Russia: “Should Anything Happen to Iran … This Will Be a Direct Threat to Our National Security”Posted on January 14, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Russia and China Would Consider An Attack On Iran – Or Syria – As An Attack On Their National Security
RT notes:
The escalating conflict around Iran should be contained by common effort, otherwise the promising Arab Spring will grow into a “scorching Arab Summer,” says Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s deputy prime minister and former envoy to NATO.
“Iran is our close neighbor, just south of the Caucasus. Should anything happen to Iran, should Iran get drawn into any political or military hardships, this will be a direct threat to our national security,” stressed Rogozin.
Here’s what Rogozin is talking about (notice how close the Southern tip of Russia is to Northern Iran):“Iran is our close neighbor, just south of the Caucasus. Should anything happen to Iran, should Iran get drawn into any political or military hardships, this will be a direct threat to our national security,” stressed Rogozin.
A Chinese general has also allegedly said that China would launch World War III if Iran is attacked. And see this.
While many Americans still believe that our government would not be crazy enough to attack Iran, economic – not national security – considerations may be driving the warmongers.In addition, Iran and Syria have had a mutual defense pact for years. And China and Russia might also defend Syria if it is attacked. So an attack on Syria could draw Iran into the war … followed by China and Russia.
Russia: "Should Anything Happen to Iran ... This Will Be a Direct Threat to Our National Security"
The U.S. Government Funded the Iranian Terrorist Group Which “Found” The Documents Upon Which the Warmongers Are Relying
Submitted by George Washington on 01/15/2012 15:33 -0500
The people pushing for war against Iran are the same neocons who pushed for war against Iraq. See thisand this. (They planned both wars at least 20 years ago.)
The IAEA report being trumpted as a casus belli contains no new information, but is based on a re-hashing of old, debunked claims stemming from “laptop documents”.
Wikileaks documents reveal that the new IAEA head was heavily backed by the U.S., based upon his promises of fealty to the U.S. Indeed, as we’ve seen in the nuclear energy arena, the IAEA is not a neutral, fact-based organization, but a wholly-captured, political agency.
But where did the documents come from originally?
As Gareth Porter noted in 2008:
The George W. Bush administration has long pushed the “laptop documents” – 1,000 pages of technical documents supposedly from a stolen Iranian laptop – as hard evidence of Iranian intentions to build a nuclear weapon. Now charges based on those documents pose the only remaining obstacles to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) declaring that Iran has resolved all unanswered questions about its nuclear programme.
But those documents have long been regarded with great suspicion by U.S. and foreign analysts. German officials have identified the source of the laptop documents in November 2004 as the Mujahideen e Khalq (MEK), which along with its political arm, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), is listed by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist organisation.
But those documents have long been regarded with great suspicion by U.S. and foreign analysts. German officials have identified the source of the laptop documents in November 2004 as the Mujahideen e Khalq (MEK), which along with its political arm, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), is listed by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist organisation.
Interestingly, the Bush Administration – and especially Dick Cheney – helped to fund the MEK (see confirming articles here and here).
And the New York Times, Washington Post and others are reporting that Rudy Giuliani, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, former national security adviser Fran Townsend and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey are supporting the MEK as well.So the terrorist group which “found” the documents is funded by neoconservatives who want to overthrow Iran. What a coincidence!
And as Gareth Porter notes in the above-linked article, the Mossad may have created the documents in the first place:
There are some indications, moreover, that the MEK obtained the documents not from an Iranian source but from Israel’s Mossad.
One thing is clear: the U.S. and its allies have a long history of using forged documents as an excuse for war.
The U.S. Government Funded the Iranian Terrorist Group Which
ubmitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2012 11:07 -050
First we had news that out of the blue, the Western embargo against Iranian oil exports would be delayed by 6 months, and now, in the aftermath of last night's developments out of Iran which blamed the CIA for the murder of its nuclear scientist we get this (from Bloomberg):- ISRAEL, U.S. POSTPONE MILITARY EXERCISE, ISRAEL RADIO SAYS
And just so it doesn't look like a total cave in:
As a reminder Iran made it very clear an escalation in joint US-Israel war game cooperation would be met with yet another miliary exercise out of Iran.
And in other news, in response to the latest discovery that Russia not only was using Syrian ports to park its military ships, but to supply the locals with ammunition we get this:
So how long until the word "appeasement" makes its way into the popular jargon yet again.
Iran Foreign Ministry Claims Nuclear Scientist Was Executed By CIA, As Nigeria Strike Talks Collapse
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/14/2012 22:15 -0500While on one hand we get news from Nigeria that the government and the labor unions have failed to end a labor strike, raising the prospect of a halt of all production in the country which produces 2.4 million barrels of oil per day or roughly the same as Iran exports, we now find out that the US attempt at de-escalating tensions with Iran (following Thursday's news of an extension in the oil embargo deadline by 6 months - one would almost think Obama realized $5.00 gas may be an issue with the election looming) may have failed massively, and it is now Iran's attempt to score political brownie points knowing well it has all the advantage. As EA WorldView reports, instead of backing away from last week's sensitive issue of the assasination of a nuclear scientist, Iran has ripped the scab right off the wound and its foreign ministry has boldly proclaimed that it has "reliable documents and evidence that this terrorist act was planned, guided and supported by the CIA. The documents clearly show that this terrorist act was carried out with the direct involvement of CIA-linked agents." So the ball is now squarely back in America's court, and any further attempts at appeasement, such as the embargo extension was perceived as being, will merely serve to make US foreign policy appear even more toothless. Which Hillary will hardly stomach. So we may well be back at square one (only this time with two aircraft carriers in the Arabian Sea instead of just one).
From EA WorldView:
The Foreign Ministry has asserted in a letter, handed to the Swiss Ambassador, "We have reliable documents and evidence that this terrorist act was planned, guided and supported by the CIA. The documents clearly show that this terrorist act was carried out with the direct involvement of CIA-linked agents."
The Swiss Embassy represents the interests of the US, which broke diplomatic ties with Iran in 1979.
Iranian State TV said a "letter of condemnation" had also been sent to the British Government, contending that the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists had "started exactly after the British official John Sawers declared the beginning of intelligence operations against Iran".
The Swiss Embassy represents the interests of the US, which broke diplomatic ties with Iran in 1979.
Iranian State TV said a "letter of condemnation" had also been sent to the British Government, contending that the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists had "started exactly after the British official John Sawers declared the beginning of intelligence operations against Iran".
And as for Nigeria, here is AP with the latest:
Nigeria's government and labor unions failed to end a paralyzing nationwide strike over high gasoline costs, potentially sparking an oil production shutdown in a nation vital to U.S. oil supplies.
It was not immediately clear early Sunday whether a major oil workers' union had gone ahead with its threat to have its members walk off their jobs starting at midnight in an effort to halt oil production. But the fact labor unions left quickly from their meeting with the government and no one announced when talks would resume raised concerns the impasse would see Nigeria go through more days of disruptive strikes.
Nigeria, which produces 2.4 million barrels of oil a day, is the fifth-largest oil exporter to the United States. Any disruption to oil production could roil the oil futures market at a time traders remain concerned about world supply.
President Goodluck Jonathan did not show up for a meeting with union representatives held Saturday night at the presidential villa in Nigeria's capital Abuja, nor did Vice President Namadi Sambo. Instead, the nation's Senate president and its House speaker represented the government along with other officials.
After the meeting, Nigeria Labor Congress President Abdulwaheed Omar told waiting journalists: "We have not reached a compromise."
Asked whether oil production would immediately halt, Omar said: "We are taking these things gradually.
It was not immediately clear early Sunday whether a major oil workers' union had gone ahead with its threat to have its members walk off their jobs starting at midnight in an effort to halt oil production. But the fact labor unions left quickly from their meeting with the government and no one announced when talks would resume raised concerns the impasse would see Nigeria go through more days of disruptive strikes.
Nigeria, which produces 2.4 million barrels of oil a day, is the fifth-largest oil exporter to the United States. Any disruption to oil production could roil the oil futures market at a time traders remain concerned about world supply.
President Goodluck Jonathan did not show up for a meeting with union representatives held Saturday night at the presidential villa in Nigeria's capital Abuja, nor did Vice President Namadi Sambo. Instead, the nation's Senate president and its House speaker represented the government along with other officials.
After the meeting, Nigeria Labor Congress President Abdulwaheed Omar told waiting journalists: "We have not reached a compromise."
Asked whether oil production would immediately halt, Omar said: "We are taking these things gradually.
As for next steps, here is an idea.
Libya - before:
Yesterday, The Russians announced that "should anything happen to Iran ˆ this will be a Direct threat to our National Security". And in the same article a Chinese General said "China would launch WWIII if Iran is attacked." These two nations are part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization that was formed with several of the other smaller states in that region, after Bush stole his second election here in 2004: Because they realized then that the USI & Israel must be stopped at all costs. (1)
How ironic that the world has to hear from our former enemies, just how dangerous our own government has become: While the candidates for office in this country will not even mention the fact that Americans are no longer free, and are no longer involved in whatever their government does, in any area of life.
Since January 1, 2012 the United States has officially been without a Constitution, without a legitimate government and we have been living in a Police-State without any laws to protect our own people from this OUTLAW government: Yet still there has been NO outward sign from the so-called leaders of this country against this obscenity!
We are in the election cycle for the next elections of a country that no longer exists and yet no candidate involved in that selection process has even mentioned the FACT that the United States of America no longer exists ˆ because with that truth ˆ comes the inescapable FACT that we no longer have any need for elections, for lobbyists or candidates, for judges or courts, for presidents or power-brokers: We are a captive people, and we have NO CHOICE about anything that is now done in our names, because we were far too SILENT for far too long and now we‚re just being held hostage to whatever the Élites want to do with us!
You want proof ˆ look at the calendar. Today begins the third week of our capture yet no Amerikan Newspaper has even mentioned it, much less run the story on the front-page in 48 point type! Ask yourself why it is that you only get this from Word-slinger‚s like me and a handful of others where you can read about the details of the end of a nation, which should have been The Story of the Century around the world! Why has this has still not made it to CNN or FOX, or any of the media that should be so very proud of having stolen this country outright. Afterall that was why those organizations were created in the first place! These Dis-United States have proven our cowardice, as a people, over and over and over again ˆ so apparently there is no need for the victors to rub our noses in the truth, because maybe that might just be too much for even the lowliest Amerikan cowards to continue to tolerate? (2)
Someone said: "The World STOPPED Nazism, The World STOPPED apartheid! The World must stop ZIONISM!"
But the kicker is that NAZISM was not stopped, they just switched sides after WWII. When that switch was taking place we killed the one US General, General Patton, who would never have tolerated this betrayal of the country. At the time Patton wanted to continue the war to finish off the Communists that he believed we would very soon have to fight anyway˜and he saw no reason to leave the field until we had finished that war: So he was murdered, run over by a US tank, supposedly because of his determination to continue the fight against the communists! Apparently there were no other Americans in the upper echelon of the military that disagreed with converting the Nazi‚s, our former enemies in Europe, into our most valued agents inside everything from defense and weaponry to intelligence, education, media and eugenics. And the result of this massive national betrayal of the country is what has brought us to this traitors-spotlight in the blood-drenched history of the nation that lied the most about its own past, for the last 235 years.
How else to explain the total farce of celebrating Martin Luther Kings‚ DREAMS on the 16th day of our own very SILENT national-captivity!
For the last ten days the United States has been acting exactly like the Nazi‚s did just before they invadedPoland in1939. We‚ve been moving troops and material all over the map, throughout the Middle-East in obvious preparations for WAR upon Iran. But there is NO REASON for that war to happen: There is only the very public insanity of the place that is still not a state after 64 years of trying to become one. It was all of our very hasty and extremely hostile movements that led China and Russia to the statements they issued yesterday: That has still not been answered on-the-record, by US or Israeli sources. All that did happen is that Israel summoned our new Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff to lecture him on backing down because of external-pressures from the rest of the planet. The news made it sound like the US had sent the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, but it is far more likely that he was summoned after Obama abruptly ended the war games for missile-protection that involved 7,000 US troops inside Israel.
"Obama is a filthy TRAITOR to this country and nothing but a barbarian when it comes to the looting, the rape and the designed plundering of a once proud nation that was once GREAT! Damn Obama‚s rotten ass to HELL, and may the world NEVER FORGET what this rotten-prick has done to the world in the name of this Zionist designed slaughter
Winner of the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE indeed! The peacemaker for CHANGE that we can believe in ˆ is the same man that just declared WAR upon the entire world, including the United States of America ˆ just 14 days ago! There are limits to what we can put up with from this DICTATOR, and its way past time that this country got serious about arresting our CRIMINAL-WAR-LORD in-charge of this POLICE-STATE! (3)How ironic that the world has to hear from our former enemies, just how dangerous our own government has become: While the candidates for office in this country will not even mention the fact that Americans are no longer free, and are no longer involved in whatever their government does, in any area of life.
Since January 1, 2012 the United States has officially been without a Constitution, without a legitimate government and we have been living in a Police-State without any laws to protect our own people from this OUTLAW government: Yet still there has been NO outward sign from the so-called leaders of this country against this obscenity!
We are in the election cycle for the next elections of a country that no longer exists and yet no candidate involved in that selection process has even mentioned the FACT that the United States of America no longer exists ˆ because with that truth ˆ comes the inescapable FACT that we no longer have any need for elections, for lobbyists or candidates, for judges or courts, for presidents or power-brokers: We are a captive people, and we have NO CHOICE about anything that is now done in our names, because we were far too SILENT for far too long and now we‚re just being held hostage to whatever the Élites want to do with us!
You want proof ˆ look at the calendar. Today begins the third week of our capture yet no Amerikan Newspaper has even mentioned it, much less run the story on the front-page in 48 point type! Ask yourself why it is that you only get this from Word-slinger‚s like me and a handful of others where you can read about the details of the end of a nation, which should have been The Story of the Century around the world! Why has this has still not made it to CNN or FOX, or any of the media that should be so very proud of having stolen this country outright. Afterall that was why those organizations were created in the first place! These Dis-United States have proven our cowardice, as a people, over and over and over again ˆ so apparently there is no need for the victors to rub our noses in the truth, because maybe that might just be too much for even the lowliest Amerikan cowards to continue to tolerate? (2)
Someone said: "The World STOPPED Nazism, The World STOPPED apartheid! The World must stop ZIONISM!"
But the kicker is that NAZISM was not stopped, they just switched sides after WWII. When that switch was taking place we killed the one US General, General Patton, who would never have tolerated this betrayal of the country. At the time Patton wanted to continue the war to finish off the Communists that he believed we would very soon have to fight anyway˜and he saw no reason to leave the field until we had finished that war: So he was murdered, run over by a US tank, supposedly because of his determination to continue the fight against the communists! Apparently there were no other Americans in the upper echelon of the military that disagreed with converting the Nazi‚s, our former enemies in Europe, into our most valued agents inside everything from defense and weaponry to intelligence, education, media and eugenics. And the result of this massive national betrayal of the country is what has brought us to this traitors-spotlight in the blood-drenched history of the nation that lied the most about its own past, for the last 235 years.
How else to explain the total farce of celebrating Martin Luther Kings‚ DREAMS on the 16th day of our own very SILENT national-captivity!
For the last ten days the United States has been acting exactly like the Nazi‚s did just before they invadedPoland in1939. We‚ve been moving troops and material all over the map, throughout the Middle-East in obvious preparations for WAR upon Iran. But there is NO REASON for that war to happen: There is only the very public insanity of the place that is still not a state after 64 years of trying to become one. It was all of our very hasty and extremely hostile movements that led China and Russia to the statements they issued yesterday: That has still not been answered on-the-record, by US or Israeli sources. All that did happen is that Israel summoned our new Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff to lecture him on backing down because of external-pressures from the rest of the planet. The news made it sound like the US had sent the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, but it is far more likely that he was summoned after Obama abruptly ended the war games for missile-protection that involved 7,000 US troops inside Israel.
"Obama is a filthy TRAITOR to this country and nothing but a barbarian when it comes to the looting, the rape and the designed plundering of a once proud nation that was once GREAT! Damn Obama‚s rotten ass to HELL, and may the world NEVER FORGET what this rotten-prick has done to the world in the name of this Zionist designed slaughter
Israel will NOT be embarrassed, especially not by someone as beholden as any US president; because Israelhas OWNED every US president since LBJ, and this upstart is no exception. Expect the Israel‚s to announce something dire while the Chairman is still in the air˜because that was how Israel always treated every American emissary that was summoned to the region to do things that Israel did not approve of. It happened to Condi (Queen of Lies) Rice innumerable times and to Hillary and numerous other ŒAmerikan ambassadors, on a number of occasions, so why would this be any different?
My question for this cowardly country is this:
Will you actually let this country go to the Polls without even challenging all of the candidates to explain what happened to this government that, in the first term of the Traitor called Obama, we allowed this nation to lose EVERYTHING we once stood for? How is it possible to have an election in which the very roots of the nation itself (that were just pulled up, poisoned, and then burned) could not be the subject of any discussion, prior to a selection process that is no longer needed, because the supposed country in question NO LONGER EXISTS!
Oops I forgot when the Reichstag fire wiped out the German government that led to the selection of Hitler, and the overthrow of the legitimate German government˜nothing was mentioned then either. That was the beginning of the Third Reich: So naturally the beginning of the Fourth Reich must
'Iran cornerstone of possible WW3 over Mid East, World War III (aka WWIII or Third World War) denotes a successor to World War II (1939--1945) that would be on a global scale, with common speculation that it would be likely nuclear and devastating in nature.
In the wake of World War I, World War II, the commencement of the Cold War and the development, testing and use of nuclear weapons, there was early widespread speculation as to the next global war.
This war was anticipated and planned for by military and civil authorities, and explored in fiction in many countries. Concepts ranged from limited use of atomic weapons, to destruction of the planet.Some such as Norman Podhoretz in his World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism and historians have suggested that the Cold War can be identified as World War III because it was fought, although by proxy, on a global scale, with the main combatants, the United States and later NATO, and the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries providing political, military and economic support while not engaging in direct combat. Eliot Cohen, the director of strategic studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, declared in the Wall Street Journal, a little more than a month after the attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon, that the struggle against terrorism was more than a law-enforcement operation, and would require military conflict beyond the invasion of Afghanistan. Cohen, like Marenches, considered World War III to be history. "A less palatable but more accurate name is World War IV," he wrote. "The Cold War was World War III, which reminds us that not all global conflicts entail the movement of multi-million-man armies, or conventional front lines on a map." [1] In a 2006 interview, US President George W. Bush labeled the ongoing War on Terror as "World War III" also.[2]
On the July 10 edition of Fox News' The Big Story, host John Gibson interviewed Michael Ledeen, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), and said "some are calling the global war on terror something else, something more like World War III." But Ledeen responded that "it's more like World War IV because there was a Cold War, which was certainly a world war." Ledeen added that "probably the start of it [World War IV] was the Iranian revolution of 1979." Similarly, on the May 24 edition of CNBC's Kudlow and Company, host Lawrence Kudlow, discussing a book by former deputy Under-secretary of Defense Jed Babbin, said "World War IV is the terror war, and war with China would be World War V."[3]
[edit]Historical close callsBefore the end of the Second World War, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was concerned that given the enormous size of Soviet forces deployed in Europe at the end of the war, and the perception that the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was unreliable, there existed a Soviet threat to Western Europe. In April-May 1945, British Armed Forces developed the Operation Unthinkable, the Third World War plan; its primary goal was "to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and the British Empire."[4] The plan was rejected by the British Chiefs of Staff Committee as militarily unfeasible.
With the development of the arms race, before the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War, an apocalyptic war between the United States and the Soviet Union was considered possible. The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 is generally thought to be the historical point at which the risk of World War III was closest. The Doomsday Clock, which has served as a symbol of historic World War III close calls since the Truman Doctrine went into effect in 1947, has also indicated historic World War III close calls. Other potential triggers have included the following

" I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. "
Think About it!!
Ex Prez O supplied Iran with 1.7 trillion dollars.
O favored MidEast
gave 7 countries visas
Infiltrated by Islam USA
Noko USA secret Defense
Asia on USA side
Russia is inbetween
Russia missiles tests
Iraq was invaded <<BIG MISTAKE>>
Mistakes fixed
Saudi Arabia Purged
What about Q E?
back track timeline of events
Hussien met with China
Prescott Bush supported Hitler
Nixon supplied Noko
B.Clinton supplied Noko
Vietnam War POW
McCain hid the rest off Prisoners in Viet.
Coulda been saved??
911 happened. distraction//sacrifice//
bush again president
killed of sadam \
O president
HRC sec of state
20% uranium sold
33,000+ emails deleted
lynch was bribed
Comey part of cheme
steele dossier to hide tracks
isikoff fake news 9.23.16
trump won
las vegas
saudi arabia purged
fisagate 1.19.18
training msd
epstein mansion palm beach 41 min to msd h.s.\\..-40.4 miles
d.h. twitter account inactive from 09.17 to 01.19.18
training began fbi//cia\\blanket bullets.
s.o.t.u. speech.
fisamemo release. 2.2.18.
d.h. active on twitter
vday massacre planned
secret police killed 17 innocents
teacher was interviewed never was aired
why not??
teacher// witnesses said multiple shooters in police garb
video captured 4 officers carring 3 duffle bags to white pick up on side of msd school. never was aired?
CNN big tool following March For Our Lives
Gun Control
Break Constitution
Fema Camps Mentioned
yr 2010 Anonymous mention Fema Camps//blackcoffins..
Trump hatched plans
Plans in effect
Border wall buiding
Omnibus Bill\\
Stronger military
David Hoggs n Emma Gonzalez bullying Americans.
20 yr old was publicly executed in New Jersey during March for our Lives
Jared Kushners little brother in march for our lives
Soros funded
Womans March.
Caught on Yet?
HOLOCAUST Reincarnation
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