Monday, October 26, 2020


Im gonna be short and frank 12.21.2017 Enacted the bill took all DC bank accounts money wealth. Arrests were made. federal Executions were done. To those still around on short leash they were given a chance to Resign go away quietly. Remember what "double 00" said. 
Because "Laptop From Hell" 
What happens when people learn the TRUTH? 
What happens when people WAKE UP? 
They will not be able to walk down the street. 

Lots of you are asking why have there been no arrests? 
Why has specific dates been mentioned only to see no action? 
Define "game theory"
Why does Trump always talk about NFL? 
What NFL team did Donald Trump own in 1982 to 1983. 
How does a NFL coach do the game plan for his NFL team. 
It's called the seven steps to design a game plan efficiently. 
Why is this information provided
Define open source
Define public purview
Do we let our enemies walk through the front door
Define plausible deniability.
Example final debate Joe Biden exposed Ukraine China Hunter Biden laptop. 
Why is it important to first clean house within the FBI and DOJ 
Why are the Democrats threatening president Trump with military? 
Ask yourselves why does mainstream media spread propaganda? 
To brain feed the ones that are not awake. 
Why hasn't FBI done anything about Hunter Biden's laptop? 
Did the laptop already go under investigation before it became public? 
why are we seeing a robot Joe Biden and why are we seeing a look-alike Hunter, where are the real bidens? 
Who controls the military? 
Who is your president?
What is President Donald Trump's job? The president of USA is the commander of Chief. 
Who is Nancy Pelosi? 
Why is your son Paul Pelosi in Hunter Biden's laptop?
This is bigger than you think. 
Who is attorney general Huber? 
Who appointed Huber? 
Why did Cue say trust Sessions? trust Kansas? trust Wray?
What are sleeper cells?
How many cans of isis were found in the USA. 
Ask yourselves what is the number and what does it signify and what does it mean. 
Who is the masonics? 
Who is the Illuminati? 
What was the date of George HW Bush's death?
When did Aidan khashoggi die? When did his uncle die? 
When was Julian Assange arrested? 
When did John Lewis die? 
When did Elijah Cummings die? 
Look at the dates and look at the numbers does Illuminati play into this. 
What was Benjamin Crump's message to his brother and John Lewis in his tweet do you remember. 
What did the New York Post reveal and that is being Bann ed by Facebook and Twitter. 
Who are the owners of Facebook and Twitter? 
Who do they represent? 
Is our freedoms being censored yes they are. 
What is Joe Biden trying to install in America socialism communism tactics of Adolf Hitler Mussolini Stalin Fidel Castro Karl Marx solinsky and many more.
Kamala Harris is a socialist liberal Democrat left communist.
Who is members of the four squad. 
Who is the four squad related to. 
All this is coming to the lights within this 2020 colvin 19 pandemic. 
Who owns the Democrat Party China. 
If you haven't voted yet go vote you have eight days to vote and vote for Freedom vote for Donald J Trump and vote red down the ballots.

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