Monday, January 6, 2020

July 19/18 The Night Hollywood ANON visited /POL/ #4chan

Posted 7/19/18 22:48:16

Nope I won't say much but in the 80's I was A+ until I got blacklisted for not letting myself be turned out.

P.S. Mel Brooks, Jeff Goldblum, DDL, are all closet faggots who have Jewish handlers who are fucking pedophiles.

Also, Gene Wilder and Leonard Nimoy used to rape Sarah Michelle Gellar when she was a kid,

If anybody has any questions ask me I will drop it all right now.

Anon Responds 7/19/18 22:56:13

TV or Film? Give clues. No need to hide your power levels anymore.

When people think of hollywood they think movies. I can't drop clues since I still receive money from said films. I don't want to ruin my passive income.
ask and you shall receive.

Anon 7/19/18 22:52:57

Is Tom Cruise Gay? I always get the vibe from his acting and how he interacts with females in his movies.

lol i don't know how many actors are gay but I guarantee you 100% all the ones you see on the big screen have definitely sucked dick or taken dick or given dick to the faggots and kikes that run hollywood. Nobody can escape this from hollywood, not even the legends that are lionized by the media like Pacino, Deniro, Brando,Brooks, Sandler, Hanks.

Also Summer Redstone has dirt on most of the hollywood directors, producers, actors. Even Politicians. He's the one who Phillip Seymour Hoffman to heroin again after PSH was getting doubts about his sins. (hint:pedoshit). Everybody in tinseltown knows redstone played a HUGE part in the franklin pedo scandal. hell if you dig deeper enough there's been reports about this since the 60's.

Kevin Biggs is a protege of a British Jew with BDSM pedo fetishes.

Bob Iger, Summer Redstone, Steve Burke(and a bunch of others) are all Israeli assets.

There's about 2-3 people at the top though. Don't know who they are but the rumors in hollywood all report they have connections to the Vanguard group. (and chinese/israeli/american groups too)

Also Carlos slim at first tried to resist (((Them))) but he eventually was swayed by the power and vices (hint:necro and pedoshit too).

right now Hollywood is going nuts over the election of AMLO (HINT: AMLO IS WOKE ON THE JEWISH QUESTION AND KNOWS ABOUT THE DRUG AND PEDOSHIT) and Trump. if amlp+trump actually build the wall it would stop rape and murder of children over night.

Anon 7/19/18 22:59:14

Can you tell me about Tom Hardy?

Don't know much about him to be honest..>>179398405
O.S. puts on a air of being a renegade but in reality he's a corrupt piece of shit. He stole the idea of midnight express from some kid. basically turned him to a crackhead to steal his idea and ruin him.

Anon 7/19/18 23:00:14

mel brooks and jeff goldblum are kikes.

I know...

Tell me about
>Amanda Bynes
>Dan Schneider
>Britany Spears
>Hillary Duff
>the stuff at Disneyland

All the girls you listed have had mental breakdowns. I don't know much about any of them but I do know Duffs parents were coerced into shutting up after HD told them how some Dubai Arab introduced by a Jewish handler tried to rape her back in the late 90's. I don't know much about Disneyland but I do know Disney has paid hundreds of millions in hush money. And Dan Schneider should be castrated. He's very good at what he does.

P.S. Dan schneider use to employ a old soviet kike (who looked like a harmless grandpa) as a full time Anesthesiologist.

Anon 7/19/18 23:15:58 

Dude do you know anything about all of the crazy shit that happens on films sets in Vancouver? Vancouver BC is where they all go when they want to get away with shit they can't get away with in LA.

The provincial government, police, unions and guilds are so desperate for Hollywood $$$ that they will gladly look the other way and help them cover up. I could tell you stories....

NAH. Don't know much about Vancouver but I do know most hollywood kikes launder there money in the North East near the Canadian border. But what happens in Vancouver happens in Georgia on a way bigger scale. In the last 20 years kike+gay+niggers+ have tuned Georgia into one of the biggest states for kiddy diddling, money laundering, blackmail, etc..

Anon: 7/19/18 23:16:23

Would we know you if we saw your face or heard your name? Did you do anything for a role?



Anon 7/19/18 23:23:36

>Weinstein was just used as a sacrificial lamb.
Its more that they amplified it as much as possible to make it seem like some gave exception and exhaust everyone.


Anon 7/19/18 23:23:36

Anything about Robert Downey r? Is he actually conservative?

Also, do you know who the Crazy Days and Nights person is?

CDAN is some girl lawyer.. don't know much about her but she's legit. RDJ fell into there traps but renounced it. the only reason he hasn't been ruined is because of a NDA he signed with a big time hollywood financier which basically thought controls him so he wont drop the truth.

Anon 7/19/18 23:24:03

I'll bite.
How old are you? What do you know about Kubrick?
Are the rumors bout Spielberg true?
What about Christopher Nolan? Please tell me he's a good guy

Kubrick was ahead of his time.. died way to young.. other kikes hated him because he was considered to WASPy and EWS just cemented his downfall. look man if you want to make it as a big timer in hwood you have to do some very very evil and corrupt shit. Spielberg is definitely a connoisseur of kids.. (dig into his family. one of his cousins sued him after he popped her 13 year old cherry. covered up by the California courts though)

and Nolan U have no Idea.

Anon 7/19/18 23:26:13

Do you see any of stopping the pedo machine? Anything we everyday folks can do to help bring things to light?

growing up in the 60s i thought pedos were just weird old men. boy was i wrong. it's huge man. the only way to stop it is total revolution. if it all come out tomorrow people would be storming hollywood and executing anybody  working in the business. if it all came out the government as we know would come crashing down for being complicit.

Anon 7/19/18 23:26:26

Do you man literally or figuratively getting rammed? It's hard for me to imagine Jimmy Stewart or sam neil in that position, and not just because they're me favorite actors.


Anon 7/19/18 23:27:11

What's the deal with depp?

a hack. a wanna be "deep" artist junkie.

Anon 7/19/18 23:33:03

Who are some good guys? Where do you suggest the best place to start is on breaking all this? Yeah I figured Oliver Stone was dirty after learning he made film basically propagandizing saying shit like the presidio and Franklin scandal was " satanic panic" It was a TV movie about McMartin daycare. Believe it or not there is some weird shit about that case and it was shut the fuck down.

Know anything about this West Memphis three shit that Hollywood just fawns over? Weird shit too.

Unfortunately friend good guys don't last in hollywood. hwood operates like a mafia. in order to becomes a "made man" aka get roles you have to do a lot of bad shit. it starts off innocently with maybe drugs here and there. then maybe taking kickbacks/bribes/PmP then comes the gay and pedo shit. 4chan is the best place to break down all this to be honest. well hollywood has a lot of satanists so of course they advocated for those 3 faggots. and hwood faggots love to defend the wicked.

Anon 7/19/18 23:36:05 

>Have any stories on Ozzy Osbourne? Motley Crue? Metallica? Dave Grohl?

I wasn't involved in the music business. u do know john lennon had rumors as far back as the 70s for being a metalhead that would go on binges.

P.S. there's a reason lennon loved to spend time overseas (pedoshit)

Anon 7/19/18 23:45:24

Well, does Dan have a drug thing or was this for drugging kids?

dan takes drugs to get his dick hard and the kike doctor was used to sleep the kids obviously.

Anon 7/19/18 23:49:48 

Thanks for the insight dude, but can you post anything that could be used to show you're not just larping?

too scared and paranoid.. i'm not even typing the way i normally do.

Anon 7/19/18 23:50:01

>NAH. Don't know much about Vancouver but I do know most hollywood kikes launder there money in the North East near the Canadian border. But what happens in Vancouver happens in Georgia on a way bigger scale. In the last 20 years kike+gay+niggers+ have tuned Georgia into one of the biggest states for kiddy diddling, money laundering, blackmail, etc..

I believe the shit bout Atlanta. That explain why that camera assistant got ran over by a fucking train. everyone virtue signaling for it, and then... nothing changed. The director served like a year in jail instead of the ten he was supposed to get.

Money laundering and drug running are also huge in Vancouver. They move drugs by hiding them in the work trucks. The union in charge if transpo is 100% run by a notorious biker gang who are so open about what they're doing that they write a label all of their trucks with a code for gang.

oh yeah i know hat you're talking about back in the 80s the brother of Caro Quintero was supplying most of hollywood with high grade Colombian cocaine and heroin... also the AFO from Tijuana use to launder money through Lionsgate in the late 90s early 2000s

Anon 7/19/18 23:50:20

What do you know on connection to the Franklin scandal or Dutrouz affair?
What about the ongoing exposure of extremely high level pedophilia and ritual abuse in the UK?
Bro, what do you know of ritual abuse in Hollywood? Who is involved???

Hwood used to rent out boys from Franklin school.. that's all i know.. the UK is old news. they just relocated to the USA. Mexico. Canada. and 3rd world countries. its all a huge network man. some people use the pedoshit as blackmails while others really do enjoy fucking kids. i could spend hours talking about it but just know there is a international order of pedophiles.. look not all of them are involved in pedoshit BUT THEY ARE COMPLICIT. would you risk your life and millions of dollars to come out and expose them? some have tried and looked how they ended up.

Anon 7/19/18 23:51:05

How do you know so much?
Do people in Hollywood just openly talk about this stuff?
Do you know anyone of being killed for trying to come out against (((them)))?

I used to date around a lot.. there's a lot of open secrets in hwood. i always laugh when tabloids or celebrities come out with all tell books (they are laughing at the common faces when they do this) that don't expose shit.

and yes actors are either through crashes, heart attacks, drug overdoses, suicide, friend Red Foxx was whacked after he walked in on some dude. Idk what the dude was doing but it was enough to have Red Foxx killed.

Anon 7/19/18 23:54:27 

Did Winona Ryder turn things around? She seemed pretty based on stage after the brainlet was screaming about Trump when Stranger Things won an award.
Is Michael Keaton legit? Robert Redford? Warren Beatty?
What the hell is truly wrong with Sean Penn?

don't know much about any of them. there's a bunch of rumors of course. the one that really stuck to me was beatty. I always wondered why beatty loved to hire Filipino boys as house cleaners. sean penn lost it after his brother died. never been the same.

Anon 7/18/19 23:57:33

No Surprise Dan needs chemical assistance with his dick.
Whats one celebrity we'd never guess who's been diddled.

the ROCK prostitutes himself for roles!!

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