Thursday, July 30, 2020


Uggh you guys are killing me!! Quit following stupid YouTubers who claim Statue of liberty is the Whore of Babylon!! Fuck them and their racist ideology! This is where it's comes to Israel destroyed IRAQ a Christian Country where My Ancestors came first before Israel! I speak the dead language of Jesus Christ Aramaic. Listen Goddess ISTHAR is of Love & Fertility! I heard back in old days after She arrived in America a gift from FRANCE artist. Many woman who couldn't conceive traveled to Statue of Liberty to ask her for help. It worked all the time!! Also immigrants who landed in NY they wanted to see FREEDOM. Statue of Liberty gave your ancestors who came to America hope of living the True American Dream!!!  Now look do your research dig hard, no not the first thing that pops up on Google with info. They will lie dig deeper. 
Here in America Statue of Liberty means Hope, New life, Freedom. Birth of a new ERA. Don't fall for the SJW narrative they come in shills pretending to be Patriots to get following and rich quick on YouTube! Using Facebook to promoting a agenda. STAY SMART AND Vigilant.
Saving Israel for last. 
Keep friends close 
Keep enemies closer. 😁😁😎😎
Aliens are real prepare. 

P.S. These woman who pulled all stops cause they couldn't have babies set their hearts on that statue of liberty. To make sure they visit the Goddess ISTHAR of fertility so they can get preggo!! You see this is the greatest history to human history, how do things happen is it cause if magic or the positivity of human spirit the mankind. Regardless of the result. Do whatever it takes. Thee woman went to the statue to make sure they got pregnant and it happened. Not because of Voodoo Powers or Magic. They were determined and they believed in that statue do much it actually happened. 

Unsolved mysterious did a show about it to.

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