Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Kanye West song Jesus walks the targets to Midwest at Target getting choked by cops but this was 16 years ago released. When was the Ferguson riots or the trayvon Martin or any other riots falling after Ferguson. insert names Elijah Cummings Baltimore instant brother Benjamin Crump Baltimore insert Nancy Pelosi's brother Baltimore and certain Nancy Oelosi's mobster father Baltimore insert JFK death of 35th president Dallas Texas. Insert BLM activist insert and keep activists insert Portland Seattle California New York Al Sharpton. Insert populist Bernie Sanders. Insert Alexandria Cortez from New York socialist leader for the Green New deal. Insert Elizabeth Warren war on cops. Insert Kamala Harris freeing the criminals from prison. Answer act blue vote blue. back to Kanye West song when Jesus walks but blacks got suits and cases that are lawyers teachers government officials important jobs. Where is the segregation in that? Insert control healthcare poverty welfare increase debt common core education take control of religion remove God and create class warfare. Who does this remind you of? SA. Now in the lyrics of Kanye West Jesus walks his mama used to say only Jesus can save us. This is where the Democrat Party removed God from the national anthem at the DNC 2020. This is Joe Biden's race but he is a puppet controlled by the Socialist left-wing masters of Marxism. Kanye West last verse says but I'll be gone till November I got packs to move I hope. I remember the song was written 16 years ago to introduce this socialist crap of trying to control people by the masses. Kanye West owns all rights to his songs not like Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley gave it all up. He's still alive and he's a preacher. He goes by the name of pastor Bob Joyce look him up. Now I'm only telling you this so you can wake up faster and educate yourself faster because 2020 is the final year before it goes into the pits of Hell of socialism only we the American people can save USA and the world remember all the people around the world depend on us November 3rd.

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