Monday, September 14, 2020


What I tell you guys since covid-19 first started we were at really at war with aliens
The pedo virus 
Remember Ronald Reagan talked about you at ufos n aliens

What about those stories that we hear from people or are friends that were abducted by aliens
How many of you have seen an unidentified flying object in the sky
Yeah you're lucky Laura she didn't get taken because when the aliens signed the treaty with Eisenhower or was it Roosevelt they said they will abduct human beings and experiments and then put them back where they found them and erased their memories
Even the presidents cannot visit area 51 and other undisclosed areas but Trump has been there
Camp David New York Chicago Texas Nevada Arizona Colorado California definitely New Mexico and the country Mexico and Canada
I don't think they like Iran the aliens
This is why China is the hub of everything China is the hub of technology China is the hub of ailments and treatments human trafficking organ harvesting China
It's even on CIA website or where you can research all this

and in that CIA file they tell you everything and they tell you about the aliens and they connect the movie 2012 Hollywood made it connects to everything

Weird dreams sometimes in denver colorado same dream repeat of events.. this morning woke up my feet were all muddy..

So check this out since we know about God and Satan right and we know the Pharaohs were trying to aliens and the goddesses and gods back then were giant aliens right and this New World Order shits and one world governments and one world religion and we hear about human farming and communism being installed in America it totally makes complete sense it leads you back to aliens want to take over planet Earth this is why we were put in fourth dimension Trump is fighting the aliens this is the god awful truth and we will be put back into fifth Dimension this is why the world is going to change and World Peace must happen to defeat these monsters now do you guys understand it makes complete sense open your minds open your eyes you'll see the truth right before your eyes. this is why people like Alex Jones and other shit heads out there are saying 5G is bad. President Trump took 5G away from China and installed it in the United States and had Tesla recreated to make it safe for human beings this began in 2019. Remember last year when Trump had the Hawaii spy arrested in Canada.
And call the 19 hits trying to block all travel from China and out Trump is doing a permanent travel ban on the isis related countries because the spies can sneak into the isis related countries into America this is why Trump built the wall. 
Europe is on lockdown and watch Britain is on lockdown and watch Australia is unlocked on and watch New Zealand is on lockdown and watch Africa South America Antarctica Asia Middle East Russia
This is why Trump kept mentioning 184 countries 186 countries 188 countries during covid-19 19
This is off of my thoughts my analysis the pros and cons all the executive orders the videos you see with flying objects in sky or videos on YouTube like chills slapped ham they show aliens ghosts pixies even or fairies or vampires. 
Remember Trump bought Greenland and what do they keep in Greenland French magnets. 

Now go read my alien blog. 
Remember QANON is military. That should give you enough information right there period and the media is attacking Q and calling it a terrorist because they don't want you knowing the truth they want to dumb you down with Communism socialism Joe Biden Ukraine Russia China Iran isis Israel Syria North Korea. Why do you think Trump never denuked North Korea because the Korean nuclear bombs can be used to kill the aliens. Believe it or not this is not fantasy this is the truth . Just like the museum Ripley's Believe It or Not. The Royals Hollywood pedophiles are all gone these pedophiles are the Dominion to the aliens they traffic kids for them. This is why California is protecting them with a new bill called Senate Bill 145. You need to rise up America you need to rise up worldwide you need to fight the evil government if they win you lose you become alien maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but soon you'll see. Ask all the countries. Watch the movie Matrix period watch the movie men in Black the mine eraser pen it's real it exists. All this technology that you think never existed in reality it does the time machine the cloning machine mining response teleportation magic is real. I wonder why people keep saying stay away from Antarctica what is an Antarctica that's what we want to know. What is in Serbia also. Is Serbia the gateway to hell question. How about that movie journey to the center of the Earth it seems like we have a world within the planet Earth and the center of the Earth. 
There's other movies on Netflix it shows NASA now Netflix is trying to normalize pedophilia it's not going to happen. We are really at War. There's movies on Netflix that show you a robot creating human babies. There's a machine it's a pod you can grow your own baby in the living room kind of like a Chia pet. Elon musk promotes robots ai.there is so much more I can tell you but you guys need to do your research on this. Another example us space program or us space force. This is what I'm going to tell you either get with the program and research or shut the fuck up and sit your ass at home and stay in your bubble 

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