Sunday, November 18, 2018


As of March 2017, the U.S. debt is about $19.9 trillion and is constantly changing; it amounts to: $61,365 for every person living in the U.S. $158,326 for every household in the U.S. 106 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product
Think Obama Care also, think the apology tour, think supplying isis with money and weapons, think Mexico supplying them with money and our American Companies moving there, and much more debit.
Obama's in All Realty have no Net Worth. All that Assets they are making should be Frozen. n Fake News Media False hoods with Lies of Propaganda they are Spreading the are saying Obama's Networth is $126 Million. That is not true. Now Fake Crap News are saying The Obamas name can be worth Billions,
More Propaganda being Spread by the 44th ex president signed the Propaganda Act in 2012 claiming Fake News media is allowed to Break Amendment 1, to lie to the Public Via TV, Internet, Newspapers, Magazines and more. Remember Obama has control of your TV programs, being NetFlix is popular to Watch. They have installed sleeping with Children as the New Norm, Giving a New Agenda to the LGBTQ now Added P community, You ask why P. Well P means for Pedophiles. Pedos want it normal to sleep with Children. This i where Ruth Badger Ginsburg comes in saying Children should be consented at age 12 to have sex. Mexico is Doing this, this is why little Mexican Children Have children of their own, they follow the traits of their Muslim Ancestors. Yes Mexicans Ancestors are Muslim. Muslims marry 9 year old girls. This comes from their old person they worshiped Muhammad.
Now in Recent years Senators and Congress been proposing the youngest of kids to have consent for sex is 9.

Think to yourself IS THIS RIGHT?

Now look at California Wildfires/ aka Lasers that incinerated Cities. Starting with Paradise. Now how many are dead/missing.
Look who is involved with this.
Yesterday during the Live Video I did, We saw the Chinese Army, looked like Clones. There is technology available in China to Make Armies out of Clones.
Now think Long and hard Why are the Red Star tanks in Mexico. Those are China's?
Think long and hard Feinstein?
What Does Feinsteins husband have to do with China?
He has realty in China. What does China own in the USA?
Research it, you'll be shocked. I am giving you stuf to research people, to connect the dots.
Think Why Hack Elections?
Why Sabotage peoples lives by killing them off?
HHS death of Daniel Best one of the People Who are in stopping Big Pharma, by legalizing Marijuana.
Cartel What do they traffick to the Border and Sell here illegally? Heroine, Cocaine, Fetanyl and more drugs. To make the money.
Now Trump is making Marijuana Legal. Well Medical Marijuana to help people get healthy. Drugs will no longer to need to be bought in streets, It will Cease Big Pharma meds, which mainly are narcotics if you Ask me.
I have seen so many of my friends, their kid their families loose their lives over these drugs. From Over dosing or jut taking the drugs for health problems. If you really Want to know the Truth these Narcotics Do Not Help you One Bit!
Natural Herbs does the trick to help you get well.

Now Migrant Caravan is mainly late teens to mid thirties, Now Question isn't M-S..1.3 of that age range? Being with or without tattoos? hmmm.. very interesting this conclusion to this migrant caravan crossing coming in like a army period. The Cartel have the money to back this, and soros being involved. This is ludacris. I tell you. From all that is happening to now. this is some shit that is straight outta funky town!
Look the Migrant Caravans are Already crossing over in San Diego. Is anyone Stopping them? James Mattis flew to Texas on Wednesday to join the US Corps, in Military, army and More. Trump deployed over 15,000 plus Men and Woman to the Border. Obama running around running his mouth against President Trump. Fake News Media Starting Trouble Like Jim Acosta CNN. This is Some Shit out of some Horror Show Flick!! Night of The Living Dead!!!

P.S. California Wildfires are Cause by Lasers. Look up Athena.
Agenda 21. DEW.

Please Share and Leave me your Comment and Thoughts I wrote this from my heart!!!

Misspels are Important!!

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