Why are D’s aggressively attacking Pruitt?
Why is the MSM aggressively attacking Pruitt?https://nypost.com/2017/08/05/sessions-investigating-slush-fund-used-by-left-wing-groups/
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Why is the MSM aggressively attacking Pruitt?https://nypost.com/2017/08/05/sessions-investigating-slush-fund-used-by-left-wing-groups/
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The Energy 202: A key Senate Republican zeroes in on Scott Pruitt's emails
So far, many Senate Republicans have steered clear of criticizing Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt over his controversial spending and management decisions.
President Trump has maintained public support for Pruitt and dismissed criticism of his spending habits as Democratic attacks. In a tweet over the weekend, the president also defended Pruitt over allegations that he rented a room from the wife of a top energy lobbyist for just $50 per night.
"While Security spending was somewhat more than his predecessor, Scott Pruitt has received death threats because of his bold actions at EPA," Trump tweeted on Saturday. "Record clean Air & Water while saving USA Billions of Dollars. Rent was about market rate, travel expenses OK. Scott is doing a great job!"
Do you believe that the Fake News Media is pushing hard on a story that I am going to replace A.G. Jeff Sessions with EPA Chief Scott Pruitt, who is doing a great job but is TOTALLY under siege? Do people really believe this stuff? So much of the media is dishonest and corrupt!-DJT 4.6.18 (Tweet)

As head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt has exceeded the expectations of far right and libertarian-leaning Republicans. In an expression of gratitude, these individuals and groups are waging a campaign to convince President Trump to not fire Pruitt, who is mired in scandal and controversy and is fighting to keep his job.
Pruitt has been under investigation almost since the day he was sworn in as the nation’s top environmental official. The latest controversies, surrounding his rental of a luxury Capitol Hill apartment — for below-market value — linked to an energy industry lobbyist include the granting of huge salaries to close aides, and the re-assignment of EPA employees who questioned his spending. These scandals have only intensified the scrutiny, an many Democrats — and a few Republicans — have now called for Pruitt to resign or for Trump to fire the EPA administrator.
But on Friday morning President Trump took to twitter to criticize the “fake news media” and reiterate his support for Pruitt. Pruitt is “doing a great job” and is “TOTALLY under siege” Trump tweeted. “Do people really believe this stuff? SO much of the media is dishonest and corrupt!”
Aside from the president, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) is the most prominent official to come out in support of Pruitt. Without alluding to any of the controversies surrounding Pruitt, Inhofe, the Senate’s most notorious climate denier, said: “Since being sworn in, Administrator Pruitt has been instrumental in carrying out President Trump’s deregulatory agenda at the EPA.”
There has been speculation that Pruitt will seek Inhofe’s Senate seat if the 83-year-old decides not to seek reelection in 2020.
Other congressional Republicans, right-wing groups, and pundits have also rallied to Pruitt’s side in recent days. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has publicly backed him, as have Republican governors Matt Bevin (KY), Phil Bryant (MS), and Pete Ricketts (NE). Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh delivered an on-air defense of Pruitt, and groups such as Koch-funded FreedomWorks and the Federalist Society also expressed their support.
In the years after President Nixon created the EPA in 1970, right-wing groups began campaigns to rein in the agency. Many of Pruitt’s staunchest defenders trace their lineage to groups formed in the 1970s that opposed federal intervention in protecting the environment.
For the most part, though, Republicans have kept quiet about Pruitt’s status. As of Friday morning, according to E&E News, 33 of the 36 Republicans in the House Climate Solutions Caucus had refused to criticize Pruitt or call for his resignation.
GOP members are hoping the controversies surrounding Pruitt die down. But chances that the scandals plaguing the EPA administrator will blow over are slim.
Yet, as the EPA continues to weather the storm, Pruitt’s staunchest supporters, like Trump, have begun fighting back against the ever-unfolding media coverage of the EPA head’s ethics scandals.
Kentucky governor Bevin used a expression made famous by Spiro Agnew, President Nixon’s disgraced vice president who was forced to resign for alleged corruption. Bevin tweeted that Pruitt should “ignore the nattering nabobs of negativism,” referring to media coverage of all the controversies surrounding the EPA chief.
Meanwhile, an official with the Heritage Foundation, a far right mainstay in Washington, blamed Pruitt’s troubles on the “left” in a commentary published April 4. The official, Genevieve Wood, a senior communications adviser for the think tank, resorted to using the tired tactic of highlighting Al Gore and Hollywood to discredit people opposed to dismantling laws and rules that were put into place to protect the environment and public health.
Wood said Pruitt is being punished because “he doesn’t believe we should be creating useless regulations that eliminate jobs and make families pay more for energy just so Al Gore and most of Hollywood can feel good about themselves.”
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who trends toward the libertarian wing of the Republican Party on foreign policy and privacy issues, described Pruitt as “likely the bravest and most conservative member of Trump’s cabinet.” In a tweet, Paul said Pruitt is still needed to “drain the regulatory swamp.” Libertarians have long pushed for limiting the federal government’s role in protecting the environment.
In another tweet, Cruz asked why “Obama and his media cronies want so badly to drive [Scott Pruitt] out of office?” Cruz and his wife were the targets of vicious attacks from Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. Perhaps owing to the attacks by Trump, Cruz opined that the president “is too cagey to be duped and bullied by the Obama groupies.”
Meanwhile, in an opinion piece for Fox News on Thursday, Steve Milloy, the former tobacco industry spin master and coal executive, wrote that before taking over as administrator “Pruitt knew well EPA’s proclivity toward rogue behavior.”
Earlier in his career, Milloy ran a website that was dedicated to debunking what he alleged to be false claims regarding passive smoking, global warming, and DDT.
Pruitt’s detractors have emphasized that the former Oklahoma attorney general has been waging a rogue campaign against environmental law since he became head of the EPA in February 2017.
Earlier this week, for example, news came out that Pruitt went rogue by bypassing the White House to approve significant pay increases for two of his closest aides. When asked by Fox News why he went around Trump to give the pay raises, Pruitt denied he approved the salary increases. “I did not,” he said. “My staff did. And I found out about that yesterday and I changed it.”
The Heartland Institute — always viewed as a fringe group for its promotion of climate denial and other discredited theories — gained prominence under Trump and is now too coming to Pruitt’s defense. “Funny what happens when a Republican wins the White House,” the Heartland Institute’s Julie Kelly wrote in a piece published Tuesday. “The media mob suddenly develops an interest in transparency and fiscal responsibility.”
Myron Ebell, a top official with the Competitive Enterprise Institute who headed Trump’s EPA transition team, also is defending Pruitt as the controversies mount. “We’re getting the word out that Administrator Pruitt is doing a good job in implementing the president’s agenda and Administrator Pruitt is a key part of that agenda,” Ebell told E&E News in article published Tuesday.
The scope of alleged ethics violations and missteps by Pruitt is staggering, even in Washington, a town accustomed to politicians and lobbyists seeking to enrich themselves at taxpayer expense and pushing their political agenda by any means necessary.
As of Friday morning, Pruitt was still employed by the Trump administration. “Pruitt could not survive what’s come out about him at this point in any traditional presidency,” the Washington Post explained Friday.
Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma’s Attorney General, was selected by President Donald Trump to head the Environmental Protection Agency, and confirmed by the Senate in a 52-46 vote. When it comes to environmental issues, the record shows that Pruitt has been a virtual lobbyist for the state’s oil and gas companies, the agricultural industry, and other business groups. He also has a history of fighting federal action on environmental issues, cutting back on state enforcement, denying the reality of climate change and trying to block clean water regulations.
Pruitt has been very sensitive to his state’s large oil and gas industry, which donated more than $360,000 to his political campaigns. (For a detailed listing all of his campaign contributions, click here.) The honorary chairman of Pruitt’s 2014 election campaign was Harold Hamm, the billionaire CEO of one of the largest oil and gas companies in Oklahoma, Continental Resources. Hamm serves as an energy advisor to Trump.
President Donald Trump is standing by his embattled Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt, according to reports. Let’s be clear, that is good thing for both Trump and the country. Pruitt is one of the shining stars of the Trump administration, and no one who supports the president’s “Make America Great Again” agenda should want him replaced.
Current complaints about Pruitt’s Washington, D.C., condo, rented at the fair-market value from a lobbyist, are mostly politically motivated. As the designated agency ethics official for the EPA explained
“Entering into the lease was consistent with federal ethics regulations regarding gifts, and use of the property in accordance with the lease agreement did not constitute a gift as defined in those regulations.”
An internal Department of Justice memorandum obtained by Breitbart News Friday indicates Attorney General Jeff Sessions is trying to get to the bottom of the DOJ “slush fund” for left-wing groups he dismantled in June.
The memo asks all components of the DOJ to recount the last ten years of payments made to non-governmental organizations as third parties in settlements and provide that information to Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand, the number three Justice official. These “cy pres” payments were a long-standing policy of having mostly corporate defendants, for example in a civil rights suit, agree to pay into charities as part of their settlement with the government to avoid further prosecution
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