connecting the dots.
who is Lori Garver?
Garver was the lead civil space advisor for Obama's 2008 presidential Campaign and lead the review team for NASA during the post-election transition. prior to that she worked for NASA from 1996-2001, first as a special assistant to the NASA administrator and senior policy analyst for the Office of Policy and Plans, and then as the Associate Administrator for the Office of Policy and Plans.
(Now you ask why is that mentioned.. who cares right?? ... think about it within those positions held in prior years it shows plans how to send missiles to outer space. to blow up aliens, planets, meteorites right??)) now skip forward she was appointed by Obama on May 24, 2008 to be Former Deputy Admin. for NASA. than was confirmed by Senate on July 15, 2009.
now skip forward a year, all countries are infiltrated with spies. 2010 we had 2 Russian spies seeking to buy Uranium 1 from USA. they did bribery schemes to Farmers, and farmers were not selling off their lands. so GNU informant got involved. oh if you thinking what farms?? Think (Bundy Ranch yr 2010) and every other ranch in that areas in Oregon and Utah. now this FBI informant told President Obama at that time and informed Sec. of State HRC of this.. Hillary & OBAMA being the criminals they are looked into this deal and sent Bill to Russia to do a speech for half million.. before he went to do speech.. Giustra and Bill Clinton were in bed together (metamorphic phrases) Giustra and Ian Telfer put money in CF foubfayuon to buy Uranium 1. to sell to a company in Russia called #Rosatom a nuclear giant in Russia founded in 12/1/07. CEO Alexey Likhachev.. so the uranium 1 deal happened on Janurary 2013. can't confirm the date. but Obama needed Distraction. for crimes just commited by Him and Hillary. [[insert Country KAZAKHSTAN got the uranium 1 through RUSSIA part of IRAN nuke deal. sane year. what a Coincidence Right?? this was SALE OF #AMERICA]]
So distraction happened by confirmed NASA admin director Lori Garber she sent a missile in outer space to target Large Meteorite!! it targeted Chelyabinsk Russia on Feb 14 2013. effected 6 or more cities, over 1500 people were injured. #Fema stepped in played a big role and #RedCross, think about it all those people sought medical attention etc.. but Clinton's had darker plans and $$$ big $$$ was involved in black markets.. body parts, organs, children sex slaves, adoption etc.. Why you think Americans r not allowed to Adopt in Russia????? #BQQM there's your answer. Clinton's and all evil mothereffers ruined it for us. so now skip forward #IranNukeDealhappened, #Benghazi, #Uranium1, #CF, and other crimes... in week of June 7 2018 l. 4 deaths happened SUICIDES or #Clintonbodycount KS 55, AB 61, Princess 33, and 20 year old. Map coordinates pointed to Chelyabinsk, Russia. now #research. I proved all my facts in video on this This is a #bigcrime committed by Clinton's, Obama and everyone else involved. ps Lori Garver resigned from NASA in September 2013!! #arrestlorigarver
So now Hillary was set to run for president with guaranteed win.. right?? to cover all crimes committed under rug.. no Donald Trump was appointed by military to run for president. Hillary panicked they needed distraction!! They created the #FISASCANDAL and blamed #RUSSIA for interfering with the election it was all a set up. and big names play into this long list.
JC_BC_LP_RR_RM_MZ_JD_CNN_NBC_DISNEY_PS_LL_JM_OB_HRC_PODESTA_EPSTEIN_WEINER_JA_PIZZAGATE_HUMA_OPMOCKINGBIRD_GS_CANADA_and many more names and countries.. remember Obama hated Israel?? but defended ISIS.. Cia played big part in creation of Islam a made up religion to cause conflict in religion in the Whole World. Sick pedos that should never existed married 40 wives and had 100s of children over populated the world, this caused conflict. and big $$$$ played into this. this why Obama caused conflict in Syria to try to take out Bashir Al-Assad Syria leader to build a bank in Syria so Israel Rothschild can own the land. this why 41 President Bush said #NWO. It's been going on for years down all the history line. I can write a book on this. I'm just explaining to you in my writings in a mini book. it started long ago. but I won't go back that far. Jose Rafeal Carrera President of Guatemala was killed on April 14, 1865 for creating a free country. on April 15, 1865 (next day after Carreras death) Abe Lincoln 16th President of USA was killed for creating freedom of slavery. you see the connections here? now skip forward Prescott Bush created Hitler Nazi revolution to kill off all the Jews. holocaust. skip forward. Iraq war destroy the Christian country. create Islam, Isis. kill off Assyrians people (Christians) who owned Iraq once upon a time. till sold off the Muslims. fken assholes!!

WE got lotta good actors in this. but we need to weed out the bad actor's. that's why I wrote This
written by me
they are scared
4 deaths 55, 61, 33, 20 --Map Coordinates to Chelyabinsk Russia = Feb 13, 2013 Meteorite Crashes and injures over 1500 people. Fema. Uranium 1 deal happened on Jan 2013 FBI informant notified Hillary and Obama of this back in 2010. Russia trying to Bribe Finally Russia Succeed with Help of Guistera and Iran and Khastkhan country played bug roles in this Now you ask How I know this.. Well research helps. Lori Garver BUT LORI GARVER LEFT NASA IN SEPT 2013!!! HOW ODD?? IRAN NUKE DEAL TIES INTO URANIUM 1 DEAL RESEARCH THIS!!
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