ITS FUCKING HAPPENING! SETH RICH CASE REOPENED Anonymous (ID: QuAhRNPC) 04/24/18(Tue)21:06:41 No.169360746▶
>>169360892 >>169361462 >>169361632>>169361732 >>169362510 >>169362522 >>169362566 >>169362597 >>169362623 >>169363397 >>169363691 >>169363718 >>169363843 >>169364001 >>169364402 >>169364447 >>169365053 >>169365182>>169365253 >>169365316 >>169365757 >>169366812 >>169367161 >>169367384 >>169367593 >>169368028 >>169368790 >>169369316 >>169370328 >>169370357 >>169372044 >>169372507 >>169374002>>169374212 >>169374257 >>169378234 >>169378686 >>169378852 >>169379351 ind-Seth-Rich_s-Killer_Washington-D C-480704311.html
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>>169360746 (OP)
So much is happening at once...Can you feel it? We're entering a new paradigm. A new level of consciousness. It's really happening.
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/Kanye/ is just the beginning...
Low quality b8
>muh based niggers
kys mutt
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>already debunked. not happening.
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Kek is real
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>>169360746 (OP)
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>everyone who doesn't like niggers is jewish
kys mutt, you'll be strung up with the rest of them
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>>169360746 (OP)
what, NO!
>>169360746 (OP)
ton of happenings, hard to pick up on good ones. full force attack
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>hating niggers is more important than awakening a whole populace to the JQ
oh hey rabbi
Daily reminder 90% of meme flaggers are people in a cubicle in Tel Aviv
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trips of truthyness
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Post the debunking then.
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>>169360746 (OP)
His name was Seth Rich.
Daily reminder that 1.5 years after he was gunned down in a “botched robbery”, we still don't know what caliber of bullet was used in the murder.
22LR? 32 ACP? 380? 38 Special? 40 S&W? 9mm?
No one ballistics forensics report, no videos or security footage, nuttin'...
Really makes you think.
>oh...BTW - an FBI vehicle with a S&W 40 handgun was “robbed” just a few hours before Seth Rich was shot a few miles away. Coincidence?
>>169360746 (OP)
>no date on the video/"news"
>leaf post
looks like nothing's happening
heh, nothin personal
*creatures sitting behind a desk.
Fixed thanks anon
>>169360746 (OP)
I'll bet nothing happens.
>>169360746 (OP)
>>169360746 (OP)
Damn has it really been 1.5 years already? Hopefully he can get some justice
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MAGAMAGAMAGA, my fellow pedes!
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Watch this faggots. Powering Up
Fuck this gif usually fucking works with kek. Alright ignore me faggots I'm of no importance
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Let’s get justice started with a ballistics report
>show me the bullets
Start with that
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I've been listening to a lot of Jorden B. Peterson lately. Good advice.
I cleaned my room.
I cleaned my kitchen.
I cleaned my bathroom.
I cleaned my rifle.
Next, I'll clean America.
Let's make America great again, anon!
he won't, because he's a shill, and his job is done
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>>169360746 (OP)
Soon there will be killings of those politicans and billionaires with jewish and arabian heritage. Every journalist that supported this race mixing will be destroyed. They will be schocked when face WHITE terr0г. That is aimed only on those, who is in charge.
Thanx God it's really easy to do today. And even child toys can kill. You don't even need to reveal yourself.
BTW, guys, I suggest you to open a help line for suicidal people on the Internet. And tell all those people that they can become real heroes before the end. And kill some politician who is making all that diversity. Just find those societies on Facebook or elsewhere and start conversations with every of them via private messages. Start telling any stories why that man must die. You are free to find any reasons. Listen to the guy and tell him that it was made by that politician/journalist(find a reason that fits the best). You will be surprised how easy it is. And use Tor.
Soon it will start.
probably .45acp or .22lr
but the junkie hoodlum supposedly used a revolver..
but the feds lost a .45acp in the area..
and his wounds seemed 22.
don't forget he didn't die from his wounds..
they euthanized him with their youth squad.
he would've lived if they let the normal doctors do their thing. he would've made it and talked.
so they interrogated him.. sticking their pens in his wounds.. and shooting him up with youth dope. they made sure he did not survive.
it's still real to me
For Kanye to redeem himself from the dark side he's gonna have to snitches get stitches... huh
>>169360746 (OP)
this is just more email level faggotry. nothing happening. a firm. not law enforcement. not the fbi. just some faggots who want money and are paid to larp as competent investigators
what cases have they solved that yielded a conviction? none? they are just legacy niggers who couldnt get into acting and cant do math well enough to be a accountant
>>169360746 (OP)
Absolute horseshit
It will get closed as a Russian mafia connection and blamed on Putin, Trump, wikileaks, Kanye, and whoever else they can blame it on
the embrace of kek is so intense lately I need to microdose lsd daily to stay focused.
Life is like a fever dream lately
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>microdose lsd
Kek, my favorite pasta
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>>169360746 (OP)
>>169360746 (OP)
The Feds lost a S&W 40, stolen from a parked FVI vehicle an hour or two before Seth was shot. And the vehicle was not far from the crime scene when it was (((robbed))).
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i feel it
Wat. Really?
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start from the first thread, and read to the last.
the samurai culture is alive and well in the west.
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>>169360746 (OP)
They're only doing this so they can come to a controlled conclusion, that nothing suspicious happened, to kill all talk about Seth Rich.
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>>169360746 (OP)
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bump for justice
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(((They're))) getting scared, fellas
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>>169360746 (OP)
so it was a robbery yet nothing was taken..... ok that makes sense
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>>169360746 (OP)
I hope this is a sincere effort but listening to the video it sounds like this is going to be another white wash to shut those right wing conspiracy nuts up.
>>169360746 (OP)
Jack Burkman is leading this case he is Seth Rich's Family handler. I dont know if I trust this.
>>169360746 (OP)
everyone but me gotta learn to stop being a crybaby over something that happened in 2016
you're a terrible troll.
**9 months later**
school shootings, federal prosecutors investigating voter fraud washing up on beaches shot in the head, bridges falling on people not even 1 day after being built... massive gun grab psyop....
YOUR TURN! [Embed]
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let me help
RICH [Embed]
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>>169360746 (OP)
>right wing conspiracy theories
If only they didn't include "right wing". An attempt to keep normies from looking any deeper into it, I'm sure.
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she always looks like she just got out of the shower, but slipped in the shower and got two black eyes.
anyway, check these. its truly really habbening
Seth Rich’s laptop was taken.... from his home.... by the police. It makes sense that Seth would know the people who executed him for the personal possessions they left on his body when no one suddenly interrupted the robbery in progress.
see it's the opposite for me, it feels like it's been half a decade since he died, time's been dilating weirdly in the past couple of years.
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and the cunt isn't done killing Americans yet.
google search
broward county election fraud Cg&q=broward+county+election+fraud& oq=broward+county+election+fraud&gs _l=psy-ab.3...1378.8320.0.8556.31.2 .1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.26.1472...0j0i67 k1j0i131i67k1j0i131k1j0i46i67k1j46i 67k1.0.sQQowmqFfLQ
This jew is right. Goy am I sleepy.
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I'd feel it if I haven't been seeing "SO MUCH IS HAPPENING ALL AT ONCE IT'S HAPPENING CAN YOU FEEL IT" posts for almost 2 years.
>>169360746 (OP)
> Find-Seth-Rich_s-Killer_Washington- DC-480704311.html
so its a fucking shill investigation
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Nice 5858 bro. Shadilay! He is here.
I think the other 10% are poos ashamed of being called poos.
i went to that link and had to see two blacks talking in a video. there is no article. and yes "firm" is awfully vague.
Trips of truth. It’s happening
>>169360746 (OP)
>it reopened b/c of some conspiracy that we wont mention b/c it's so fucking obviously the truth
i fucking hate the media
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how they are connected to debbie's district...
so deep.. so liddle..
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who is seth rich?
>>169360746 (OP)
are they all in the same cubicle
>pakistan spy ring
probably doubles as a grooming gang desu
Of course. They work for Jews.
Found the cia mossad shill fag...
The thing that did it for me was that they didnt take his gold watch, wallet, phone, nothing. If the "robber" was in the state of mind to shoot someone, there's no way he wouldve left those things
this is offensive and im not even jewish
>>169360746 (OP)
If anyone was ever allowed access to the DNC server, it would be a happening like we have never seen before.
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There was a guy who spent time and resources and teamed up with investigators. He was shot in the back, and ran over by an ex-marine who worked in some government agency like the EPA or something. Your gut is probably right is all I'm saying.
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How is a rat being Jewish offensive? Here is a C*tholic one
Shut up, nigger no one in their right mind gives a fuck about that STD ridden colored boy. He has no true power just as the cucktube warriors have no true power on a larger scale. Call me a kike, faggot idgaf everyone's sick of you fuckin retards.
the nurses and doctors in the hospital ward were instructed not to treat seth rich, and a 2nd team of (((doctors))) came in to treat him as a "VIP"
they interrogated,tortured and killed him.
he knew his number was up as soon as they started asking him questions...
they weren't there to help him.
they were there to kill him.
get that hospital footage of those doctors
and you have the killers.
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>>169360746 (OP)
Seth Rich will not be vindicated, he died in vain because the DoJ is corrupt and the LEOs of the capitol police are corrupt.
>no body cam footage even though first responders found him alive
>no autopsy report
Let it go man, let it go. They are to corrupt for a bunch of NEETs to do anything about.
You're fuckin retarded or a paid troll, either way stfu.
And two feds were killed in a car within 24hrs in South Carolina, a short drive for that timeframe.
checked & true.
2 spic gangbangers. i'll dig it up
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wtf did you expect its been two years man.
the article is from liberals
Seth Rich will never be vindicated
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I feel so much, my feels are having feels at this point! This is a hell of a ride!
Seth Rich could have been murdered by Hillary, pizzagate could be real, there could be truth in all the conspiracies about Hillary and also the Clinton Foundation, and the globalists could be funding the socialization of our society and government, and I still wouldn't agree with anything you right wing idiots say or do.
.t assblasted liberal
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t. jidf
.22 is a preferred method of Mossad.
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>>169360746 (OP)
These are not the names you want to see invoked.
Its really real. Remeber the rabbit hole goes much deeper than what comes next. Lets save the planet and bring about a new spiritual age of man
dumb frogposter
We'd need to disarm the Samson Option before we can make any real progress
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Here's why.
>Here's why.
Here's why.
>Here's why.
Here's why.
>Here's why.
Here's why.
>Here's why.
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>>169360746 (OP)
Samson Option is a bluff. Kikes always lose in the end.
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no one cares what you think faggot
its offensive to the rat maybe
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It was hillary cunton that had him assassinated... They really need to launch a giant instigation to figure that out? retarded
Beat me to it.
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>>169360746 (OP)
Case closed. No reason to reopen it.
>>169360746 (OP)
radical man....
Thats because you are a faggot ass degenerate. The day of the rope will come for you pedos and fuck face antfia queers. Your pink ak 22 aint gonna save you either.
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My wife always tells me the same thing.
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pol is compromised.
regroup in the cicada.
Cy Hersch claimed it was a .22
khazar milkers in tight cubicles..
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I didn't even think of that. Anything is possible.
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I feel it
>>169360746 (OP)
>Caring about a literal leftist kike
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I see you
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justice will be done my friend
you saved us from Killary
you exposed them all in the last hour
we will avenge your murder
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But he WAS a leftist. A Bernie supporter to be exact. This is no secret.
It's also no secret that Seth Rich was Jew.
The enemy of my enemy is not always a friend.
>>169360746 (OP)
didnt the nunes memo already say the timeline is
>seth rich got the data from the servers physically
>clinton goons hired MS13
>they continued to fuck rich up
which of the niggers doesnt really matter, im welcoming them getting screwed over even though they likely are kill already since those that hired them wanted to tie up loose ends. we need to get the higher ups
>One less Jew
>One less leftist
>Hillary didn't get elected
Seems like a win/win.
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>Freedom and justice!
Neither of which Seth Rich believed in.
He's dead which is a positive. Hillary didn't win. Another positive. Recognize a good thing for what it is.
those are nice for a close head shot because the thing will enter the skull and then bounce off the interior causing all kinds of fucked up damage without too much noise or mess
I don't think you understand the point of this. It's not about worshiping some dead kike. It's using it as a wedge continuously against the entire kike democrat system.
It shows corruption, and the lengths (((they))) will go to stop it. Even one of their. They usually don't mind that at all though.
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NEVER!!!!! SHE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT d-MI6-bosses-illegally-hacking-secr et-data-Bill-Clinton.html
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he has spoken. checked.
>Kike democrat system
This is your flaw. You assume the kike system is only democrats. Trump is an agent of the Jews as well, along with McCain, and Graham, and McConnell, etc. You're a fool to think that Trump or other various republicans are somehow immune the ZOG system. They've had us by the balls since 1913, long before you or I ever existed, and they will long after we're both gone.
>She can't keep getting away with it!
Personally, I think this is the only good deed Hillary has achieved in her entire pathetic existence. Killing a fellow leftist and agent of communism? If only she'd ran on that platform, then maybe I would have agreed with her.
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maybe so but it can be a win/win/win if that case gets reopened and his murder takes down the entire cabal, its a can of worms waiting to explode
you can thank that jew for stealing emails and getting himself killed, and you can thank that investigator for pushing to hard and getting himself killed.
what seth rich did is going to take down the whole house of cards and they are desperate to silence anyone willing to prove that he did it and that they killed him, he disporves their whole muh Russia narrative to impeach Trump, that cant win if the are responsible for his death
I dont care if he was jooberniebro or not
you are seeing the clinton body count tick upwards in real time
everyone knows it and they are desperate to hide this, the DNC NEVER LET THE FBI SEE THEIR SERVERS, THEY BLAME RUSSIA THEY KILL SETH RICH,
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>accepting the corrupt system.
You have different values.
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>If he case gets reopened and it takes down the entire cabal
The "cabal" is compartmentalized. Do you honestly think the people that shot Seth Rich are even still breathing? They'd be lucky to have survived 24 hours after shooting that kike faggot.
You obviously don't have any understanding as to how actual political murder conspiracy works or usually plays out.
No, I only stated that side of the coin. They've had us by the balls since the inception of this country. This is a jewish experiment. They founded New York. The fucking Dutch.
I know full well the problems, and you praise Hillary? Oh you must be smiling like a little cunt behind your keyboard Mr. Faker
>I am a HUGE fucking retard, what's your move now?
lel ok
>>169360746 (OP)
>seth rich
You only get to pick one of the two, OP
I praise anyone who kills leftists. Hillary isn't even a leftist, she's a crony capitalist, which is one main reason she didn't want yid Bernie taking power, because all her wealth would've been swept out from under her.
You're an idiot gaslighter. Fucking homo. You under no circumstances praise an enemy. All servants of the jews are the enemy you fucking chameleon
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>>169360746 (OP)
Yeah, totally not happening. This happened with Hillary’s email case too. Nothing happened then. Nothings happening now.
>>169360746 (OP)
implying THEY would let the truth out. now they'll just give it an "official" story which isnt true
Quality posts guys, keep em comin
Typical leftist tactic. Buzzword much?
>All servants of the jews are the enemy
I agree. But I admit I do get a kick out of it when they're forced to off each other like situation related.
>no one knows
>no ballistics report
>no forensics report
Even if there is, the public will never see it. If this was a political hit it will be swept under the rug and never brought to light.
If they're compartmentalized, as they probably are beyond the pedo-moloch-whatever secretkeeping, then that also means they can and will turn against each other if given the chance. Greed and fear are the only things holding it together.
All the information is gone. You will never see a word of it, and the people who shot yid Rich are most likely dead as well.
Loose ends and what not.
There have been 1000+ Seth Rich happening threads on /pol/. Nothing has happened. Nothing will happen.
>They will turn against each other
Sort of. The less important players will be sacrificed like always, while the real string pullers remain in their ivory towers. The Clintons could easily be sacrificed. They're known corrupt scumbags anyway, and being outed for their degeneracy wouldn't surprise anyone.
The people who out them though, are ones whose names are either not known, or never spoken. It's how they stay in power. You think Soros and the Clinton/Bush dynasty are in any form of power? They're the front men. The face they give you to blame for all their wrong doing.
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I feel kind of bad that he was murdered, and the police don't seem to care. Even if it wasn't political intrigue, there's still a murderer out there who got away with it. Is D.C. really so bad that a murder is treated like a stolen bike?
the state of stormfags. absolute delusion
And there will be 1,000 more as there should be. There should 1,000 more Vegas threads, Parkland, Awan Brothers, Benghazi, Pizzagate, anything related to kikery. Criticizing a thread like this? Are you serious? Every step forward is important to celebrate and push even more.
This is the trench warfare of the information age.
>A murderer out there
By out there, you mean chopped into 20 different pieces and dumped into the ocean? Think about it for a moment.
>Hire a "firm" to select nigger degenerate gang members as hitmen
>Offer them a bunch of money
>Groids kill Seth Rich
>When groids come to collect on the rest of their payment, kill them too.
>Destroy the bodies or evidence or simply stage their deaths to look like gang related homicide
It's really not a difficult thing to imagine. Hell, the people who killed the niggers who committed the Seth Rich murder probably didn't even know why they were killing those dindus either. Hitmen don't get paid to ask questions, and there's no shortage of them.
>every step forward
You're doing nothing. None of you are helping. You're not part of the investigation. You're not raising awareness. /pol/ is a pathetic little echo chamber in a sad, angry corner of the internet full of young men who desperately want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
>You're doing nothing. None of you are helping. You're not part of the investigation. You're not raising awareness. /pol/ is a pathetic little echo chamber in a sad, angry corner of the internet full of young men who desperately want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
STFU you low energy 11 shill piece of shit.
Seth Rich will have his day, and you will be sorry you stood on the wrong side of history.
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>hired niggers
>watch not stolen
I don't know what really happened but I had to say it. Correct me if I'm wrong I can't find anything on (((Google))) about a watch being stolen.
You reveal your ignorance. This place is only growing with sway. You underestimate the laziness in media now. 4th String kikes in play, and they don't know how to subvert like they grandaddy did. Your anger reveals you
>on the wrong side of history
Go back to r*ddit faggot
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We'll never let it go
We'll never let it go
Shills may even get down on their knees
and blow
But we'll NEVER let it go
Never let it go
Oh yeah keep saying those words you learned. Like a big boy! Like a big boy does!
>this place is only growing with sway
No it's not. It has gained mass appeal and is losing the real, influential political minds and ideas in favor of memes and bullshit in a desperate attempt to feel important on a larger scale
Let me know when they arrest Hillary and Podesta, friend
It's simple.
>Offer niggers a ridiculous amount of cash.
>Give them half and promise the other half only if certain conditions are met i.e no theft.
Niggers are paranoid. Especially during the commission of a crime, and even more so if they know they're being watched, or if there's even a chance somebody COULD be watching.
>>169370549 [Embed]
The Vatican still runs the world. Joosalem and Mucca work for them. The high priests of the NWO
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it was a .22
Lou knows
You idiot, there are no real, influential political minds. This is part of the breakdown necessary to build things back up. This system is so corrupt, there is no simple way to clean house. We're ideological poisoned now, for another 50 years at least.
Do you even understand this? We must incessantly hammer away at the jews with all different facades and tactics. You want to see only certain threads and you say we want an echo chamber? I think your mind is the small one. Live in your world if you must, but fuck off and never return.
No, niggers are dumb. Even if they are being watched they will still try and get away with it because (like jews) they think they are smarter than everyone around them.
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Reminder that Julian told us the truth as soon as he was asked.
When asked if Seth was the leaker he said, "I can't say."
The non-disclosure agreement only applies to those who provide them info, so if Seth wasn't the leaker, he could have said "no."
It was his way of telling us.
>~t. skippy podesta
Seth Rich is in witpro. Just rewatch his family interviews. Notice they seem content with the state of things, like they know he's ok and know more than they can say. They don't want people digging into it because they can't maintain the lie.
boy would that just be awesome
we shall see
kek, good stuff right here
do you really? I am waiting for the eruption of Yellowstone
Seth was very much alive and talking when the paramedics brought him in.
Imagine the thoughts running through his head as the (((doctors))) told him that when Hillary wins, as every poll at the time said would happen, her people will ensure there's no chance anyone could ever know what truly happened to him. The utter despair he must have felt as they slowly and painfully tortured him to death. Seth died believing true justice had died along side him.
Hillary needs to pay for this. Kek demands it.
There were those emails wanting to make an example of the leaker. And the “prefer to shoot the panda” news article...
Certainly would cause alarm for anyone in charge of protecting him, if anyone was.
no, but seth was
seth was jewish
And this would be enough to get a British poster convicted
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>A new level of consciousness
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And soon a Canadian
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The leef speaks truth....
Oss Sempai
As a rat owner I'm offended.
As a /pol/tard you know I'm not joking.
Rats are giving as fuck. When one of my rats got sick the rest would bring her food before they would eat. Also they were litter trained.
>we hammer away at the Jews
Jews are a bogeyman to explain away the failure of white men. The rich blame the poor, poor blame the rich, blacks blame whites, white men blame Jews. Everyone needs a scapegoat.
>>169360746 (OP)
yeah bro. the pizzagate meme war has taken its toll on all of us. cant wait for it to be all over with, tbqhfamilam
Well yes actually. It could investigators informstion about whether or not you had enemies or anything like that.
>none of you.
>You're not part
>You're not raising.
>/pol/ is a...
Literally defines himself as an outsider.
Anyone down to try to crowdsource a monument for seth rich?
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Ummmm no sweetie
>>169360746 (OP)
His name was Seth rich bump.
What? This can be done tho.
>>169360746 (OP)
Pay a guy to go into the hospital and get those tapes
prob a little late for that though right
Rich blame poor for lack of success?
The left actually can't meme can they
Checked. I'm a career criminal in D.C. I'll ask around
if you need a good restaurant rec, i hear comet ping pong has excellent cheese pizza
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Trips of truth!
>>169360746 (OP)
Is it possible they're no longer afraid of hilary clinton or has she been dumped by the powers that were on her side before? "they" will never let me be president sounds like she's saying they gave up on her.
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