Tuesday, July 28, 2020


The Prestige Cloning Machine built by Nikola Tesla in 1930. Was very popular. Marilyn Monroe Clone Died. JFK Clone Died. Malcolm X clone died. MLK clone died. Joan Rivers Clone died. JFK Jr Clone Died. Nikola Tesla had contact with Extra Terrestrials from other planets he got info from them, have them info. Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and bunch of other countries knew about this. So did USA. So did the dirty players Royals, Rothschild's, Bush, abd soon. Hitler used Aliens to his advantage. Germany used Aliens for their advantages to create the CERN. In payment for Aliens they feed them Jews. Think the Holocaust. Than Aliens wanted something else they like the taste of human blood they wanted more fresh blood it was sacrifices of Children. But again this been going on 1000's of years maybe even longer. The first species on earth were organisms, fish, plants. Aliens put alien like Lizards on planet Earth. God intervined created first humans Adam and Eve garden of Eden in IRAQ. Well hundreds of years progressed human civilization multiplied to millions all by one parents doing fucked sibling, cousin fucked cousin. Some were sinners. Black man was created by the sinners sent to Africa for punishment. And with barely any food they began to feast on other humans cannibals came along. Well years progressed religions were created by prophets.countries got leaders, King's and queens but were controlled by the demons of the underworld.half man half goat existed even half man half horse or the mermaids. We can go down a list lot of these fairy creatures existed. Some are extinct. Like certain animals like DoDo bird. Or at least they say it is. The giant humans were real. Look at all buried history or discoveries they had down last few hundreds of years. Natives were not first here in USA, it was the Vikings history lies to you.
I'm not a conspiracy nut I just know too much from all readings I do research family history. And videos I watch. It's lots. This is just some of history. Watch my videos and learn share the info.
I am telling you Nikola Tesla key. Cloning. Aliens. Energy. Time Travel. Mind Erase it's all real! Teleportation. Too.
Good vs Evil 

Communism vs Freedom 

We Didn't Start the Fire Billy Joel 

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