- You ALL better be thankful. Soldiers give their lives asking nothing in return, so you all can go about your lives in ignorant bliss. Take a moment; and actually remember the sacrifices they made so you didn't have to. #MemorialDay
- I'm not the most patriotic guy, despite my job. For what it's though; you should all trust Q team and the President and SoS Pompeo too It's a good plan in motion; and for once, has all your best interests at heart I don't like to preach so i wont say it often, but it's true
- That's all for the second Q and A An hour is enough I'll do this again later at some point if I can Hope I was able to answer your burning questions. Back to work here; always watching.
- Got a question that needs answered? Go for it Ask away. Open access to (somewhat) unlimited Intel starts now: IDC what you want to know I'll answer as long as I have access to it. Second Q&A starts... Now
- Who Are You, they ask? Let me photo my f*cking I.D. Badge for you as I leak Intel SMH. I'm surrounded by Morons People are literally 95% clueless about their own f*cking military So Sad You want to know who I am? The guy wasting his time educating you while you watch Netflix.
- That's all for the first Q and A; only because I'm out of time for now. I'll do this again later people. Have a good one. Back to working away in secret; watching the numbers tick by. Trust The Plan, Fam. It's been decades in the making.
- You have Questions? Good You should Hell of a Lot of confusion about this Storm. I'll make it simple: just ask Put a Question below about anything I'll give you the Real Intel IDC what I have access to all of it You want answers? No Secret Squirrel BS here. I got you fam.
- No one hates active intel like retired intel who don't have access anymore. Laughably sad. Doesn't that oath go further than your pride? Did it retire too? Arrogant hypocrites desperate to keep their "flocks" in check. Relevant only in a storm. Lets go deep Folks Deep in The Fort
- Lolling at the trolls already starting.
You always know when you strike a nerve.... Let's see how many I can strike before the day is done.
- Backchannel17 isn't gone forever folks. The Line Was Comp'd; not hacked. M.O. needed Moved. Clowns ate the line. Bad Mad Clowns wanted to find him. Tisk tisk Jack. Don't you know we'll *Boom Boom Boom Boom* and take your money?
- Traitorous @wikileaks *cough cough* Purchased by DNC *cough cough* Held Assange Hostage *cough cough* BC17 was Legit *cough cough* Assange Will Testify *cough cough* Ahem. Sorry, some Intel got caught in my deep*throat.
- -Hi Alice- Is it time?
- Oh. And He Was In on it. Big 'O' was a Bad Apple In Bad Cart Of Bad Apples. No Wonder He Didn't want to Upset It Tisk tisk Good thing We Stepped In ( thanks old boss) or You'd all be Royally Screwed (pun intended). Don't Worry. They're All dead and they don't know it.. We Know.
- Do I? What's the NSA? No Such Agency 6-11 is a day I'd watch the news. BC17 went M.I.A.; just wanted to take their money. Their line got trashed because they poked their head out to say hello. Bad Mad Clowns Ate Their Line Up They're okay though, they left before it got bad.
- Ignore The Eye Behind The Curtain. Nothing to See Here Folks. No Such Agency Move Along.
- It's like a Game of Chess, where we control all the pieces. Trust The Plan From my (limited) perspective; Just kick back; don't do anything illegal, and enjoy the show. You can bank on Q team's info, (BC17 too; even though their line is gone now.) Life Goes On. We Keep Watching
- You Cannot Delete Data; You Cannot Erase Search Histories. Hidden Tor Networks Are Like Red Flags On Your Identity. Who do you think owns those Servers You Are Bouncing Around On? *Waves Hello* Wise Up. We Know Everything. Always.
- We See You When You're Sleeping. We Know When You're Awake. We Watch You Through Your Cameras So Be Good, For Goodness Sake.
- 6-11-2018 Important Date. 6-12-2018 END date. Flood Inbound.
- MSM: Even though they are continuously wrong on NK and many other things. They will continue to "give advice" to you and POTUS. This is to create the illusion of omnipotence where there is none. This Illusion of Knowledge is designed to entrap and subsume your critical thought.
- Rigged with Clowns In Action Marble Framework. Allowed Russian prints to be embedded on Server No Hack. Direct Transfer by S.R. MS13-HIT
- -Hello Alice-
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Archived EyetheSpy 5.27 to now
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