Tuesday, September 22, 2020


The 28th Amendment is an idea a proposal and might go through and might not who knows. But in the 28th Amendment is for We the People. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
And section of the amendments there will be rules against government officials. If a government official is part of committing a crime against Americans against humanity and breaking laws and they've been charged sued indicted and or spent 24 hours or more in jail they must be immediately suspended and their pensions will be removed. They will not be able to seek another government position or a media position. Like for example Donna brazile was fired from DC and then she's not working for Fox News this should be against the law this should be put in a 28th Amendment. This 28th Amendment will be good to go after Elon Omar AOC and other government officials that are currently in office.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 

(Let me explain here when government officials get elected into office they take a oath on the Bible they take a oath on the Constitution and a Bill of Rights and amendments they must follow the laws of the USA not against the USA and the line would foreign countries period this is what these government officials been doing the last hundred years.) This is where the conflict comes in and the laws that they break and it leads to treason and punishment for treason well you know what it is I don't need to say it. 

Like the other example where the Democrats took advantage of this and they used Hillary Clinton's lawyer Robert Mueller to do Russia gate on Trump and they found Trump not guilty wasted 48 million dollars of taxpayer money wasted so much paper. Counting just too much government officials working in the government we need to downsize the government officials. we need to get rid of some of the alphabet agencies in the government. there is many executive orders and many other laws and amendments that will fit right in with Amendment 28. America historically was founded in 1776. Not Lincoln Project not Project 1619. The left is really trying to rewrite history and we cannot let that happen 28th Amendment can save America and its history think about that. And look at the loser Democrats what they're trying to do again impeachment round number two this is all a game to them they don't care about Americans all they care about is aligning their pockets with money and keeping power and control over you and me you guys get it this is where the conflict comes in. And the 28th Amendment is for equality not inequality. It's for all races Chris colors religions you could toss in the first amendment in a 28th Amendment also. 
And another section of this amendment we will install term limits you cannot get another government job after your second term ends you will be suspended and as punishment your pension will be revoked. πŸ–πŸ€”
oh there's more to this 28th Amendment but this is just the beginning what are your thoughts comments below and share. 
So basically in this amendment it's like a big fuck you πŸ–•to the government by We the People they must be treated equally as we the people because they are like us they're not kings and queens. 

A Facebook these are my thoughts in my opinions you don't need to political fact check this because there's no news article to this. πŸ–•

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