List of Pros and Cons between Joe Biden Presidency and President Donald J Trump second term. P.S. this all fact checked. Research it.

1. Let's see Bernie Said no more College turion right? Or the ones that owe money will pay no more?

1. Covid19 hit what President Trump do? He removed all the debts people owe for College turion.

2. Let's see Bernie Bolshevik Sanders, Kamala Blow Harris, Warren "Pocahontas", Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden, the other Candidiates not even worth mentioning all promoting Universal Healthcare for all. Meaning killing Private Sector of Insurance. Bringing Back Obamacare 2.0 more higher priced forcing all AMERICANS to get it. 

2. Well President Trump just recently killed Obamacare. Trump Administration has a back up plan which is way more affordable, and anyone and everyone who's on Medicare or Medicad would receive better quality health insurance than they were on OBAMACARE. This is where the Democrats and MSM play with your minds thinking oh Obamacare is gone you are no longer covered! They are wrong. Trump Administration been on top of this past few years now. Plan was set into motion and it happened. Wait for the end result of this in a few days!!

3. Joe Biden who don't know what office he running for Promotes Build Back Better Jobs and Economy?? See what you don't know is Biden plans to use Bolshevik Bernie's Socialist Plan which is stolen from FDR'S plan Second Bill of Rights that we always been under. Just repromoting it while these Jackasses Democraps lie to you. Dud you see how Pocahontas, Kamel Toe, Bolshevik Bernie, Corey Booker all lost and or folded? What happened to Andrew Yang's promise to AMERICANS $1000 a month, oh yeah don't forget Pete Buttplug they had him up in the DNC20 last week for Joe Bidens nomination.
Well the economy that Biden wants to build is sell your jobs back to China and let China control you. Too tired to talk more talking points on this but you mostly get it on the Socialist Plan they have for America under Biden as President (NEVER) 

3. President Trump last 3 years brought jobs back from overseas and Mexico. China number #1. Remember Obama tripping saying Trump needed a "Magic Wand" Bam Kabam Shazam it happened! JOBS all came crawling back know why? Trump cut all regulation, made new laws, Trump lowered Taxes. Trump removed the punishing laws 44 put in small businesses.Trump has now brought back medicine and medical supplies to be made in USA again. Remember Obama apology world Tour. Or Biden's dealing with China? Or Diane Feinstein? Or Nancy Pelosi? What about Bill Clinton too!! Well Trump beat them and it's all back in USA. What the D party and China do to Trump's Economy? What did Trump say in WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM 2018 & 2020?
What happened at Event 201? What did Bill Gates say January 22, 2017 on Ted? What did Obama say in interview December 2016? What plagued the World 2020.. CV19 (fake) the whole world shutdown. But our Economy didn't yes some stores shutdown cause lockdown. But people needed to shop food, doctors, cars, mechanics, car dealers, banks, farms, stores, grocery, hospitals, doctors, factories, manufacturing, delivery, trucks, trains, cargo, ships, planes, pharmacies, and much more these are all an essential to the Economy. If you are part of these people. Pat yourselves on the back you are HEROES!! What Trump do yo save Americans and Jobs created STIMULUS abd cares protection acts. But lots of companies who didn't need it took advantage of it. It's the criminals. 

4. Bolshevik Bernie Promotes Socialist Warriors Racism, ANTIFA, SJWS, BLM'S, NAZI, ISIS, KKK, and more hate Groups. Trying to rebuild a better AMERICA with these Terrorist groups. Joe Biden following Bernie's Plan. because in January Bernie Bros said in Interview with Project Vertias "Cities Will Burn" look what happened after Economy was picking up after COVID19 hit AMERICA. They started race wars. "Honestly we go through this every year" We shouldn't be going through this. Democraps abd MSM Promotes this as normal! NO ITS NOT!! Wake the fk up!!
Well "CGI" sloppy act of fake Actors of George Flyods *still alive* created this Race war. Just like if you remember Ferguson. Well it's worse than FERGUSON 100's Innocents already died by these Terrorist monsters, businesses destroyed, people hurt. You DEMOCRATIC Mayors or Governor's not doing nothing to stop it!! Except firing police refunding the police this is all what Socialist countries and states do!!
STEP UP AMERICA. Oh btw they are installing Pedophiles in your communities, cities, states, country. Ssshhh no one supposed to know!! 


4. PRESIDENT TRUMP has offered Mayors and Governor's help. But yet they still refuse it. What ever is left of the Police in those states still stand up Protect the citizens. Trump counter lot of this by installing new laws 10 year jail time for removing statues. Trump said they will go to jail like the dogs they are. They are dogs barking in the streets, causing chaos rioting looting. These are our Terrorists within our own country. Socialist is a enemy not your friend. Remember that people. Trump fighting so hard against this. Than fake news media have the nerve to ask Trump about Qanon Conspiracy not once, twice but 3 fucken times. Well us Knowing Trump he will not Answer that. 

5. Joe Biden as VP for Obama 8 years they birthed ISIS created wars, killed 150 million world wide. Don't believe me fucken research it! Don't play stupid! Child Trafficking, Christians, Catholics, Muslims non ISIS Arabs, Africans, Mexicans, Haiti, Australia, Europe, Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians, all over the fucken world!!! BENGHAZI, URANIUM 1, EPSTEIN ISLAND ... Used Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Epsteins Islands, the 10 Island chain tondo Dirty shit, Obama n Joe sold USA to China. Our lives were controlled by the fucken commie China. (War is inevitable) China controlled us! Good, medical, medicine, jobs, INTERNET, lives, cars, homes, who lives who dies. Who's bodies get harvested. What families split. What kids they wanted to take through DCFS, CPS, You guys are sitting there saying oh she is crazy. No guess what do your dam research on this All of it! It happened under Obama Presidency with help of Biden, Clinton's, Hollywood, Sports like NBA number 1. The Democraps!!! I would say more but you guys get the PICTURE. 

5. President Trump as soon as he became President e started arresting all the pedophiles. Then he started firing all the Obama leftovers in DC. then he asked for the investigation on a trump Administration to prove that Obama and Hillary Clinton spy on President Trump's campaign and family and ruin their lives by this fake Russia hoax Gates. well President Trump has done so much for this country and he has one on so many things in court. President Trump has changed all Obama's bills and laws. President Trump has declared National emergencies to be able to fix a lot of stuff that the Democrats will not agree on. Many laws have passed under the Trump Administration. America has become better under Trump than it was under Obama.well like I said all pedophiles been arrested. Harvey Weinstein. Jeffrey Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell. At the Hollywood awards good actors have been stepping up against the bad actors by making truthful jokes. Everything has been putting itself on display within the last three years and it is happening fast. Trump has been after trying out since he became president. Trump brought back jobs from China. Just brought back medicine and medical supplies from China to be made in the USA. Everything is being made in the USA now. No more China. Trump's economy is on the rise..

6. Joe Biden declares to raise your taxes by the Trillions and Force Green New Deal upon you. Killing USA'S Natural Energy. Do you remember Obama's green plan. This is Obama's green plan 2.0. AOC introduced his plan like I said it was Obama's 2.0 green new plan. Paris Accord was installed on us under Obama. Using NATO. Using NAFTA against us. Installing so many so much taxes en-us charging lost finding us. Charging us for not having Obamacare every tax season. stealing our taxes. Stealing our wages. Cutting our full-time jobs to a part-time jobs. All because of the Paris Accord. And Obama's climate change. Remember Obama was under the control of George Soros and Joe Biden is a prodigy of Obama.

6. Under PRESIDENT TRUMP he cut TPP deal first day in office. Took USA out of the Paris Accord. Made natal pay up their dues. Got rid of the NAFTA deal and replaced it with USMCA Act. PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS FIX THE WATER, ENVIRONMENT, THE LAND, SAVE THE ANIMALS, FIX THE AIR, FIX THE OCEANS, CLEANED OUR USA. President Trump has cleaned up the oceans. President Trump has made right to try. President Trump has introduced hydroxychloroquine it is the cure for everything. Do I dare to say it it is a cure for cancer? President Trump has been hard on China because China has been hard on a USA. Now China wants to try to take over Taiwan over there tech. You remember the court date was Sundar pichai about Google on December 2018? or do you remember the Google office in China in December 2018 caught on fire? What about the recent Google court date of 2020? Or Amazon? Facebook? Or a few other places?
you remember the court date with Kevin clinesmith the first Durham drop? Do you remember how Trump won last year on the Russia hoax? Do you remember how Trump got acquitted? Remember things had to go in order so everything can be legit.I can write you guys a novel on everything Trump has done which I'm pretty sure I basically have within the last three for five years on this Facebook page of mine I mean if you dig deep he will find a lot of long post like this. It's all comes from the heart. Remember two years ago on October 3rd 2018 we got that National Emergency text but it was emergency test. So what do you think is coming October 3rd 2020 another one? Future Proves Past. And what about the stupid MSN continuously attacking President Trump on the qanon conspiracy. But the black lives matter movement in Chicago use the qanon conspiracy for their own advantage. And last year Yahoo wrote an article saying FBI considers the letter Q to be a terrorist. What about Nancy Pelosi wrap-up smear campaign it explains it all right there. I suggest you guys to start researching everything that I've stated in this posts because everything I have said it is legit. I needed to get these thoughts off of my brain this is why I write these posts. So Trump said was Steve Hilton I don't want to set the world on fire? Ask yourselves that why would Trump say that? we all know Trump does not reveal his plan it's a secret. He is not Obama. The Democrats expect Trump to be Obama to reveal all his plans to the public to get the Allies to counter react with us to get us killed in war. Remember the Democrats want to defer the military. President Trump funds the military.
Go back to the prologue of President Trump on taxes. President Trump has cut our taxes. President Trump wants to cut the Federal taxes from people's paychecks. And he wants to do this as a permanent. The Democrats don't like President Trump's plan. Cuz President Trump ended Federal Reserve. Go watch the video March 15th 2020 T rump made that statement.
This is why I promote buy silver buy gold. the Federal Reserve is done. Currency will change. The IRS is done. Go watch the video of Ted Cruz from February 2020 when he said let's end the IRS.
Oh yeah the pros and cons of the voter mail-in fraud the last let's go back last 20 years of presidencies or longer 30 or 40 years have been all rigged elections. I'm telling you this now I have never voted till 2016 because I know about rigged elections. Voter mail is voter fraud I can guarantee you that. My grandma died October 2012, I buried her. My Grandpa died December 1995 I buried him then. my grandparents voted for Hillary Clinton on November of 2016. Two days after the election I got both of their voter registration cards in the mail. Cheating elections by dead people voting? President Trump has not attacked mail boxes. Even the "mail people" say that themselves. Check news articles that are all over the internet. but during the Democratic con convention the dark Four day series of attacks against Americans and President Trump they blamed President Trump for running around in the station wagon killing all the mailboxes around the United States. What a f****** joke. And they will not come to DC and vote 4 the bills they refuse!!
so you see for yourself during this long as f****** post I made the cons and pros of everything between the Democrats and Republicans will remember this is not an R vs t. This is us Americans versus them and President Trump is on our side.
Vote Trump 2020 on November 3 2020 and Red all the way down the ticket! Save AMERICA from Socialism!! 

Well basically this sums up all Joe Bidens presidental plan for 2021. Verses PRESIDENT TRUMPS next 4 years in office. Maybe longer?? 

To be continued.

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