Wednesday, April 25, 2018


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Gunfire from Royal Palace area in Riyadh

Is Democracy finally arriving in the desert land?
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Purge: Election Year
Las Vegas
SA Been Purge since 11.17-??
Last time it was "a toy drone"
oh no, i hope The Greatest Royal Rumble doesn't get canceled
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You Mean Yemen Sneak into SA
Get More Info.
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Yemen Angry with SA
Amid the continued civil unrest and armed conflicts, the Republic of Yemen’s human trafficking crisis is continuously getting worse. The weakening of Yemeni government control over a significant portion of territory, following the 2011 uprising, has allowed human trafficking to thrive. Now, NGOs are reporting that vulnerable populations are at an increased risk of falling victim to the human trafficking network.
(Read Story Before Smartass Replying!)
Locals are also at risk. A common practice known as “sex tourism” (described as brief marriages between visitors and young Yemeni girls) has largely resulted due to rising poverty levels in rural areas.

The criminal networks do not stop at Yemen’s borders, but rather extend to Ethiopia, Djibouti and Saudi Arabia. As the smugglers continue to move victims internationally and Yemen further develops into a place of origin and transit, the chances that victims are recovered and returned to their families decreases.
#Pedogate #HumanTrafficking #SexTrafficking #ChildrenTrafficking #Podesta #HRC #HUMA

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were we all go we go as one.

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