💥Big Boom💥: This makes it all make sense! Read this entire thread! Sauce linked at the end.
🇺🇸 This is how Trump wins! 🇺🇸
1. The Stage - The legal effort - Make no mistake that Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood, Ted Cruz and the Texas AG are quite familiar with standing. They knew they had little to no chance of the cases being heard, and even less chance of favorable relief.
2. The BIG one - The Texas SCOTUS filing - This case was 50/50 on standing but it wouldn't have offered relief. The Justices Trump appointed had no issue dismissing the case and deferring power back to the state legislatures. The reason will become clear in just a moment.
3. The Reason - The various court filings were never meant to prevail. Their only purpose was to inform the pubic. It allowed people see the fraud. The actual filing docs allowed Anons to read and share so that people could see the problems with our elections.
4. The Fire 🔥 - MSM and the trolls continue to assist in Trump's path to victory. They only fuel the🔥 when they ignore or antagonize Republicans. Why is that a good thing? Every pissed off Republican is another call to Congress reps and senators demanding action.
5. The Clout - The calls matter! Why? Republicans know that Trump is the way to the Republican voters' hearts. When the media tried to shame Trump for overshadowing the senators in the GA rally - they basically provided incentive for every Republican to have Trumps back instead.
6. The Election Rejection - On January 6th Congress will convene to count the electoral votes. At this time the sitting VP, Mike Pence, has the ability to challenge by refusing to accept the votes from states in which he believes the vote was compromised. Which - he won't because it will be interfered by the ANTIFA disguised as Trump Supporters. Trump will use this opportunity to use the Military to confiscate all material the Ds and Rs have that are criminals. Laptops for one.
7. The Second Vote - As directed by the US Federal constitution - a challenged election is settled by a simple majority house vote by ballot. However, the house gets one vote per state not per representative - Giving Trump the Republican majority 26-23 (or 22). Winner takes all.
8. The Appeal - Democrats will panic and immediately appeal this decision to SCOTUS. But SCOTUS having set a very clear legal precedent that the power lies with the state legislatures - will again - dismiss the case on standing.
9. The Democracy Hypocrisy - Dems and MSM will call Trumps actions unprecedented, claiming irrevocable damage to our Democracy. Except - Biden honored the EXACT same challenge attempted by Democrats in 2016. In which the house majority voted in favor of Trump.
10. Checkmate - Sauce in form of links to follow: Link 1 was written by a Harvard Government Professor who figured this out way before me (make sure to click full article to see where Trump himself outlined this plan months ago) Link 2 outlines the Dem challenge on Jan 6th 2016.
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