Thursday, May 31, 2018


Q anon: 6/11/18

Is Candace Owens A Fraud? (With A.D. BELL)



#QCipher and ROT-13 Cryptography. Ready to Help with some Serious Decoding? #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Boy, there has been a lot of talk about “13” lately.  #POTUS included: He’s been repeating the number for days now, actually: But what does 13 really refer to? Notice anything? P is 13 letters away from C. M is the 13th letter of the alphabet… ROT = Rotation. A reference to a Rotation cipher? Rotation ciphers … Read more#QCipher and ROT-13 Cryptography. Ready to Help with some Serious Decoding? #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Roseanne Exposes the “Red Legacy” of Communist-Subversive Valerie Jarrett! Now the Normies Know! #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Valerie Jarrett is in the news today, thanks to Roseanne’s tweet, which simultaneously made Leftists’ minds explode all over the nation. Her show – which, I will remind you, was the number 1 show in America – was promptly canceled because this tweet, wouldn’t you know it, is… Get ready for it… RAY-CISSSSSS!! And why … Read moreRoseanne Exposes the “Red Legacy” of Communist-Subversive Valerie Jarrett! Now the Normies Know! #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Sleepers! Open your Eyes!

This was my jam, many, many moons ago, when I was but a fresh-faced teeny-bopper. This was my favorite group growing up, and I still think it holds up reallywell. I certainly don’t cringe when I listen to it today – which is more than I think most can say about music from this same time period.
I’m highlighting it today because it really is an anthem, and speaks to why we’re here. The context for the song is obviously religious, but really, I think everyone who is here is going to get something out of it.
And while I realize this isn’t addressing Q directly – but it’s my site, so I’ll publish whatever I want =D.
This song is so HIGH ENERGY and I love it. Let’s take a look at the lyrics:

EyeTheSpy… BackChannel17 All Over Again? #BeCarefulWhoYouFollow

People keep asking what I think of @EyetheSpy (on twitter). So much so, that I thought it worth my time to just write up a quick post and go on the record. So… what do I think of him? Fake. 100% Fake. As a general rule of thumb, anyone claiming to be intel, and who … Read moreEyeTheSpy… BackChannel17 All Over Again? #BeCarefulWhoYouFollow

#HelperAnon takes us into the Multiverse! #GreatAwakening #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

#HelperAnon returned early this morning, and I hope you’re ready to follow him down the rabbit hole with me. If you’re not familiar with HelperAnon, catch up here, with these two articles first: Catching up with #QAnon. Can I Get Some Help from a Helper? Very Qonfused Edition. #NewQ #GreatAwakening #KenyaAwaits! FLOOD Inbound. HelperAnon Returns! … Read more#HelperAnon takes us into the Multiverse! #GreatAwakening #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

The Deep State’s Attempted Pressure Flip – Trump the Trafficker? #QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheCabal

The #DeepMedia #Mockingbirds are trying a new tactic. I realized this after posting this #CDAN on my Gab account ( This was my immediate response: And lo and behold! What do we have from our Deep Media friends other than screed after screed blaming Trump for this “newfound” trafficking crisis: So just to be clear: … Read moreThe Deep State’s Attempted Pressure Flip – Trump the Trafficker? #QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheCabal

Trump’s Pedo-Prisons! #FEMA Camps #QAnon #GreatAwakening

An #Anon on /pol/ dropped these images this morning. They purport to be aerial images of a very new, very large FEMA camp, built in the Arizona desert. The reason this camp ostensibly exists is to house and help anyone fleeing California in the wake of a big earthquake: Here’s what anon had to say: … Read moreTrump’s Pedo-Prisons! #FEMA Camps #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Weinstein is Signalling… #Hollywood #Pizzagate #NoCoincidences #TheCabal

I posted this #CDAN earlier this morning on my Gab – along with select comments from the page: Amazing how all these crimin… I mean, “career politicians” seem to have their own “charitable foundations.” Now, add to the mix, this: Funny how there seems to be a sudden surplus of articles on this subject: Go … Read moreWeinstein is Signalling… #Hollywood #Pizzagate #NoCoincidences #TheCabal

QConfirmations Comin’ In FAST! #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Though we love it when Q is around, he doesn’t even have to be dropping new intel for the news to just keep rolling in. In my late night lurking on the boards, I kept coming across all these #QConfirmations. I posted a few on Gab and MeWe, but I quickly came across so many, … Read moreQConfirmations Comin’ In FAST! #QAnon #GreatAwakening

The Prophetic Acts of Trump! #QAnon #GreatAwakening

One #Anon noticed this today. (And don’t worry, there’s a full-size link below): Full Size: Say what you want about this, but I don’t remember ANY other President making a point of being photographed with all different kinds of clothing articles and such, in the past. And remember, #QAnon did ask: Q has called attention … Read moreThe Prophetic Acts of Trump! #QAnon #GreatAwakening