Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0d679a No.1814421 📁
What a coincidence.
What is this?
Would she know?
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: cb5055 No.1822846 📁
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 20cefe No.1823560 📁
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: ba1d29 No.1817047 📁
iPhone_Tweets.png ⬇

1562Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 99d774 No.1816809 📁
1561Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0d679a No.1814509 📁
1560Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0d679a No.1814421 📁
What is this?
Would she know?
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: cb5055 No.1822797 📁 >>1822727
What a coincidence.
Twitter shot in the Oval and next a Tweet.Q
[1] min Delta.
[1] min Delta.
Anonymous ID: 308413 No.1823342 📁 WWG1WGA.jpg ⬇ >>1823321
I'd go even if I had to leave early and walk my ass there lol
Thank you for your service.
God bless and stay safe.Q
Thank you for your service.
God bless and stay safe.Q

What a wonderful day.Q
Text A
Text B
Text C
Text B missing and takes (4) attempts to recover due to 'glitch'.
Text B supplied in IG report.
How can you obtain Text A & C but somehow the most incriminating (Text B) is lost due to a glitch (recovered later only after classified intel methods applied).
This is the level of corruption we are dealing with.
The American people are NOT STUPID.
Text B
Text C
Text B missing and takes (4) attempts to recover due to 'glitch'.
Text B supplied in IG report.
How can you obtain Text A & C but somehow the most incriminating (Text B) is lost due to a glitch (recovered later only after classified intel methods applied).
This is the level of corruption we are dealing with.
The American people are NOT STUPID.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0d679a No.1814421 📁
What a coincidence.
What is this?
Would she know?https://mobile.twitter.com/PoliticalEye17/status/1009115546485325824/video/1📁
What is this?
Would she know?https://mobile.twitter.com/PoliticalEye17/status/1009115546485325824/video/1📁
Anonymous ID: a4ac3a No.1814299 📁
[J_C] with extra P in twatt = [JPC]
What a coincidence.Q
What a coincidence.Q
Anonymous ID: a4ac3a No.1814299 📁
[J_C] with extra P in twatt = [JPC]
What a coincidence.Q
What a coincidence.Q

Why so much attention?
Why so much attention?
QAnon, the Crazy Pro-Trump Conspiracy, Melts Down
A man armed with a rifle and a handgun drove an armored truck to the Hoover Dam last Friday and started blocking traffic. He brought a homemade sign with him that said, “Release the OIG report.”
Except the report was already out.
The Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General released a report the day before criticizing the actions of FBI officials like James Comey during the Hillary Clinton email investigation. President Trump wrongly claimed it “exonerated” him, and right-wing media seized on the revelation that FBI agent Peter Strzok sent a text saying that “we’ll stop” Trump in 2016.
But for followers of the byzantine QAnon conspiracy theory, who had been promised that the report would contain far more damaging revelations about Democrats, the report has been one big anticlimax. The sign the armored truck driver held up on the bridge appeared to reference the idea, promoted by QAnon, that Trump possesses another OIG report that would bring down his enemies once and for all. The second report supposedly proves the FBI, the Justice Department, and top Democrats broke laws in an attempt to stop Trump from winning the presidency. Now Trump just has to release it, QAnon says.
“QAnon” started last November, with a series of cryptic messages posted on the anonymous 4Chan forum. The clues, which QAnon believers claim depict a world where Trump is constantly winning, special counsel Robert Mueller is actually investigating Clinton, and a number of top Democrats are on the verge of being sent from Guantanamo Bay, come from the anonymous “Q”—a reference to the high-ranking Q-level security clearance.
There’s no evidence that Q actually has access to national security secrets, or is anything more than a random person trolling Trump supporters on the internet, but that hasn’t stopped QAnon from winning a number of adherents, including Roseanne Barr. In April, hundreds of QAnon believers marched in D.C., chanting QAnon slogans like “Where we go one, we go all” and demanding “transparency” about the Justice Department.
Q’s clues had long hyped up the release of the OIG report. But then the report came out, and it wasn’t filled with the kinds of revelations QAnon supporters were promised. Now QAnon believers and the mysterious “Q” are scrambling to react to the report’s disappointment.
In a video apparently shot from within the truck during the standoff on the bridge, the truck driver, identified by the Arizona Department of Public Safety as 30-year-old Nevada resident Matthew P. Wright, reflected that disappointment, complaining that Trump had failed to “lock certain people up.”
“We the people demand full disclosure,” Wright said, addressing Trump. “We elected you to do a duty. You said you were going to lock certain people up if you were elected. You have yet to do that. Uphold your oath.”
The driver of the armored truck fled after about an hour on the bridge and was later arrested after blowing out the truck’s tires on police spike strips. Wright has been charged with five criminal counts, including committing terrorist acts.
David Seaman, a prominent proponent of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory who has become an antagonist for QAnon believers, taunted QAnon fans after the OIG report failed to bring down Democrats.
“Q’s own idiot base will demand his head within weeks,” Seaman’s website, Fulcrum News, tweeted after the OIG report was released. “Total shameful confidence scam. Wasted a lot of folks’ time.”
“Praying Medic,” a QAnon proponent who has amassed more than 140,000 followers on YouTube and Twitter, focused on minor formatting details in the report. In a series of tweets, he claimed that typographical changes—“the margins, the fonts that are used”—proved that the released version of the OIG report had been tampered with.
Q responded to the lukewarm reception of the OIG report by claiming that there were actually multiple OIG reports that actually did contain the revelations Q had promised, but that the one that was released had been changed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, a nemesis for QAnon believers. In a clue published after the OIG report came out, Q claimed Trump had an “original IG unredacted report” that the public hadn’t seen.
A Guide to QAnon, the New King of Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories
George Soros, the Illuminati, and Snow White are all controlling the world according to a 4channer who has spawned a legion of supersleuths.
Roseanne Barr’s recent career-ending tweetstorm didn't just lead to her eponymous sitcom being cancelled, it demonstrated what the ugliest side of the right-wing internet looks like. As the New York Times reported at the time, Barr's tweets weren't just racist, they occasionally delved into into the widening black hole of insane conspiracy theories known as QAnon.
Who or what is QAnon? Just asking that question sucks you into a world that's like Pizzagate on bath salts, a galaxy-brained, 4chan-bred conspiracy theory that has apparently convinced an alarming number of adults that all kinds of preposterous things are true.
The whole mess started on October 28, when an anonymous user going by the handle “Q” started a thread on 4chan’s /pol board titled “The Calm Before the Storm.” In a series of posts, Q claimed to be a high-level government employee with Department of Energy Q clearance and access to Top Secret–level information about Donald Trump, the Democrats, and the hidden big-picture machinations of the US government.
Wielding the plausible-enough-sounding details and sprawling shadow government plot of a lesser Dan Brown novel, Q began slowly painting a picture of a reality far different from the one we live in. The resulting QAnon conspiracy theory states that Trump is not under investigation by Robert Mueller. Instead, Trump is merely playing the part of hapless conspiratorial criminal while covertly helping the special counsel pursue their true quarry: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and all the other liberal boogeymen. (It gets a LOT crazier than that, but that's the core plot.) AND THEY HAD THE NERVE TO MENTION VOP!!
Wielding the plausible-enough-sounding details and sprawling shadow government plot of a lesser Dan Brown novel, Q began slowly painting a picture of a reality far different from the one we live in. The resulting QAnon conspiracy theory states that Trump is not under investigation by Robert Mueller. Instead, Trump is merely playing the part of hapless conspiratorial criminal while covertly helping the special counsel pursue their true quarry: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and all the other liberal boogeymen. (It gets a LOT crazier than that, but that's the core plot.) AND THEY HAD THE NERVE TO MENTION VOP!!
DECLASLP “Viva Le Resistance.”
Viv[a] vs Viv[e]
[J C]
Why classified by intel comm @ highest level?
Define title.
Define role w/ Mueller.
Exchange shelters VERY senior member.Q
Viv[a] vs Viv[e]
[J C]
Why classified by intel comm @ highest level?
Define title.
Define role w/ Mueller.
Exchange shelters VERY senior member.Q
Free Iran!!!
Regime change.
People have the power.
We stand with you.Q
Regime change.
People have the power.
We stand with you.Q
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