Friday, December 28, 2018


UFO spotted in NYC last night 12.27.18 Right before the Transformer explosion in Queens NY at ConEd. Which caused blue lights in the sky. Think GAME OVER Reptillians. Anon decoder figured that out. Plant 117? Coincidences?? Hillary last year on Q board 10.28.17 number 1 drop?? Arrest Sunday 12.30.18 Refer back to Space Program similar to Star Wars.. Now refer back to GHWB #D5 all served?? GHWB military t. 11.30.18 CNN. going crazy?? Now refer back to 12.04.18 Brussels Mike Pompeo spoke in Brussels introduced NWO. Liberal New World Order. Child trafficking being stopped. Antartica PEDOS arrested Anartica. The man who did long 54 days all across Anartica by himself. ANARTICA WORLD OF ATLANTIS Donosayrs, Aliens, Fairies and more exist or existed... some still do.. Island off India the natives?? Diseases made by scientists?? Chemtrails? Mossad.. Israel. . 911.. attacks.. R YOU AWAKE?? Blue Shill attacks build the wall fund.. All who donated you are tracked.. you r not private no more. I warned everyone no one listen.. Watch Tania Burgess video Research Q told you. South border distraction Build the wall AMERICA NO LONGER FOR SALE Fight for God and country! ! Meme it!! We R Trump's Patriots Trump works for free You need more proof go look on Q map follow Q drops 1295, 916, 2642, 2641, 2640, 2602, 2628, JFK Jr is alive ABC covering story Jan. 3 2019 It all adds up... I'm telling you all.. Throw your other beliefs on the side open your minds.. Watch Purge movie sets, Batman The Dark Knight series, Family Guy, American Dad, Robocop, Saw, Bird Box, Robicop, Alien Movies, World War Z, and many more movies and TV shows. Government Shutdown 12.21.18.. 3 M' Macron, Merkel, May EU is panic Yellow Vests Patriots Arise ITALY CALLING for borders California did yellow vests Calling for walls 115 mile long wall executive order signed by Trump 12.25 18 Trump visited Troops in Iraq and Germany, MSM sunned lies on Trump not visiting Troops. ECONOMY IN USA US BOOMING MSM still spinning racist lies.. CNN is in panic Indictment numbers r Rising.. Lots have happened since Trump became President Clare McCaskill called Dems Crazy (not all are evil) **WATCH** Where us MW? We have dual citizenship in Congress and Senate 4 USA & ISRAEL .. why??? WATCH THE SENATE & CONGRESS 8 JW.. Court hearing Jesuit!! 2 witness Mr.Doyle & Mr.JM BACK THE BLUE!! 2 any of our officers r being killed!! Our friends, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbors, etc... End 9th Circuit in Calufirnua, Hawaii judges call senate demand them removed Call White House (202) 456-1111 Email Trump. Follow Q for real news Follow Trump on Twitter @realdonaldtrump Or @potus read real news on military news!! Use search engine Bing!! Stop donating or giving money to nobodies!! Use your money wisely!! Donate to Judicial Watch or other non charity organizations fighting for us protecting us. Get organized Rally America fight for your better country!! Protect your Amendments your rights!! 1st Amendments 2nd Amendments Get on Congress and Senate's asses CALL THEM!! 14th Amendment is not the immigrants law tell them that!! It's our laws!! These laws do not apply to non citizens Get on Congress and Senate rid of Dark Turds from USA with 22 camps.. . Martial Law will be in affect if Pres. TRUMP needs a fail safe in order to do Arrests!! PAYSUER-ROTHSCHILD ISLAND ANARTICA CHILD SACRIFICE QUEEN ENGLAND BQQM BQQM TRUMP ENDED CHILD TRAFFICKING WAR GOOD VS EVIL GOD DOES EXIST #DOITQ DROP THAT BIG BOOM Watch this video BIG #QANON DROP COMING SOROS GOOGLE TECH ELON MUSK SPACE FORCE PROG STAR WARS REAL LIFE OPEN MIND #UFO . #BLUELIGHTNYC #CONED #ELECTRIC #GOODVSEVIL #GIANTS #VAMPIRES #EGYPT #ISRAEL #MUMMY #CHIKDTRAFFICKING #BUILDTHEWALL #HUNANITY #FRANCE #EU #QUEENOFENGLAND #NEWYORK #DC #RUSSIA #CHINA #MARS #SEALEDINDICTMENTS #ATLANTISISFALLEN #CHEMTRAILS #MSM #BRAINWASH Share.. Written by me..

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