Tuesday, October 6, 2020



How the world Mocks USA. All becauae the stupid MSM, the fucktarded trampled on dogs that are vicious running wild in the streets. We are supoosed to be the Country of the Free becauae of our brave forefathers who fought for Freedom from the UK. Thats why everyone wants to escape here. About 43% of those who escape here see how last Presidebts mocked is AMERICANS, they take advantage of you and me. But most of you are too facist stupid naive to believe it. Look for example the fucken idiots who got office. Obama and his muslim administration, Now recent years look at more muslims got office from Terrorist countries. Palestinian Rashib, Somalian Ilhan Omar, Mutt AOC, and others. Its this rigged system. China hacked Elections 2016. We were lucky we got President Donald J Trump. Ptesident Trump working by himself to defect this evil. We are helping on social media to raise awareness. Social media used lying fact checkers to SHUT US DOWN. Here's my answer πŸ–•!! 1295 Patriots make Sacrifices, some the ultimate meaning our accounts permanently gone! The ones who fight in the US ARMED FORCES make the ultimate. Democrats play dice with everything in our lives, our children, our marriages, our families, our love luces, our children, Education, Foods, jobs, hospitals, our nature. Our hones, our energy, our military, our money, our banks. Its all a fucken game!! We do not need to be payong taxes. Trump needs to ride of taxes. Our states slave us from elderly, disabled, to hard working adults to childrenn. In schools we trust the teachers to educate our children. Not to train our children to become a NAZI Commie army against us. We are fighting for pur FREEDOMS everyday feom commie government we have! This is not normal. Especially this year alone over 20,000 innocent AMERICANS died from flu, gunshots, stabbings, beating up and more!! Look at Chicago this weekend alone! 30 shot, 3 died from gun shooting. When will we stop this? Rise up against this. This is not NORMAL! Your state senators, Mayors, governors forcing you to wear masks! Masks kill people. Say no to Masks. Throw away the masks protest. Masks do not save lives fyi. We only have 27 days left to vote. If nobody can wake you up from biden and his commie Administration. Maybe these names will. Katl Marx, Stalin, Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, President Xing Ping, ISIS leaders, World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam, Bush family, Open borders, 911, Afghanistan War, Iraq war, almost war with North Korea,  Nicholas Maduro, Jewish Holocaust, Clinton Presidency, Obama Presidency, NSA Spying, Obamacare, part time jobs because Obamacare. Biden's Medicare-4-all plan iscworse than Obamacare, taking away of second Amendment. All presidents tried. Our Amendments have been messed with. Benghazi, giving away our tax payer money to UKRAINE, Iran funding Terrorist regime, the D party lies yo you messes with you. There is too many of us. They can't get us all. They do everything they can to fuck with you and me. Who has access to your medical records? Question that!! Biden is a 50 year failure in Government. Yes 50 years not 47. He failed AMERICANS! What has he done good except attack us and bank of our tax payer money. He manipulated the Black Community. Democraps manipulate the Black Community. And we got idiots that fall for it. (IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR YOU ARE BRAVE) But many Blacks are waking up and #walkingaway. Do it if you are a Biden supporter reading this love your freedoms and dont want to be controlled #WalkAwayFromDemocratsForever! And vote for FREEDOM. Before I forget to mention this. Pizzagate is real its all over the internet, news articles, news videos. Pedogate is reall same as Pizzagate all over the news. Hollywood is Evil, Disney is evil, modeling, sports, and too much to name. Child trafficking, sex trafficking, human trafficking, drug trafficking all real. Gates Foundation tried to do Human Genocide, all medical expierment on you and me. We are the rats. And more! 
 Our President Trump represents that! Look what he made Freedom with North Korea, Brought our troops home, killed ISIS caliphate leaders, several of them! He brought Peace to Middle East. Called it Dawn to New Middle East. Trump has saved this country from COVID19. He sacrificed himself by getting it testing positive took meds like Pepcid, Zinc, melatonin, zpac, and other meds. He is doing better. He just came back to White House. Even while he was sick he was working hard. You do realize Obama didn't help people in disasters!! Trump has last 4 years. πŸ˜ŽπŸ™Trump is awesome! I love my President. 
So this coming from my heart. I'm voting President Donald J Trump on November 3, 2020. Who you voting for? COMMUNISM or FREEDOM?-TZ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™⏰⏰
P.S. Don't worry all who committed crimes against humanity are going to jail, especially the ones part of drug trafficking, sex trafficking, CANNIBALISM, farming hunan organs in black meat market, the ones who threaten our security, money laundering and more! 
Pedogate, Pizzagate is Real! 
Look how they ruined my favorite cartoon. The Simpsons! Homer Simpson using Liz Warrens picture as a Porno Picture cause he has crush on her.

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