Monday, August 16, 2021


JUST IN - Inflation in Germany picks up significantly, rising by 3.8 percent year-on-year and exceeding the three-percent mark for the first time since 2008.  
Let me add to this China same shit happening.  
France Macaroon Military turning against him. He about to be removed. Remember Trump went to France 11/11/2018 and spoke there. It sparked the #yellowvest movement? Than it went worldwide. Now look at the G20 summit two years ago Trump told world leaders people in each country need Freedom from the tyrannical government that they have. Look at the course of events two years later. Like a #dominoeffect. Pompeo talked in Brussel Germany about #lieo a new world order where gold backs the dollar and metals. You a silver or gold coin collector? Hold on to that. That's was done 12/04/2018. Next day D5 they buried the keeper of Fed Reserve. Than Hillary and Gang got the yellow cards saying GAME OVER. Than in 2019 was the year of the cleanup of every bad actor. All replaced with doubles, clones, or other actors. This is when CGI went into effect. Remember the satellite crash of Corona, snow-white, big bird in August 2018? The executive order of 09/12/2018 the hacking of us elections by foreign countries. Again the domino effects. Look at the audits being released to public every state's doing it. Well almost every state. But MSM keeping quiet just causing confusion and hate. Now Trump knew of event 201 he used this covid-19 scam of the left which still had their hands in China. The left found out Trump knew of this and started panicking. Trump did tell the Vaccine companies to hurry up with the vaccines and remember the military was handing them out right? So they were switched by the military into PLACEBO shots. (You want proof do your FuCken research, I'm just here to guide you.) Masks it been revealed do nothing for you that's why Trump said wear your own material scarfs bandanas etc. Masks especially those china made medical ones kill you. You saw the photo of the little atom like insects they put in them.  Trump has upper hand in this covid-19 flu cold Ponzi scam of the left. "EXPOSURE" of the tunnels, trafficking, aliens, and more. Even Fox News talks of Aliens so does the US SPACE FORCE. NASA confirms UFO. But that's about it. Even pentagon released videos. Trump had to make sacrifices of our economy. Wait don't hate him so he can use 12/21/2017 e.o. to freeze the last assets of everyone!! Oh trust me Trump has all the gold and money. How you think we are getting #stimuluschecks think about it? We are not in debt. Never were. Obama lied. All your student loans should be forgiven. Because so many Americans in USA and so much work to he done lot of you didn't get your income taxes yet. But you will be patient. July still not over yet. Trump took over 5G in 2019 stop believing Alex Jones saying 5G is bad for you. Trump had the Heauii spy girl arrested in Canada. She works for CCP. Than Trump tweeted about 5G is safe in 2019. Doj sued for right of 5G. Than Elon Musk rebuilt the 5G made it safer for humans. Trump wrote 3-5 executive orders on 5G and internet. Look it up from 2019-2020. Trump mentioned quantum and he talked about the government website. Quantum watermark was used in all paper ballots. Just like your currency has the mark. Watch The Water many meanings. Military has taken over the weather modification and  less people died because the floodings etc. The fires WW are of deep state. MSM not covering the floods or other disasters. We The People are free lance journalist everyone is we got cell phones photos and videos speak a 1000 words. We been covering this fucked up upside down weather. Now quit believing you going to catch something from vaccinated people nothing will happen. Now look at the stock markets. It's crashing world wide. We going back to 2008 inflation. But it's temporary. Trump mentioned 1950s prices in his speeches several times. Remember the reporter who asked Trump about QANON and how democrats and rhinos drink baby blood from trafficking kids.  Joe Biden repeated that dominio effect.  
So Macaroon will be taken out by the military a dominio effect here on USA. It's coming or Biden will resign or be impeached. Nancy clock is ticking she about to be removed. Rumors are going around another election for Trump. Even though he still the president remember MSM claimed Obama shadow President? Well that's what Trump's doing. Domino effect again  
Here's another one Trump's pulling the Hillary Clinton 2016 election. Now look to the lawsuit Trump doing to social media to expose everything. The MSM will be forced to talk about it. All the corruption will be exposed on how Facebook helped with human genocide by vaccines by paying dominion Votes!! ng to cheat the election involving foreign countries. Payback is a bitch Germany China Italy and others. Now look at the Pedophile cannibalism is being exposed in the Vatican. And yet lots of you think Nothing is happening. Oh yes September 17 2020 Israel and many other countries signed Peace treaty right. That was to replace the peace treaty Israel signed with Clinton in 1994. Than Bibi and Clinton destroyed the Peace treaty in 1999. As punishment Bibi had to step down as Pm. Someone new took his spot. Something with Iran Trump got rid of nuke deal. And Iran got a new leader. Again prism dominio effect. Not everything is what it seems.



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