For the past two days, the world has watched Mark Zuckerberg’s evident discomfort as he tolerated a 10-hour marathon of questions from members in both houses of congress. The spectacle had it all — was light grilling, plenty of apologizing and vows to do better, and more than a few explanations of how Facebook actually works.
And the internet was loving it. Well, specifically, Twitter, cuz Facebook doesn’t exactly lend itself to this kind of live reaction (sorry Zuck). Here are some of the best reactions we spotted.

Zuckerberg blinked awkwardly at the camera. And the internet tweeted.

Someone give that man a little blush. Seriously though, Remind you of anyone?

1998: Bill Gates testifies before Congress for the first time

1998 revenue: $14.5 billion

2018: Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress for the first time

2018 revenue*: $55.4 billion

(*analyst estimates)

What is that deer-in-the-headlights look on his face though?

when someone's talking to you about boring shit and you suddenly remember you forgot to feed your neopets from 10 years ago

Seriously, never cut your own hair. Especially the day before prom.
Despite the five-head, everyone was excited to see the robot masquerading as Mark Zuckerberg  him.

Mark Zuckerberg in 2016: "Personally I think the idea that fake news on Facebook ... influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea"

Mark Zuckerberg in 2018:

It took a while for him to speak. Instead, his human suit analyzed a water bottle and tried to pour it into a glass and slurp it like a regular old CEO. As you can imagine, it was quite difficult.

"Thank you, Congressman. I have prepared an oral statement before we begin."

*Zuckerberg opens mouth. Jaw unhinges. Hornets swarm out of gaping hole.*


I mean, the man is very probably a robot.

Okay, after all these digs though, he wasn’t looking BAD. Maybe a little taller than usual even.

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Tech companies pretend they don’t understand the subtlety of the bias their platforms introduce, but OF COURSE they do.

Zuckerberg is 5’7”

His team has him sitting on a 4” cushion during testimony because they know it’s important for him not to look small or meek in the pics.

He finally speaks! I feel like this should somehow be a drinking game. Take a shot every time Zuck says “content” or a lawmaker mispronounces Cambridge Analytica.
Or, maybe something that just doesn’t make any factual sense.

But is Facebook too powerful, Mark? That’s the real question here.

Does this feel like trying to explain the internet to your parents to anyone else?

“Mr. Zuckerberg, a magazine i recently opened came with a floppy disk offering me 30 free hours of something called America On-Line. Is that the same as Facebook?”

At the end of the day, at least someone was happy.

Day Two: Congress didn’t magically obtain knowledge of the internet.

But hey! Biden is here!

Still, all eyes were on Zuck.

Look at the "man" handler robot killer whatever directly behind he's like "One wrong word I'll explode your head!"

The big news of the day? Zuckerberg’s own data was also sold to third parties.
But, don’t worry, that’s shouldn’t put too much of a wrench in his plans.

2024: After Facebook's algorithm had finally eliminated all dissenting political speech, President realised there was no longer any need to maintain a living tissue overlay on his cybernetic endoskeleton.