent EO Fire who he wants in DC.. the Other EO The Ieecp to crimes internet companies committed in aiding in child trafficking prostitution drugs satanic rituals money laundering hacking election. Now ccp Involvement in Coronavirus and Election. As so called plotted by Nancy and her rest of rats with help of MSM and Tech.. Dominion servers part of CDC, avid runs the hospital ones on how much they get paid each person marked as cv case! 10 grand, 25 grand, 39 grand like what u bern saying. The china actors falling over a crisis act. No where on the world. Use the FLU/COLD BRONCHITIS SEASON as a killer season a excuse to install Socialism confuse the fuck out of people. Throw everything at everyone at once. REMEMBER ONLY THE STRONG SERVE. Everyone talking Karl Marx, Hitler, Stalin, Castro etc. The UK installed tier 1, tier 2, tier 3.. wtf is that?? The socialist aka ANTIFA & BLM Isis trained leaders from syria in 2015.. leakers all over the place.. decide whos good and bad.. Charlie Kirk left TPUSA, cause what the shill dud to Trump commie russia double headed eagle july 2019 cpac.. Trump reinstalled Military Tribunials by resigning eo from 1984.. Trump did eo on 12.21.2017 to arrest all involved in crimes against humanity, freeze assets. July 25 2019 was the day joe biden executed.causr AG BARR reinstated death sentence on that day. Elijah Cummings that day begged the world August 1st 2019 elijah house broken into.. where did thst millions go elijah n his wife got for Baltimore. October 17 2019at 2:45 am elijah executed. just like McCain Executed 8.26.2018..Comey warned Trump Mossad AJ was planning on killing Trump by his brainwashed audience with trigger word on Dallas 10.17.2019. Trump killed Abu Al-baghdadi's on 10.25.2019 on 23 minyte marker in the white house video on 10.27.2019 Trump said ISIS are internet savy but not more savy than Trump. Refer to SOPHIA on the night shiw from 2017 on youtube. The AI ROBOT. Elon Musk talking AI ROBOTS OR BRAIN SIMS. Trump affected with cv got shot Robert Trump not dead. We chatted me and him for two weeks. Now everything everyone watching is a show. Trump card ACB. Everyone in panic. AOC OMAR fighting each other. FOX exposed Kimberly Guilfoyle be exposed. FOX EXPOSED, DISNEY. TUCKER CARLSON IS SECRET TRUMP ASSET. DON'T TRASH TUCKER.  Just like rat faced Kelly Conway and family. History os not real what we learned. All rewritten. WW2 might have never happened just like the Holocaust didnt. The Democraps are the ones who are deciding what parts of history is real or fake. Just like NYT Project Lincoln or 1619 Project trying to rewrite History. KKK HAS nothing to do with ANTIFA. Socialist party built back in 1856 by a article by Karl Marx... Now coming on December 23 this year. all fun starts. Day before Thanksgiving to kick off Trumps plan Free Mike Flynn. Flynn says Q is real. The shills are coming out of woodwork in patriots lots been arrested.. flynn freed AJ/ INFOWARS scared . Jan 1 2021 I ser charges against Kamala Harris Hunter Biden. ... Well you see what happens.. everything on our side.. Facebook Twatter Youtube Google all will pay for their crimes..

Its sad how many people died. They are up in heaven. God Protect everyone 🙏🙏🙏

The Lockdowns was your taste of Martial Law the final perspective of it since we been under it since 1863. Your Freedoms will finally be installed after 2021 just be patient... PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. 

Trump about to pull a #supremecourt on the #Voterfraud since all Obama appointmented Judges went against the US CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.. Our Forefathers wrote.. 

Go watch the Debates Joe Biden & Donald Trump had on September 29, 2020 & October 22 2020.. watch the AI ROBOT JOE BIDENS EYES CHANGE COLORS. 

Go watch Hunter Bidens Porno on GTV.ORG THE CHINA CIA. 

Monday, November 23, 2020


 A remarkable announcement was made by the acting secretary of defense Christopher Miller, on Wednesday, about a reform of the positioning for the special forces that was full of reminders of President John F. Kennedy.

“Miller, a former Green Beret who took part in a secret mission in Afghanistan immediately following the 9/11 attacks, announced the new policy while at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the historic home of Army Special Forces,” John Solomon for Just the News, reported.

““I am here today to announce that I have directed the Special Operations civilian leadership to report directly to me, instead of through the current bureaucratic channels,” Miller said.

In their article, In Shake-Up, Acting SecDef Elevates Special Operations to Be ‘On Par’ with Service Branches,Richard Sisk wrote for

“Acting Defense Secretary Christoper Miller announced Wednesday that U.S. Special Operations Command will now report directly to him, putting it on par with the service branches.”

Miller had been named acting Defense Secretary recently, after the firing of Mark Esper.

Miller said the move for Special Ops comes in recognition of the nation’s increasing reliance on its covert forces.

“I have directed the special operations civilian leadership to report directly to me,” Miller said. “It will put Special Operations Command on par with the military services for the first time. This reform will immediately improve agility for the department and the command and will enable us to streamline decision flow; enhance decision-making; and more adeptly support our commanders and their superb soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.”

With the support of President Donald Trump, “We are forging the next chapter in the history of U.S. Special Operations forces and formalizing a watershed reform,” Miller added. “Right now, we start the transition to provide greater civilian oversight of and, critically, advocacy for our special operators.”

“The new policy eliminates bureaucratic layers that have existed between the Pentagon chief and the head of Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict. It also gives Special Operations Command, which is based in Tampa, Florida, a more direct line to the defense secretary.

The move is a “watershed reform,” said Miller, who described U.S. Special Operations Command as “a national treasure unparalleled in the world.”

The new move likely is pegged to the coming drawdown of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, a Pentagon official told Just the News. It also hints at current bureaucratic logjams within the Department of Defense,” Solomon reported.

Miller delivered remarks at the Special Operations Memorial Plaza during a visit to Fort Bragg, N.C. on Wednesday, join by Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

Former President John F. Kennedy was invoked at the announcement.

“Ezra Cohen-Watnick just delivered a speech regarding the move to place civilian SpecOps directly underneath the Acting Sec of Defense. Listen closely,” one poster wrote.

“The Department of Defense has started the process of formalizing what we have long known the fundamental role of US Special operations in defense of the foreign policy, and by elevating special operations forces to a level on par with Military Departments as authorized and erected by Congress. As we enact these reforms, we follow these reforms; we enact the vision of President John F. Kennedy, who predicted the rise of special operations nearly 60 years ago. He foresaw “another type of war, new in its intensity, ancient in its origin that would require a whole new kind of strategy, a wholly different kind of force, and forces which are too unconventional.

President Kennedy gave these remarks at the nuclear age opening when the Pentagon was primarily organized to plan and direct large conventional operations against superpowers, not special operations short of overt declared conflicts. The Global demands for special operations forces, then and now, have confirmed his foresight. Under President Trump’s leadership, we fully realize President Kennedy’s view of Special Operations. We should be again entering of great power competitions as we will affirm the importance of the special operations committee and then, as now I know the special operations will play a vital role and by historical reforms that we have enacted today, will give us civilian forces commemorate to the secretary’s other military departments. I am honored to serve as your service secretary,” Cohen-Watnick said.

Speculation on social media drew connection to John F. Kennedy’s National Security Action Memo 57

The news of the sweeping reform comes at the same time Miller is ordering the reduction of troops in Afghanistan, where he personally served.

“We are now bringing these conflicts to their successful and responsible conclusion under the bold leadership of President Trump,” Miller said.

NSAM 55 56 57


NSAM No. 55


June 28, 1961                                           




TO:The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
SUBJECT: Relations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
in Cold War Operations

              I wish to inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff as follows with regard
to my views of their relations to me in Cold War Operations:

        a.  I regard the Joint Chiefs of Staff as my principal military
    advisor responsible both for initiating advice to me and for res-
    ponding to requests for advice. I expect their advice to come to
    me direct and unfiltered.

        b.  The Joint Chiefs of Staff have a responsibility for the defense
    of the nation in the Cold War similar to that which they have in con-
    ventional hostilities. They should know the military and paramilitary
    forces and resources available to the Department of Defense, verify their
    readiness, report on their accuracy, and make appropriate recommen-
    dations for their expansion and improvement. I look to the Chiefs to
    contribute dynamic and imaginative leadership in contributing to the
    success of the military and paramilitary aspects of Cold War programs.

        c.  I expect the Joint Chiefs of Staff to present the military view-
    point in governmental councils in such a way as to assure that the
    military factors are clearly understood before decisions are reached.
    When only the Chairman or a single Chief is present, that officer
    must represent the Chiefs as a body, taking such preliminary and
    subsequent actions as may be necessary to assure that he does in
    fact represent the corporate judgement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    - 2 -

        d.  While I look to the Chiefs to represent the military factor with-
    out reserve or hesitation, I regard them to be more than military men
    and expect their help in fitting military requirements into the over-all
    context of any situation, recognizing that the most difficult problem in
    Government is to combine all assets in a unified, effective pattern.



[signature of John Kennedy]                      








cc:  Secretary of Defense
General Taylor

NSAM No. 56


June 28, 1961                                           




TO:The Secretary of Defense
SUBJECT: Evaluation of Paramilitary Requirements

The President has approved the following paragraph:

    "It is important that we anticipate now our possible future
    requirements in the field of unconventional warfare and
    paramilitary operations. A first step would be to inventory
    the paramilitary assests we have in the United States Armed
    Forces, consider various areas in the world where the
    implementation of our policy may require indigenous para-
    military forces, and thus arrive at a determination of the
    goals which we should set in this field. Having determined
    the assets and the possible requirements, it would then be-
    come a matter of developing a plan to meet the deficit."

The President requests that the Secretary of Defense, in coordina-
tion with the Department of State and the CIA, make such an
estimate of requirements and recommend ways and means to meet
these requirements.


McGeorge Bundy                      



cc:  Secretary of State
Director, CIA
General Maxwell D. Taylor



NSAM No. 57



June 28, 1961                                           



TO:The Secretary of State
The Secretary of Defense
The Director, CIA

The President has approved the attached recommendation:

The Special Group (5412 Committee) will perform the functions
assigned in the recommendation to the Strategic Resources



McGeorge Bundy                           



  cc:   General Maxwell D. Taylor


cc:  Mrs. Lincoln
Mr. Smith
Mr. McG. Bundy file












          1.  For the purpose of this study, a paramilitary operation is
considered to be one which by its tactics and its requirements in
military-type personnel, equipment and training approximates a con-
ventional military operation. It may be undertaken in support of an
existing government friendly to the U.S. or in support of a rebel group
seeking to overthrow a government hostile to us. The U.S. may render
assistance to such operations overtly, covertly or by a combination of
both methods. In size these operations may vary from the infiltration
of a squad of guerillas to a military operation such as the Cuban invasion.
The small operations will often fall completely within the normal capa-
bility of one agency; the large ones may affect State, Defense, CIA, USIA
and possibly other departments and agencies.

          2.  In order to conduct paramilitary operations with maximum effec-
tiveness and flexibility within the context of the Cold War, it is recommended
that current directives and procedures be modified to effect the following:

           a.  Any proposed paramilitary operation in the concept state
    will be presented to the Strategic Resources Group for initial con-
    sidertation and for approval as necessary by the President. There-
    after, the SRG will assign primary responsibility for planning, for
    interdepartment coordination and for execution to the Task Force,
    department or individual best qualified to carry forward the operation
    to success, and will indicate supporting responsibilities. Under
    this principle, the Department of Defense will normally receive
    responsibility for overt paramilitary operations. Where such an
    operation is to be wholly covert or disavowable, it may be assigned
    to CIA, provided that it is within the normal capabilities of the
    agency. Any large paramilitary operation wholly or partly covert
    which requires significant numbers of military trained personnel,
    amounts to military equipment which exceed normal CIA-controlled
    stocks and/or military experience of a kind and level peculiar to the
    Armed services is properly the primary responsibility of the
    Department of Defense with the CIA in a supporting role.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


The torment they do to kids and adults in sex acts and evil satanic killings they do lines of coke first ..think lady gaga the royals katy perry ...........the ones into sick twisted shit..  refer to AMERICAN HORROR STORY seasons  
implanting perversions in minds getting people used to it  
I think this type of shit being brought to public in usa begin in mid 1860's  
We know romans jews indians greeks europeans Egyptians africans  middle eastern asian and all other countries all did it way before god knows when 
Sick sadistic dark arts sex life sacrifices 
Refer back to history the stone gods. Especially on islands like Hawaii.. Bahamas.. Caymen to many islands to name.. you always think it was innocent? Really?  
Wars Power Money Sex Blood Rituals Sacrifices Witches Satan Spells Cannibalism Cold War Holocaust ... Its Evil..

To control humans they created cults of religions, worship buildings, leaders to write verses from messiahs ( looney human beings who were philosophers that wrote poetry)  
Than making up time as the day goes by from morning to night the numbers example 6 am morning sunrise 6 pm sunset. You really think time exists these numbers? What about days.. such as Monday - Friday and weekends?  😂😂
I laugh at all this.. I have lived died several times.. I can tell you this... After you die you going into another demension. Yes you have a soul it gets reincarnated just like you recycle paper plastic metal ..anyone with a brain knows what DE JA VU is meaning you already expiernced this in another life.  
Many artists out there have a interweaving web of a mind who connect with one another.  
I can tell you of a band named  
"CORPORATE AVENGER" They sang "Bible Is Bullshit" go youtube it.  
You read books? Get into reading!!  keep a journal or notebook take notes connect thr dots. Remember Dates its important. Everything connects. nancy Drew, RL Stine, Stephen King, Harry Potter, Nursey Rhymes, and other books. Kill a Mockingbird, Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, and others..

Now lets get into this drinking the blood of kids to keep young?? Adrenochrome... Lady Gaga. American Horror Story..  
#Pedogate #AmericanHorrorStory  
Like that crazy girl who said at AOC town hall last year.  

Now think about this....  

Who is the real threat to Society? #Netflix #Disney #Intetnet #Hollywood #MSM #TVs #phones #webpages #websites #GovernmentAgencies #States #Countries #WorldLeaders #AllAlphabetAgencies #China #Iran #UK #Europe #Italy #Spain #Israel #Vatican #Royals #islands #pizza #donut #hotdogs #pasta #Hollywood #Pedogate #Pizzagate

Even our Military..

REMEMBER GOOD & BAD in both sides of aisles...

WASH: from anything you touch  
WATCH: always watch your surroundings  
WEAR: Wear Protective Gear 2nd Amendment at most.

Refer to JFK NSAM 55 56 57  
Rid of CIA  
Elijah Muhammad implanting Islam a fake religion.👉perfect example right there!!!  
Now we go to SUPREME COURT. Than if that fails Inact Military GREEN LIGHT GO! 

Q drop 1295  

NIKOLA TESLA CREATED PHONES, WIFI.. telecommunications..  
Remember that  
He created Electricity too.  
Time Travel  
Medicine to heal all  

Saturday, November 21, 2020

JFK (RID OF CIA) Copies of NSAMs 55, 56, and 57

Appendix E

Copies of NSAMs 55, 56, and 57

Contained herein are copies of National Security Action Memorandum Numbers 5556, and 57 taken from Fletcher's own files when working in the Pentagon. As was his standard operating procedure, he xeroxed and saved copies of these for his own files at the point when he briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff on them (see page 170).

NSAM No. 55


June 28, 1961                                           




TO:The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
SUBJECT: Relations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
in Cold War Operations

              I wish to inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff as follows with regard
to my views of their relations to me in Cold War Operations:

        a.  I regard the Joint Chiefs of Staff as my principal military
    advisor responsible both for initiating advice to me and for res-
    ponding to requests for advice. I expect their advice to come to
    me direct and unfiltered.

        b.  The Joint Chiefs of Staff have a responsibility for the defense
    of the nation in the Cold War similar to that which they have in con-
    ventional hostilities. They should know the military and paramilitary
    forces and resources available to the Department of Defense, verify their
    readiness, report on their accuracy, and make appropriate recommen-
    dations for their expansion and improvement. I look to the Chiefs to
    contribute dynamic and imaginative leadership in contributing to the
    success of the military and paramilitary aspects of Cold War programs.

        c.  I expect the Joint Chiefs of Staff to present the military view-
    point in governmental councils in such a way as to assure that the
    military factors are clearly understood before decisions are reached.
    When only the Chairman or a single Chief is present, that officer
    must represent the Chiefs as a body, taking such preliminary and
    subsequent actions as may be necessary to assure that he does in
    fact represent the corporate judgement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    - 2 -

        d.  While I look to the Chiefs to represent the military factor with-
    out reserve or hesitation, I regard them to be more than military men
    and expect their help in fitting military requirements into the over-all
    context of any situation, recognizing that the most difficult problem in
    Government is to combine all assets in a unified, effective pattern.



[signature of John Kennedy]                      








cc:  Secretary of Defense
General Taylor

NSAM No. 56


June 28, 1961                                           




TO:The Secretary of Defense
SUBJECT: Evaluation of Paramilitary Requirements

The President has approved the following paragraph:

    "It is important that we anticipate now our possible future
    requirements in the field of unconventional warfare and
    paramilitary operations. A first step would be to inventory
    the paramilitary assests we have in the United States Armed
    Forces, consider various areas in the world where the
    implementation of our policy may require indigenous para-
    military forces, and thus arrive at a determination of the
    goals which we should set in this field. Having determined
    the assets and the possible requirements, it would then be-
    come a matter of developing a plan to meet the deficit."

The President requests that the Secretary of Defense, in coordina-
tion with the Department of State and the CIA, make such an
estimate of requirements and recommend ways and means to meet
these requirements.


McGeorge Bundy                      



cc:  Secretary of State
Director, CIA
General Maxwell D. Taylor



NSAM No. 57



June 28, 1961                                           




TO:The Secretary of State
The Secretary of Defense
The Director, CIA

The President has approved the attached recommendation:

The Special Group (5412 Committee) will perform the functions
assigned in the recommendation to the Strategic Resources



McGeorge Bundy                           



  cc:   General Maxwell D. Taylor


cc:  Mrs. Lincoln
Mr. Smith
Mr. McG. Bundy file












          1.  For the purpose of this study, a paramilitary operation is
considered to be one which by its tactics and its requirements in
military-type personnel, equipment and training approximates a con-
ventional military operation. It may be undertaken in support of an
existing government friendly to the U.S. or in support of a rebel group
seeking to overthrow a government hostile to us. The U.S. may render
assistance to such operations overtly, covertly or by a combination of
both methods. In size these operations may vary from the infiltration
of a squad of guerillas to a military operation such as the Cuban invasion.
The small operations will often fall completely within the normal capa-
bility of one agency; the large ones may affect State, Defense, CIA, USIA
and possibly other departments and agencies.

          2.  In order to conduct paramilitary operations with maximum effec-
tiveness and flexibility within the context of the Cold War, it is recommended
that current directives and procedures be modified to effect the following:

           a.  Any proposed paramilitary operation in the concept state
    will be presented to the Strategic Resources Group for initial con-
    sidertation and for approval as necessary by the President. There-
    after, the SRG will assign primary responsibility for planning, for
    interdepartment coordination and for execution to the Task Force,
    department or individual best qualified to carry forward the operation
    to success, and will indicate supporting responsibilities. Under
    this principle, the Department of Defense will normally receive
    responsibility for overt paramilitary operations. Where such an
    operation is to be wholly covert or disavowable, it may be assigned
    to CIA, provided that it is within the normal capabilities of the
    agency. Any large paramilitary operation wholly or partly covert
    which requires significant numbers of military trained personnel,
    amounts to military equipment which exceed normal CIA-controlled
    stocks and/or military experience of a kind and level peculiar to the
    Armed services is properly the primary responsibility of the
    Department of Defense with the CIA in a supporting role.