Insurrection Act Of 1807:
Im sure many of us are wondering exactly what this is. Especially many newcomers, so I wanna try to look into it a little and ease concerns, or keep the media spin from deflating you.
The Insurrection Act is a Federal Law that allows POTUS to utilize the US Military, including National Guard within the United States to suppress a perceived insurrection or rebellion.
Under the Posse Comitatus Act, the US Military is extremely reduced in it’s capacity to
police it’s own citizens. The Insurrection Act provides a statutory exception from the Posse Comitatus Act. Meaning - the US Military can be used to police it’s own populace.
Many pundits have argued that POTUS requires state approval to do this. This is simply not
true as the IA1807 has been enacted many times without State request, as you can see here.
Futhermore the act has been used NUMEROUS times to quell riots and civil unrest.
In screencap two, you can see the conditions required in order to declare the Insurrection Act.
Now read the second one again, except look at what I outlined. We all know these riots are being funded and planned. This makes it a conspiracy, and THIS is what I believe POTUS will use to declare the Act.
Do you remember I7 asking what conditions need be met for the Marines to work with the National Guard? Yep. This is it. Marines and NG would be able to work side by side under the Insurrection Act.
The first thing to keep an eye out for is an official proclamation from POTUS ordering the insurgents to disperse. Once he does this, the “ball is called”. He will give them a deadline, and if they fail to adhere, shit gets real - really fast.
Here is what this would mean should the Act be declared and you see military in your community.
Dont freak - They are there to assist local law enforcement, protect life, protect property, and protect business.
While protests are protected under the First Amendment, once IA1807 is declared, the government has the right to shut down any protest the moment it gets rowdy.
Ignore the talking heads. If POTUS has the evidence and belief that we are under an insurrection, HE DOES NOT NEED CONGRESSIONAL OR SENATE APPROVAL TO DECLARE THE INSURRECTION ACT.
It. Is. Constitutional. End of story. Done. No argument.
And do not forget the expansion of power POTUS has right now while we are under a pandemic. Quite frankly; His restraint has been remarkable. He truly has backed them into a lose/lose situation.
Like I said when FLOTUS wore the Kek Dress: They. Are. Fooked.
(13) As you can see in these links;
This isn’t something he could just declare. He had to give states AMPLE time to seek help. He has done that. And I fully expect the hammer to drop very soon. He knows that we are on the precipice of Trump supporters taking matters into their own hands, and this will ..
do nothing to help anybody. He is going to go through with this before we reach that point. I guarantee it. He wont allow violence to kill his vote. Case and point; look how using violence has worked for Dems.
I tweeted this yesterday, as I thought it was very interesting;
To me; that came off as Wood laying out to POTUS that he is in the clear to move forward. He tagged General Flynn, and the night before - Trump confirmed Meadows is looking into the Insurrection Act.
What is REALLY interesting here, is that Jack Flynn retweeted that tweet of mine.
“Learn. Our. Comms.”
I firmly believe these were comms pointing towards what is coming.
I know this was kinda thrown together on the fly, but I *really* feel like the Insurrection Act is about to be declared, and I wanted to try to help some of you understand what it is and how it will..
happen. Again - do not be afraid.
The military is there to get the 6 of your LEO. This is going to be the last nail for Antifa and BLM, and it’s one of many Trump cards. This is why he has been so methodical and painfully patient in deploying it.
Timing is everything.
Nothing will be able to derail or slow down the train that is coming.
Enjoy the show. 🍿🍿
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