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>>170024917 (OP)
Who will be the first to go down?
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Hard to pick. I don't see any that wouldn't roll over on anyone next to them.
>>170024917 (OP)
>>170024917 (OP)
Always tomorrow, never now.
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>>170024917 (OP)
Bullshit. I'll believe it when I see it.
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>>170024917 (OP)
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>>170024917 (OP)
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I wouldnt be too sure
Sure thing.
this. Put up or shut up.
>>170024917 (OP)
it's all fucked
everybody is just waiting for the war to start so they can work on their own lists
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>Q predicted this!
your entitled to your opinion, if you truely believe that war with iran will start soon then there really is nothing i can do to convince you otherwise. I However have seen too many coincidences that all point to Q being who he says he is.
>>170024917 (OP)
This Q shit is so fucking fake and gay it hurts
>>170024917 (OP)
Trust the plan goy. Just keep reading Q larps and don't do nuffin.
Also, stop making money. REEEEEE!
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IRAN HAS NO DEEP STATE. Trump is gonna join forces and wipe out israel with the rest of the arab nations. Iran isn't going to be a target of Trump.
>>170024917 (OP)
We will see. We will see if this will happen or not.
There's literally a reason we booted Q outta here.
We won the great meme war. We run the fucking memes. Can't have commie larpers running the boards.
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>>170024917 (OP)
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you dont seriously believe that the US is going to turn its back on one of its most important allies and side with current and historic enemies, do you?
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There is no Iranian Deep State.
Q is bullshit and you can figure out much more by just looking up current events and what's been happening out in the fucking open.
The LARP is so degenerate that they still use paid shills to perpetuate it on this board and try to keep it relevant.
They are pro zionist. Israel for last means that they expect there to be a war with Iran. This would ignite WW3 and everyone would forget about Israel.
North Korea recently called out Israel and said that such a regime could not be supported by the US for their crimes against humanity. NK also calls them out about their illegal nukes.
Trump is already allied with Russia but the MSM won't tell you that.
Trump is allied with Xi but the MSM won't tell you that.
The world is about to turn on Israel and the Mueller investigation will expose their crimes that have been done over the decades.
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Of course I do. Trump has been making it look like he's pro Israel so that when the truth comes out he will have the support of the American peopel to turn. Also it keeps the media off his back because they have no room for criticism.
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Q didn't say SHIT about North Korea! You wanna know why? Because Israel was planning on doing some sort of false flag to blame on Kim to start WW3. Now they can't and this wasn't expected.
>most important allies
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taking down the pedos is not like taking down drug cartels.
if you arrest the dealers, others will just take their place
you have to arrest the users. starting with those who are eating more than one child a week.
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Is this what your Meme is about?
Pure insanity.
Russia hates the US now. China and NK are planning something, look at all the sneaky state visits NK's been having with China.
Iran is fucked. Even the Saudis want to team up with Israel so they can take them out. Think about how much the Saudis must hate Iran if they are willing to team up with (((Them))).
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Ruh roh!!!!!
It's not mine, I'm holding it for a frien
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Guess who investigated Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich...
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Comey isn't getting indicted. He's ognna be a witness.
You guise are pathetic
Do not doubt
Answers will come
All in due time
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Israel isnt an ally
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one thing that strikes me as odd is if it truely was a legitamit larp then we would have recieved some kind of validation from the white house that this is indeed the case. So far millions of people in the US and around the world have heard of Q and believe in him 100%. You would think that would be enough to trigger a public recognition so everyone could stop wasting their time. the fact that this hasnt happened yet makes me think that Q could be real. lump this in with all the coincidences so far and its hard to explain just exactly what the fuck is going on here. I admit that the recent news about iran is very odd... I guess just letting it sit for a little while is the best option right now, maybe things will start making more sense soon enough.
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Israel makes US's Drones, they are a friendly base in that hostile region. They would be a beautiful staging ground if the US ever wanted to attack anyone in that area.
google Israel and learn about all the shit they do for the US.
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Kenneth Starr
k boomer
man i saw a couple of screenshots, its fucking sickening, she will burn in hell for this, its beyond the pale of human behaviour
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Listen to CNN bois!!!!
>>170024917 (OP)
so are you finally going to arrest me?
because I would unironically get more time outside if I was in seg in prison right now.
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Remember a few weeks ago when trump made Putin and the entire Russian army look like weak, scared little bitches? ..again?
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No you fucking retard, why the hell would they even acknowledge it? Holy shit you're dumb. Also here's another thing you faggots don't understand. It's about to be MAY. This LARP started in NOVEMBER. You're still trying to prove it's real! That's how weak this shit is.....You retards have the fucking JIDF shilling this shit because without shills this would disappear.
If you're still trying to prove it's real right now and every thread about Q devolves into trying to convince people it's real, then it's probably because it's not real.
This is why you people are fucking retarded. You actually have sub 100 IQs
TRUMP ATTACKED MOSSAD LOCATIONS RETARD. NOT RUSSIA. That's why he's working with Russia. This is literally the reason Israel said that the strike did nothing.
Is it legit? Did she really do what everyone is saying?
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>the Mueller investigation will expose their crimes that have been done over the decades.
You're a paid shill because you're automatically assuming he actually saw a picture of whatever it is he's talkin about. This is why you're failures. You shills push shit like this.
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Russia said that if they attacked Syria again they would retaliate. They did not retaliate, they didnt scramble a jet, go on alert. Nothing.
Syria's army tried to shoot down a few but it didnt work because the Russians kept their defenses down. Russia abandon Syria in the midst of an attack.
I dont know where your getting this whole "ThEy R FrENZ!!" idea from but russia fucking hates the US now because the US embarrassed them in the eyes of the world.
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Read the pic faggits
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You know who is in Syria? Israel...In the Golan Heights. They actually put a no fly zone on that night. BECAUSE TRUMP BOMBED THEM.
This or it’s a government ran psyop, therefore there won’t be any comments publicly made against it. And you are actually deep state, making this comment to keep the psyop going, which is why you used script in order to make your post trips.
It’s easy to spot you (gov. spook) on here.
Is a disinfo spook
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The second of the clinton special prosecutors. Comey was an investigating lawyer for whitewater. He wasn’t there long as his newborn died.
“Clinton” is probably a painful trigger for Comey.
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Seriously man, stay off POL for a few days, research this stuff yourself. Its really easy to fall for the bullshit that gets spewed on this site.
Check your references and re check, cross check with bullshit liberal hippy sites and hardcore alt right sites. Somewhere in the middle the truth lies but the more you go down the "ITZDERJEW" path the farther youll get from it. The Jew path is an easy out, a great thing to point at and say "Its THEM! THEY are the ones fucking us over!" but itll make you miss out on how badly youre getting fucked by your own government and foreign cocksuckers trying to mess with your head.
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Who the fuck spells the board's name that way? I know who. A fucking kike.
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Yup, thats a good boy. Keep shrieking about jews and stay blind to the world around you.
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>>170024917 (OP)
Q predicted this
This is where this bullshit ends. Comey is just a stupid puppet faggot. No more than that.
That actually is a big deal imo. Shame more people probably don’t even know it.
Jesus christ at least find more credible fakes
Comey is working with Trump as well as McCabe, Rodgers, Flynn and Manafort. That's reality. They all flipped and the deep state, WHICH IS ISRAEL, is fucked.
Yea they do 9/11s but that’s about it
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The real foreign collusion.
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>>170024917 (OP)
it would be illegal to watch the video if it's a pedo one either way
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the amount of kikery in this post oi vey
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The q shit is getting blown to smithereens atm, anons are dropping daging info on corsi and all qtube whores are backing off and are in serious damage control mode. It's fucking glorious! Kek
>>170024917 (OP)
i knew it was happening soon
they are afraid we might start shooting people if it doesnt
they have known about this shit for what? 3 years now.. and they haven't done anything...
it's not now or ever
it's now or now
reported for announcing sage
made some typos
*36 years
*it's not now or never
*it's now or now
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i hate this fucking meme so much. you fucking useless kike. you live off of our money like a parasite. we are your devolopment and defense budget. the billions we give you so you strafe our ships and sell our classified info to our enemies. Are you really a intergral part of our strategic aims in the middle east? or are you a albatross around our necks. we are your vengeful golem that you are poisoning from the inside. Is isreal strategic for the US? We have bases all over the middle easst alread, iraq , bahrain, turkey, northern and south east syria etc etc. And countries we already have allainces with or friendly relations such as jordan or egypt. I fucking hate jews so much when they open their mouths about Isreal. You are fucking me in the ass and then you have the gall to tell me why its good for me. get the fuck out of here.
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>>170024917 (OP)
>a Jimmy cap
We should play treason bingo.
$500,000 for an embassy is dirt cheap.
A house in Suburban Los Angeles is twice that.
Wrong. Artistic and political purposes clause.
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I’ll admit the iron dome is pretty fucking cool
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In lieu of arrests you can start healing yourself from chemical weapons exposure. If you're still eating grain, fruit, vegetables, sugar, or any processed foods you're willingly consuming bioweapons. Stop supporting the (((agri-pharma complex))) and fight back by taking the meatpill. It's time to wake up. You're an apex predator. Start acting like one and nourish yourself properly. Carnivory is the easiest act of rebellion and the best way to heal from malnutrition-induced metabolic disorders. Whether you're obese, skinny, mentally ill, or diseased, a zero carb diet basically cures all. Don't take my word for it, try it yourself and feel the difference in a lean and muscular body with no inflammation or oxidative stress.
>>170024917 (OP)
Lol, Q fags are going to be waiting for literally forever.
kys faggot
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ah yes
whether you think its the jews or not you do need to do this sometimes
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Fake and gay. It’s MI6 not MI5. Not even a good fake.
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Where'd you see them? Nobody seems to be able to find the video.
what do they do for us exactly? i keep hearing that but no one ever expands on the statement as to why this is so.
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>I knew it was happening soon, they are afraid we might start shooting people if it doesn't
They are delaying. It's obvious they can't keep people occupied with this for long, so it's only logical that something BIG is coming down the pipe. Giant meteor, Jellystone, global pandemic, or global economic meltdown + nuclear war.
The Q bullshit doesn't bother me so much as the thing they are delaying for, otherwise they are just going to make people even more angry and genocidal when it finally falls apart.
Are you real?
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