I solemnly swear upon the Bible. I am a solider of Jesus Christ. I will fight the negativity of the media that pushes false news and propaganda. I wear the belt of Truth around my waist. I will share my knowledge of the research I do. Everyone in the World needs to Wake up to the TRUTH now. There is no time to waste anymore. Fun and Games is over. The Commie Satan Worshipping Government have always lied to you, they used you, abused you, fucked you, and sacrificed your family members for their sick fun and games. EVERYONE is in on it.
In the Bible you are warned under Mathew 7:15
Beware of False Prophets, which come to you in Sheep's Clothing.
Examples: Bushes, Clinton's, Obamas, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Waters, Kamla, Biden's, AOC plus 3, Hollywood starlets', Musicians, Athletes and more.
Another example Men who turn into opposite sexes or vice versa. Not acceptable. Only in hell this is a Sin. Mathew 5:28 Adultery
Wars never should have existed! We the people are Pawns to those in Power. Just like Black Sabbath sang War Pigs. Or in bible
Mathew 5:38 eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth.
Judaism another form of worship the devil in synagogues. Rabbis are hypocrites, they trumpet everything on the streets. Same as Muslims or Islam nation created by Israel.
Mathew 6:2 so when you give to the needy, Do not announce it with trumpets. as a hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets period to be honored by others. Truly I tell you they have received their reward and full.
Mathew 6:5 Judaism, Muslims, Islam nation are hypocrites when they pray.
Mathew 6:24 no one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the other one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Example President Trump and those who are devoted to GOD.
Mathew 7:13 answer to the narrow gate period for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
This reference is to WAR. Those who enter the wars which leads to Destruction. Brings us back to all the WARS the worlds been through last 1000's of years . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_wars
This is link to all Wars fought that never needed to be fought. It was all because of those People put in Power.
Mathew 4:17 Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.
Look at the last 3 years Trump been President! All this Chaos and evil! And the left side of divided people get paid by money to cause destruction and chaos. Democraps and Rhinos are really desperate to bring SATAN to life in USA and WW. Nope sorry not happening. As long as People with a Good heart it will never happen. We The People are tired of this bullcrap these Satanists bring in our lands. Ex 44 Satan worshipper tried to ruin our country and world by flooding the World with Satan worshippers that come from middle east and other parts of the world. We don't want that say No. Vote Red! November 3 get Trump back in office!
Mathew 10:7 As you go, proclaim this message. The kingdom of Heaven has come bear.

You see what Has come to the Light.
Benghazi to Iran.
I helped break it down in the video
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