Coming soon.Q
The Majority Staff Report Concludes:
Despite the clear legislative history of the 1993 NIH Revitalization Act, the executive branch across multiple administrations has failed to enforce the law’s safeguards.
Since 2010, three companies - Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc.; StemExpress, LLC; and Novogenix Laboratories, LLC (Novogenix has since gone out of business) - have paid affiliates of Planned Parenthood Federation of America to acquire aborted fetuses, and then sold the fetal tissue to their respective customers at substantially higher prices than their documented costs.
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) initially had a policy in place to ensure its affiliates were complying with the law, but the affiliates failed to follow its fetal tissue reimbursement policy. When PPFA learned in 2011 of this situation, PPFA cancelled the policy rather than exercise oversight to bring the affiliates back into compliance. Thus, PPFA not only turned a blind eye to the affiliates’ violations of its fetal tissue policy, but also altered its own oversight procedures enabling those affiliates’ practices to continue unimpeded
The cost analyses provided by affiliates of Planned Parenthood Federation of America lack sufficient documentation and rely on unreasonably broad and vague claims of costs for “the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control or storage of” fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood attorneys acknowledge that the affiliates had failed to follow procedures put in place to ensure compliance with the law. In addition, the cost analyses were only performed long after the fact and at the insistence of the committee
The full report details the long history of the controversy surrounding human fetal tissue research and the bipartisan legislative approach taken to resolve the issue at the time, as well as the subsequent lack of enforcement. As the report explains, “Support for the 1993 NIH Revitalization Act was premised on the idea that the ban on buying or selling fetal tissue would be a safeguard against the development for a market for human fetuses. Tragically, the executive branch has either failed or simply refused to enforce that safeguard. As a result, contrary to the intent of the law, companies have charged thousands of dollars for specimens removed from a single aborted fetus; they have claimed the fees they charged only recovered acceptable costs when they had not, in fact, conducted any analysis of their costs when setting the fees; and their post hoc accounting rationalizations invoked indirect and tenuously-related costs in an attempt to justify their fees.”
Fetal experimentation in Federal Regulation Dennis J Horan introduction the recommendations of the national commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research commission where substantially Incorporated by the secretary of the department of health, education and Welfare (HEW)into the rules and regulations governing the grants and contracts made by HEW supporting research development and regulated activities involving the fetus, pregnant woman, and human and vetro fertilization period significantly part of the overall Scheme of research regulation involving the protection of human subjects although no regulations exist as yet concerning in vitro fertilization although the commission regulate recommendations were generally followed by the Secretary of HEW and regulations there were areas.
Congressional response to the fetal research debate
In response, the 93rd Congress held hearings in which numerous Witnesses testified, and each chamber pass bills addressing the issues of the fetal tissue research. House and Senate, negotiators meant to resolve differences between the two Chambers come petting bills, and the final version, entitled The National research Act, was enacted on July 12th, 1974.
In this 1974 statue established a new, 11 - member Commission and tasked it with recommending permanent Seattle research Rules by May 1st, 1975. The new law also barred the United States department of health, education, and Welfare, (HEW) from conducting or supporting fetal research before or after induced abortion until the commission's recommendations were issued. Although the band was limited to fetal research directly or indirectly supported by HEW reportedly supported the majority of all health-related research in the United States. Numerous Witnesses testified before this panel entitled The National commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research, before an issue the required report and recommendations to the HEW. Some Witnesses cited the benefits derived from past fetal research and argued that banning medical research on living fetuses would deny freedom from disease to millions of future children. Other's voice ethical concerns, detailing past experiments in which aborted fetuses were purposely kept alive outside the womb for up to 22 hours using oxygen and other methods in order to conduct experiments on them.
In May 1975, the commission issue its =eport and Recommendations: Research on the Fetus. "Which recommended lifting the ban on research on living fetuses, before or after abortion, subject to several conditions:
View search had to be directed at the health needs of the fetus or the mother, could pose no added risk to fetus and could not involve tourmaline to RP or respiration of the non viable fetus. Artificially maintaining the vital functions of living, non viable fetuses was also prohibited. The regulations require separation between the person performing the abortion and the person is removing the tissue from your life fetuses. And the regulations prohibit any inducements, monetary or otherwise, and any change in abortion procedures that were hurt either the fetus or the pregnant woman.
The adoption of these recommendations as regulations in July of 1975 substantially circumscribed HEW-supported research on living fetuses, whether before or after abortion. But neither the co.mission's recommendations nor the regulations extensively addressed the use of tissue from dead aborted fetuses.
The one clear requirement in the regulations was that research involving dead fetuses had to conform to any applicable state or local laws. Otherwise, it was a matter of uncertainty and dispute weather the other procedural provisions- such as the band on payment or the mandatory separation between the abortion and a personal using the tissue- apply to research involving dead fetuses.
In response, the 93rd Congress held hearings in which numerous Witnesses testified, and each chamber pass bills addressing the issues of the fetal tissue research. House and Senate, negotiators meant to resolve differences between the two Chambers come petting bills, and the final version, entitled The National research Act, was enacted on July 12th, 1974.
In this 1974 statue established a new, 11 - member Commission and tasked it with recommending permanent Seattle research Rules by May 1st, 1975. The new law also barred the United States department of health, education, and Welfare, (HEW) from conducting or supporting fetal research before or after induced abortion until the commission's recommendations were issued. Although the band was limited to fetal research directly or indirectly supported by HEW reportedly supported the majority of all health-related research in the United States. Numerous Witnesses testified before this panel entitled The National commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research, before an issue the required report and recommendations to the HEW. Some Witnesses cited the benefits derived from past fetal research and argued that banning medical research on living fetuses would deny freedom from disease to millions of future children. Other's voice ethical concerns, detailing past experiments in which aborted fetuses were purposely kept alive outside the womb for up to 22 hours using oxygen and other methods in order to conduct experiments on them.
In May 1975, the commission issue its =eport and Recommendations: Research on the Fetus. "Which recommended lifting the ban on research on living fetuses, before or after abortion, subject to several conditions:
View search had to be directed at the health needs of the fetus or the mother, could pose no added risk to fetus and could not involve tourmaline to RP or respiration of the non viable fetus. Artificially maintaining the vital functions of living, non viable fetuses was also prohibited. The regulations require separation between the person performing the abortion and the person is removing the tissue from your life fetuses. And the regulations prohibit any inducements, monetary or otherwise, and any change in abortion procedures that were hurt either the fetus or the pregnant woman.
The adoption of these recommendations as regulations in July of 1975 substantially circumscribed HEW-supported research on living fetuses, whether before or after abortion. But neither the co.mission's recommendations nor the regulations extensively addressed the use of tissue from dead aborted fetuses.
The one clear requirement in the regulations was that research involving dead fetuses had to conform to any applicable state or local laws. Otherwise, it was a matter of uncertainty and dispute weather the other procedural provisions- such as the band on payment or the mandatory separation between the abortion and a personal using the tissue- apply to research involving dead fetuses.
Some doctors apparently interpreted the regulations as inapplicable to dead fetuses: in February of 1976, a Washington Post investigation revealed that DC General Hospital has sold fetuses from late-term elective abortions to flow Laboratories, a Maryland from that use fetal organs and other fetal tissues to produce cell cultures, which it intern sold to Medical from The Logical researchers and forms. The hospital had not sought or received the permission of the women receiving abortions, and the department involved it had kept the money they received in a special, unauthorized fund. a federal jury was in panel to review the matter- not for a violation of the fetal tissue regulations, but rather for potential violation of the law that made it illegal for District of Columbia employees receive outside composition for work undertaking during working hours.
In later years, Congress passed a few additional laws relevant to these issues. And 1984 the National Organ Transplant ACT (NOTA) was enacted. NOTA criminalize exchange of valuable consideration for human organs for using human transplantation, if the transfer affects interstate commerce. NOTA did not provide a statutory definition of the phrase "valuable consideration," but it did clarify that the phrase "does not include the reasonable payments associated with the removal, transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, and storage of a human organ or the expenses of travel, housing, and list wages incurred by the donor if a human organ in connection with the donation of the organ. In 1988, Congress ended NOTA to explicitly include fetal organs, but, consistent with the original NOTA, the 1978 ban on buying or selling fetal organs was limited to the context of human transplantation.
in 1985, the health research extension Act was enacted. The relevant portions of the ACT modified the public health act, essentially qualifying some of the recommendations made a decade earlier by the national commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research regarding the use of fetuses in research experimentation. The ACT started...
in 1985, the health research extension Act was enacted. The relevant portions of the ACT modified the public health act, essentially qualifying some of the recommendations made a decade earlier by the national commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research regarding the use of fetuses in research experimentation. The ACT started...
Charles E Grassley Iowa chairman orange e Hatch Utah Patrick Daley Vermont Jeff sessions Alabama Dianne Feinstein California Lindsey Graham South Carolina Charles Schumer New York John cornyn Texas Richard Durbin Illinois Michael S Lehi Utah Sheldon Whitehouse Rhode Island Ted Cruz Texas Amy closure Minnesota Jeff Flake Arizona El Franklin Minnesota David Vitter Louisiana Christopher Coons Delaware David Perdue Georgia Richard Blumenthal Connecticut Thomas Tillis North Carolina
United States Senate committee on the Judiciary Washington DC 20510-6275
December 13th, 2016 VA electronic transmission The Honorable Loretta Lynch attorney general US Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington DC 20530 the honorable James B Comey Jr director Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20535
United States Senate committee on the Judiciary Washington DC 20510-6275
December 13th, 2016 VA electronic transmission The Honorable Loretta Lynch attorney general US Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington DC 20530 the honorable James B Comey Jr director Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20535
Dear attorney general Lynch and Director Comey:
In the summer of 2015, the Senate Judiciary Committee began an inquiry into paid fetal tissue transfers involving Planned Parenthood. The committee has since obtained and reviewed more than 20,000 pages of information from the organizations involved, and engaged and detailed discussions with attorneys for those organizations. Investigation as culminated in a majority staff report to the committee. The report is attached for you for your review. The report documents the failure of the Department of Justice, across multiple administration's, to enforce the law that bans the buying and selling of human fetal tissues 42 USC 28902 which even a single prosecution. It also documents substantial substantial evidence addressing the specific and its entities involved in the recent controversy. And or individuals employed by these entities, may have violated the law. Moreover, the evidence is contained entirely in these entities own records, which are which were voluntarily provided to the committee and are detailed in the report.
Accordingly, I am referring to pay fetal tissue practices of the following organizations, as outlined in the report, to the FBI and the Department of Justice investigation potential prosecution:
* StemExpresss, LLC;
* Advanced Bioscience Resources Inc:;
* Novogenix Laboatories LLC:
* Planned Parenthood Mar Monte:;
* Planned Parenthood Los Angeles:;
* Planned Parenthood NORTHERN California and
* Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest.
In the summer of 2015, the Senate Judiciary Committee began an inquiry into paid fetal tissue transfers involving Planned Parenthood. The committee has since obtained and reviewed more than 20,000 pages of information from the organizations involved, and engaged and detailed discussions with attorneys for those organizations. Investigation as culminated in a majority staff report to the committee. The report is attached for you for your review. The report documents the failure of the Department of Justice, across multiple administration's, to enforce the law that bans the buying and selling of human fetal tissues 42 USC 28902 which even a single prosecution. It also documents substantial substantial evidence addressing the specific and its entities involved in the recent controversy. And or individuals employed by these entities, may have violated the law. Moreover, the evidence is contained entirely in these entities own records, which are which were voluntarily provided to the committee and are detailed in the report.
Accordingly, I am referring to pay fetal tissue practices of the following organizations, as outlined in the report, to the FBI and the Department of Justice investigation potential prosecution:
* StemExpresss, LLC;
* Advanced Bioscience Resources Inc:;
* Novogenix Laboatories LLC:
* Planned Parenthood Mar Monte:;
* Planned Parenthood Los Angeles:;
* Planned Parenthood NORTHERN California and
* Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest.
In addition, as also described in the attached report, it appears that Planned Parenthood Federation of America lean learned that it Affiliates engaging and paid fetal tissue programs were not following the policies and procedures that had put in place to ensure compliance with a 42 USC 28932. However, instead of exercising its oversight procedures to bring them into compliance, it contacted the Affiliates involved and then I'll trade those oversight procedures in a manner that allow the affiliates conduct to continue. While the committee does not have all the details of what transpired between the plant paranoid Federal Federation of America and these Affiliates, the facts on cover raise a reasonable suspicion that these organizations, and or individuals employed by them, may have engaged in conspiracy to violate the fetal tissue law 18 USC 371. Therefore, I am referring the practices of these organizations, as outlined in the report, to the FBI and the doj for investigation and potential prosecution for this event, as well.
Please contact the committee if you determine that you need to seek access to the unredacted copies of any of the records necessary to further your investigation to these matters.Sincerely
Please contact the committee if you determine that you need to seek access to the unredacted copies of any of the records necessary to further your investigation to these matters.Sincerely
Feinstein, however, said in a statement Friday that the 2016 report was only presented to the "majority," meaning the Republicans on the committee.
"I hope that there isn't a partisan purpose in taking this action and that the department handles the chairman's request in a professional and ethical manner," Feinstein said in a statement.
"I hope that there isn't a partisan purpose in taking this action and that the department handles the chairman's request in a professional and ethical manner," Feinstein said in a statement.
#Q #PlannedParenthood
in Summer of 2015
(42 U.S.C. & 289g-2)
#Anons #Humans #fetuses
in Summer of 2015
(42 U.S.C. & 289g-2)
#Anons #Humans #fetuses

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were we all go we go as one.
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