Tuesday, March 2, 2021


January 1st 2021 Donald J Trump was inaugurated as President of the restored Republic. January 18th 2021 US military began sweeping arrest of Congress for the next two days after the January 20th inauguration. the military gathered over 200 people from various state governments and took them for a helicopter ride making them to confess about the crimes of treason in regard to foreign interference including the Chinese Communist Party in the 2020 election. Biden, who was president of the bankrupt us Incorporated was said to have made a deal with China for $4 billion trade off that allowed the Chinese Communist party to test their new weather haarp Warfare machine on Texas. Last week a military until contact reported that Texas was targeted with weather Warfare of the polar vortex ice storms because Texas has the most Zim z lm holders. followed by Florida then California and because Texas was likely to be the seat of the new restored republic federal government in Houston and or Austin Texas area. On Monday February 15th lights were again out at the White House they were reports of gunfire witnesses reported that they were using a vast amount of tunnels under the White House to move prisoners. on the same one day 15th of February and early morning hours at least five to six police cars were loaded up from the White House left returned five or six times on Thursday 18th of February at 3:00 a.m. eastern time does is in military attorney jags that's Judge advocate General that does the military court system arrived at the White House. 20,000 troops had been sworn in as US Marshals at least half of the Congress were in the process of being arrested a convoy or buses arrived at Capitol Mt groups of what appeared to be jagged lawyers and then we're filled with what appeared to be prisoners. On Tuesday evening 23rd of February thousands of rounds were heard fired around cap the Capitol Hill. it was rumored that over 200,000 Chinese CCP troops going underground tunnels and bases around Washington DC and said they've been there for months. The US military was cleaning them out on the same Tuesday. Just because they were deputized for DC They were sent to the states for Gangs and Human Traffickers. They out rank the own towns police cheifs. Local police will not do it. 

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