John McCain, ISIS, and the Obama Administration, Mousa Moustafa. #TRAITORS! #QDrops #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening <refer to my other blog McCain and Obama>
Who is Mouaz Moustafa?
Mouaz Moustafa was born and raised in Damascus, Syria before moving to America at the age of 12. Drawing inspiration from the heroes of the American Revolution, Mouaz has worked on Capitol Hill on behalf of the Egyptian and Libyan revolutions. Since the start of the revolution in his home country, he has worked the back-rooms of Washington trying to bring the Syrian revolution to the forefront of political discourse.
As the Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), Mouaz advocates on behalf of the pro-democratic movement inside of Syria. Working with his expansive network of activists, opposition figures, and Free Syrian Army soldiers, Mouaz and SETF provide aid to the millions of Syrians in need humanitarian assistance and are working to build a system of civilian councils to help with transitional governance inside Syria.
Meet the Staff
Meet the Staff
Executive Director: Mouaz Moustafa
Mr. Moustafa was born and raised in Damascus, Syria before moving to the US as a teenager. He is the current Executive Director for SETF, Political Director for UFS (United For a Free Syria), as well as a board member of the Coalition for a Democratic Syria (CDS). As former staffer for Congressman Vic Snyder and Senator Blanche Lincoln, Mr. Moustafa spent four and a half years working in Congress before leaving to work briefly with Egyptian opposition. Mr. Moustafa also worked with the Libyan Revolution. During this period, Mr. Moustafa was the Executive Director of the Libyan Council of North America (LCNA), Political Director of the Libyan Emergency Task Force (LETF), and worked closely with top officials within the Transitional National Council (TNC). Mr. Moustafa joined SETF in the fall of 2011 to help advocate on behalf of the pro-democracy movement in his native Syria. Moustafa boasts an extensive network of Syrian activists, opposition figures, and FSA commanders with whom he is in regular contact.
Field Director: Razan Shalab Al-Sham
Razan Shalab Al-Sham, a native of Homs, directs all of SETF’s field operations, connecting activists and refugees to international experts and donors. Razan’s exceptional work on behalf of the Syrian people has resulted in the growth of support for local councils, significant progress in the formalization of transitional justice in liberated areas, and the distribution of millions of dollars of direct assistance and aid.
Program Manager: Joel Bombardier
Joel Bombardier works to support SETF field projects in Turkey and Syria.
Deputy Director: Evan Barrett
Evan Barrett, a former resident of Beirut and Damascus, focuses on advocacy and communications for SETF.
Board of Trustees and Board of Directors:
SETF has both a Board of Trustees and Board of Directors consisting of Syrian American professionals from across the United States including President and Chairman of the Board Dr. Hashem Mubarak, Vice Chairman Dr. Yahya Basha, and Board Members Dr. Mohamad Khawam and Mr. Bassam Bitar.
Mouaz Moustafa is a Palestinian Arab and the Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force which arranged for McCain's visit. Senator McCain called Moustafa a "patriot".
A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal ran a high profile article from one Elizabeth O'Bagy arguing that the majority of the Syrian rebels were actually moderates.
Senator McCain mentioned Elizabeth O'Bagy's op-ed during the Senate hearings, when he wasn't playing poker, and tweeted it. That should come as no surprise, considering that O'Bagy is credited with arranging McCain'sinfamous photo op with the Syrian rebel leadership.
The Wall Street Journal lists O'Bagy's role as the Institute for the Study of War. It leaves out the fact that she is the political director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force making her an activist.
O'Bagy doesn't matter much. She's a friendly Western face plastered over a foreign organization. Of more interest is Mouaz Moustafa, the smiling man in the Keffiyah on the far right of McCain in this photo.
Mouaz Moustafa is a Palestinian Arab and the Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force which arranged for McCain's visit.
Senator McCain called Moustafa a "patriot", but it's not clear which country he's a patriot of, since it's not Mouaz Moustafa's first time around on the regime change bus tour.
Before the Syrian Emergency Task Force, Moustafa was the Executive Director of the Libyan Council of North America, which like the SETF existed to help push regime change. Before that, he mentions working with "rebels" in Egypt. On his Twitter feed, he denounces the overthrow of Morsi making it rather clear which side he was on.
His Twitter account frequently features anti-Israel material, including calls for a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem. On his YouTube account, he "liked" a video featuring Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, "crying while praying".
Predating his international period, Mouaz Moustafa did stints as a Field Organizer for the Democratic National Committee and a senate staffer. On Instagram, he calls himself a Freelance Revolutionary.
Mouaz Moustafa, patriot of four countries, none of which is the United States, appears to be holding McCain's hand on Syria through the Syrian Emergency Task Force. And the Syrian Emergency Task Force appears to be funded by "prominent" Syrians in the United States. It's not technically a foreign organization. Technically.
One member of the SETF's Board of Trustees/Board of Directors, Dr. Jihad Qaddour, was also a trustee of the Muslim American Society, which is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Another, Bassam Estwani, appears to have been the Imam of the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, also known as Al-Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki's former mosque. The mosque was considered a front for Hamas and other "Islamic extremists" by the Treasury Department.
A third, Zaher Sahloul, appears to be the Chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Chicago, an organization with terrorist links which is involved in organizing a boycott of Israel.
And that's just from a casual glance at a disturbingly incomplete list of names and functions.
Mouaz Moustafa's message is that United States must arm the Syrian terrorists without asking questions, and claims that most of the Al-Nusra Front's members are not really Al Qaeda or enemies of America.
"Let’s look at the Jabhat al-Nusra. Didn’t exist, then existed. Came up to numbers [of] about 5,000 or 6,000. Then we put them on a terrorist list — increase their profile and people stood with them. I think the way they were thinking is, ‘you don’t support us, you don’t give us arms, you don’t give us anything, but then you tell us whose good and whose bad within us?’ So first support, then dictate."
That's not just empty talk. Mouaz Moustafa claims to have White House access and control over where the weapons go.
While advocating for greater intervention in Syria, Moustafa says he has gone to Tampa to meet with Central Command, to Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress and to the White House “every couple of months” to meet with staff of the National Security Council.And if you are wondering who is sorting through the Syrian morass to find groups that are suitable for American aid — in other words, not members of al-Qaida — Moustafa says it’s a task his group performs as well.“What we try to do is make sure is that the aid is going from the State Department is going to the right people,” he said.
And these are the politicians he claims are most helpful to his cause
Among the legislators who have been most helpful to his cause, he said, are McCain, New York Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel, Democratic Sens. Carl Levin of Michigan and Bob Menendez of New Jersey, as well as Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.
It's strange that no one has called attention to the fact that a group headed by people with such extreme ties and beliefs is dominating American foreign policy on Syria and controlling the itinerary of senior senators like McCain.
Free Palestine long live independent #Palestine with #jerusalem as the capitol— Mouaz Moustafa (@SoccerMouaz) September 23, 2011
#JohnMcCain #SyrianCivilWar #Syria #SenatorMcCain
Mouaz Moustafa
Syrian Activist and Member of the Government Relations Committee of the Coalition for a Democratic Syria (CDS)
You are Looking at the General of ISIS
Does the name traitor make more Sense now?
Who is that with him on the photos?
Oh right Mouaz Moustafa
Does the name traitor make more Sense now?
Who is that with him on the photos?
Oh right Mouaz Moustafa
So basically Mouaz Moustafa worked under
Az (R) Sen John McCain, Mouaz Moustafa
Syrian Activist and Member of the
Government Relations
Government Relations
Committee of the
Coalition for a Democratic Syria (CDS)
Moustafa currently works for the “Syrian Emergency Task Force,”
which is a lobbying group that advocates for the armed
overthrow of the government of Syria.
Now Question This is McCain connected to that Group in Anyway?
Yes he is.
Elizabeth O'Bagy
Elizabeth Bailey O'Bagy (born 1987) is a former senior
analyst at the Institute
analyst at the Institute
for the Study of War who was terminated for job fraud.[
Early life and education
O'Bagy is originally from Holladay, Utah, a Salt Lake City suburb,
and a 2005 graduate of Olympus High School. She is the daughter
of David and Mickey O'Bagy.
of David and Mickey O'Bagy.
O'Bagy attended Georgetown University and earned a B.A.
in 2009 in Arabic from Georgetown College
in 2009 in Arabic from Georgetown College
and M.A. in 2013, in Arab studies from the
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies.
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies.
Described as a "Syria researcher" in 2013, O'Bagy, who had previously
written for The Atlantic, contributed an op-ed to the Wall Street Journal
that was cited by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Senator J
ohn McCain during a U.S. Senate hearing to support possible United States
military intervention into the Syrian civil war.\ At the time of the hearing,
O'Bagy's official biography listed the 26-year-old as "Dr. Elizabeth O'Bagy"
and claimed she had received a Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Following the hearing, however, the Institute for the Study of War terminated O'Bagy,
posting a statement to its website that read "Elizabeth O'Bagy does not in fact have
a Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University" as she had previously represented to institute officials.
O'Bagy also had an unrevealed affiliation with the Syrian Emergency Task Force, a U.S.-based
group advocating the armed overthrow of the government of Syria. In her paid work with that
group, done simultaneously with her job at the officially nonpartisan Institute for the Study of War,
she had lobbied American political leaders to send heavy weaponry to Syrian insurgent groups.
Two weeks after her dismissal from the Institute for the
Study of War, O'Bagy was hired as a legislative assistant
by U.S. Senator John McCain.
Elizabeth O'Bagy (tool) forged her PHD degree from Georgetown Univ.
Than her dismissal from IFTSOW (institute for the study of war), not even
2 weeks after Sen R John McCain and Kerry hired her as leg. asst.
John McCain had her write the article in the 1st place.
John McCain had ties to the Group of Isis already from his previous trips
2 Syria. Think about it. John McCain.
John McCain is the senior United States Senator from
Arizona (since 1987) and 2008 Republican nominee for
President of the United States. McCain has been involved
in many elections on local, statewide and nationwide stage
since his first election to the United States House of Representatives
in 1982.
John McCain basically lived a Lie All his Life Claimed to be HERO from
his former time spent in Vietnam War. When in Fact he was a Traitor to all military
men and woman that were left behind in pow vietnam that were in fact still captured.
There was 1000's of men and woman still left behind. McCain gained political power
to Bury the Documents of those Left behind in Pow Vietnam. Warlike mind set for
Destruction not Peace,
So McCain ran for Republican Senator of AZ. he is a Traitor Rhino from the start.
He sponsored illegal immigrants from Mexico as one of schemes. John McCain is the
Perfect American Lie. John McCai ran for Presidency Several Times once in yr 2000
against Bush Jr, than again in yr 2008 against Obama. ButtHurt warlike mind for
Evil sought another way of Power. McCain became the General of Isis. Here's a little
history on John McCain in yr 1987 John McCain was a promising newcomer in the
Republican party, still finding his feet in a world,
Charlie Keating, a wealthy businessman, was a long-time friend and financial
contributor to McCain's campaigns. When Keating was caught up in the
disastrous collapse of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association.
Questions Arise? John McCain part of disastrous collapse of the Lincoln Savings
and Loan Association with Charlie Keating? I am pretty sure he was.
A Traitor a Liar needs funding to support his hidden agenda of the warlike
Destructive Mind he has upon the world. He does not seek peace.
John McCain in fact has been to Jeffery Epstein's Orgy Island. Pedophilia,
satanic rituals all preformed. Why do you think John McCain supports human
trafficking/child trafficking? And than he supports abortion? or supports
planned parenthood where they sell the fetuses? (don't believe me research)
Because John McCain Story is Deeper than we think.
Than he has brain cancer, (don't know if it is true or not) But I will not wish harm
upon him. I hate cancer, and no one should suffer from cancer.
But it is not just McCain's politics that are disturbing. It is his personality, too.
For McCain has a secret reputation as a man with a ferocious, unpredictable
temper. He is a man who has a knack for pursuing vendettas against those he
thinks have slighted him, even if they are lowly aides.
The list of worrying incidents is long. In 1995 he ended up almost physically
scuffling with aged Senator Strom Thurmond on the Senate floor. And,
according to some accounts, in 2006 he had a fight with Arizona congressman
Rick Renzi, throwing blows in a scrap whose details have only recently been
detailed in Schecter's book. Schecter unearthed another unpleasant incident from
1992 in which McCain, tired after a long day's campaign, reacted badly to his wife
Cindy teasing him about his baldness. 'At least I don't plaster on the make-up like
a trollop, you cunt,'McCain snapped in front of eyewitnesses. Schecter says he has
three sources for the story. McCain's campaign have denied it.
Such public outbursts, and many other private ones, have concerned people
even in his own party.
Former New Hampshire Republican Senator Robert Smith publicly voiced his concerns,
once saying McCain's temper ' ... would place this country at risk in international affairs,
and the world perhaps in danger'. That sentiment was echoed by Mississippi Republican
Senator Thad Cochran, who told a Boston newspaper:
'The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He is erratic.
He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me.'
Now think about it John McCain being with a Warlike Mind for War and Disaster of
Destruction, Not for peace. Why wouldn't John McCain who ran against Obama
for President in 2008, and learned Obama was in-deed a Muslim and had a agenda
for America who Obama been bought and paid for by NWO aka Soros. And McCain
also learned that Hillary was part of the Plan. McCain knew he would win one way
or another. So during Presidental Campaign McCai defended Obama when the
American people Called Obama a Arab/Muslim. He Claimed Obama was a family
man. When in Secret We Knew Obama was a Gay Muslim with a man Wife named
Micheal/Michelle and 2 kids that were part of the plan, to show he was a family
man. Now going back to July 2007 I had the Koran delivered to my front door
of my house. On First Page of Koran it read A Muslim will be President of the
United States. Second line it read Sharia law will be implanted into the United
States breaking the Constitution, bill of rights, our freedom. John McCain knew
of this Plan, he also Knew Hillary and Obama are the Creators of Isis. Whom
Obama made McCain general of Isis. This is where Mousa Moustafa came into play,
along with all the other traitors of the reigme. And with Mousa being a Migrant
from Syria. Syria is under control by Iran after the Iraq war with 42nd president
George Bush Jr. NWO operation was still in act. Because they had their people
with high powers in political office to control the American Citizens by the
Propaganda of the Media. They had their dirty hands in ties with the Feds, FBI,
CIA, Homeland, Police, Governors , Mayors of and State officials of all 50 states.
This is Where Obama won Presidency alongside with John McCain and HRC.
This is how Isis was created. Where Obama went against Israel, went against
Russia, China. Sided with Saudi Arabia. gave 7 countries in Middle East visa
Statuses to come into America unvetted. Obama opened Pandora's Box
(metaphorically speaking). All these unvetted migrants whom that traveled
to USA brought diseases, woe, taxes raised higher, more on welfare, stole
from the American People. Mainly these people were forced to come to America
and Forcefully put on Welfare by the Obama administration. This is when
America woke up, Some Americans created a Group called Anonymous to
tell the Truth about Obama and his plans by order of NWO reigme. Anonymous
did touch up on many subjects to. So with All these migrants that have come
from the southern border, middle east and other countries under Obama's orders
The plan was to over populate the USA. to Call for Martial Law. Because this was
part of the plan for American Citizens and All the Migrants who would not submit
to the American Law, followed their own laws instead and broke many American
Laws. This became a Conflict of Laws between American Citizens and the Illegal
Migrants that came from other countries into USA by force. Came into this Country
did Terrorists Acts upon
American Soil. Took over Cities in USA. Like the No Go Zones in
Detroit, Michigan, Chicago, New York and other cities. Question yourself this
Why So Many Somalians where forcefully brought into the USA? They did not
want to leave their homes? Or Same with those that had been forced to Leave their
homes in the Middle East from the 7 Countries that Obama gave visas too?
Now how Does Hrc play a role into this Well look at Links From Wikileaks.
Thanks Julian Assange (True Hero)
link 1
link 2
-isis-same-money- saudi-arabia-qatar-funding-a7397211.html
link 3
Email Scandal: Clinton Foundation's Ties To Financers Of Terrorism
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WikiLeaks: Among the more intriguing revelations from the dump of
Hillary Clinton's emails is her frightening admission that both Qatar
and Saudi Arabia, often lauded as "moderates" in the Islamic world,
are both helping to finance the Islamic State and other radical Islamic groups.
In an August 17, 2014, email to her campaign chairman John Podesta, Hillary
outlined a plan to beat ISIS in Iraq and Syria using U.S. "advisers," but no
U.S. ground troops. Tucked into the email, however, was this:
"While this military/para-military operation is moving forward,
we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets
to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia,
which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL
and other radical Sunni groups in the region." Excuse us? Our supposed
Mideast allies are funding our terrorist foes — the very ones now sending
deep-cover terrorists into the West, hidden among the human flood of
hundreds of thousands of Mideast and North African Muslim refugees?
Without comment, the Daily Caller puts this into bigger perspective:
"Qatar has given between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation
and Saudi Arabia has donated upward of $25 million to the Foundation." So the
Clinton Foundation knew that both Qatar and Saudi Arabia were financing
terrorists, but took their money anyway. Just to be clear, this may also have had
a major impact on U.S. policy while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state from
2009 to 2013. In 2010, Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro called the sale
of $60 billion in F-15 fighter jets, helicopters and other lethal equipment to the
Saudis a "top priority" for Hillary Clinton personally. A year later, the jet part of
the deal was consummated at a price tag of $29 billion. Hillary's advocacy on behalf
of the Saudis did not go unrewarded. "As weapons transfers were being approved,
both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Boeing made donations to the
Clinton Foundation," wrote Lee Fang, at the website The Intercept. Meanwhile,
International Business Times, in an analysis of State Department and Clinton
Foundation data from 2010 to 2012, found that "the State Department approved
$165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments
have given money to the Clinton Foundation." That was nearly twice the amount
of arms sales for the same nations approved under Bush."In all, governments
and corporations involved in the arms deals approved by Clinton's State
Department have delivered between $54 million and $141 million to the
Clinton Foundation as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments
to the Clinton family," the IBT analysis concluded. We wrote about this apparent
corruption earlier this year, with the Clintons taking as much as $130 million from
their friends in a handful of authoritarian nations in the Mideast. The most recent
details only confirm that the willingness of Hillary Clinton to put the State
Department's power and prestige up for sale to enrich her own family foundation
knew no bounds. Apparently, t,hat even extends to lining their pockets with
money from those who support terrorism.
relateted #Clintonfoundation #ClintonScandal
Hillary is Well known as a Traitor upon American Soil from the Time she attended
College, to her first career, to the love of her life she met, to her breaking the laws
of constitution in court whom she defended the Rapist against the 12 year old little
girl who was raped, to Watergate Scandal, she controlled Bill Clinton positions in
Politics as Long as She let her Sex Crazed Husband Bill have as many sex partners
he choose. Now these Woman said they were raped or forced to have sex with Bill?
Now how were these Woman Rape or Force to have sex with him? When they met
him willingly in hotel rooms, his office, or their own homes? They opened the door
and let Bill in? They opened their legs for bills penis to be shoved in their vaginas?
They opened their mouths for Bills Penis to Perform willingly oral sex. They gave
consent to this, These Woman are part of the Media to make us Feel stupid.
Rape is When 1 to 5 men corner you beat you, hold you down, as the woman or
child or anyone struggles while their clothes are ripped off them and the rapist
forcefully shoves his dick inside you. Same goes with a Woman or anyone being
drugged or drunk or in any situation or houses being burglarized. You Get My
Point in This? This is a pattern with the Clinton family, which has been
in the public spotlight since Bill Clinton’s first run for office, in 1974:
Something that appears potentially scandalous on its face turns out
to be innocuous, but an investigation into it reveals different
questionable behavior. The canonical case is WhiteWater, a failed
real-estate investment Bill and Hillary Clinton made in 1978.
Which Lead to Bill Clinton short 2 term presidency of 7 years ended in
2001 from impeachment because he had sex in Oval office with Monica
Lewinsky, he put a cigar up her vagina, and she has a blue dress with
visible cum stains. lol. I have to laugh at this. So During Bill Clintons
Presidency in 1993 many disasters happened in USA from Bombing
of Water Tower building to attempt to bring down both Water Towers
where 6 people died an 1000's injured, to the burning down of
Joseph Dorsey house that was located in Philadelphia with the owner
who built the house in 1787 being former resident of Maryland.
Maryland being from the Border States from the War between
1861-1863 while 16th President Abraham Lincoln was in Office. This
was a War for freedom of Slaves Northern States 19 free states vs 15
slave states. Two slave states never declared a secession or adopted an ordinance:
Delaware and Maryland. But all the News Stories on the #JosephDorseyhouse
#DorseyHousefire have all disappeared off the internet and library. This I know I did
try to research it. Than we had massive shootings in California, 1993 Aurora Shootings,
AWAY AT THAT TIME OF MASSACRE) On January 8, 1993, seven people were killed at the
Brown's Chicken & Pasta at 168 W. Northwest Highway in Palatine. The Case Still remains
unsolved?? Now Question yourself this what ties did the Owners of Browns Chicken in
Palatine have with Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton herself did live once upon a Time
growing up in Elk Grove Illinois. Richard and Lynn Ehlenfeldt these are the owners
that were killed in Browns Chicken Massacre in 1993. Now what ties did they have with
Hillary Clinton? What did they have on her to expose her? Why were they All of a Sudden
Killed off? a Massive Coverup for something. (Research this) than there CIA headquaters
shootings another coverip. Planned attack by Clintons to coverup somethingm the attack
was done on 2 CIA employees in their cars along with 3 others injured performed by
Pakistani national Mir Qazi who wa later in 2002 tried by judge and executed by lethal injection.
Was Mir Qazi questioned? Is there a Audio Recording of his interview? Why did he kill the specific
2 CIA Employees? What information did they have on the clintons. Add these to the
#ClintonBodyCount. 1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting Colin Ferguson, pulled out a
Ruger P89 9mm pistol killed 6 passengers. Now Question yourself why did this
#freakaccident happen on this selected train? Who was on this train with info on Clintons?
And how do they tie to the Clintons?
whom look super heavy on the side of Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) high school to a
White Pickup Truck with a Open back latch. You can watch this off the Sky Video.
This is all a Coverup on the Fisagate Memo Release, All a Coverup to try to Take Away our Guns.
Same with the Las Vegas occurrence that happened 10.01.17 with Stephen Paddock Patsy.
Remember in another post I said 3 corner Triangle Saudi Arabia is Purged? Or reference to my
Video. Q even posted it Saudi Arabia being purged. Have you seen PURGE ELECTION YEAR?
If not go watch it now.
From the Parkland Florida Shootings I forgot to Mention Q Mentioned Epstein, I looked up Jeffery
Epstein Mansion in Palm Beach Florida it is Exactly 41 minutes(40.4 miles) away from MSD hs
(Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS). Than Q Mentioned Rachel Chandler, her ties to the Modeling
Company she is photographer for on Child Trafficking. Than Pictures of her and Bill Clinton
on the Lolitia Express to Orgy Island When Rachel Schandler was 17, and her picture with Emniem.
You can tell by her eyes in the photo she was drugged up. I guarantee it that chick was drugged.
Think How Big Pharma plays into this. Than think Huma, Podesta. Than think Chester Bennington
and Chris Cornell killed 1 month apart apparent Suicide. But they were killed.
Now you see how all this ties together?
Now you do Understand How Hillary, McCain, Obama, Mousa, and All other names mentioned
have toes with Isis, Syria and Human Genocide. I will Share Pictures Below on Everything.
#JosephDorseyHouse #DorseyHouse #DorseyHouseFire #BorderStates
#Obama #MousaMoustafa #JohnMcCain #GeneralofIsis #Syria #GunControl #Beghazi
#Elections #SecretaryofState #RepublicanRhino #democrat #Benghazi #WacoTexas
#BrownsChicken #ElkGroveIllinois #WacoSiege #JanetReno #BillClinton #WhiteWater
#Fiagate #SandyHook #Isis #ChemicalAttacks #SyrianWar #SaulAlinsky #FBI #CIA #CNN
#LasVegasMassacare #LasVegas #SandyHook #CrisisActors #MSD #ParklandAttacks
#Humantrafficking #Childtrafficking #SeekTruth #GOD #JesusProtectsus #GodProtectsUs
#seek,JesusNow #BohemainGrove #OrgyIsland #JefferyEpstein #HumaAbiden #Cair #JohnPodesta
#LolitaExpress #TRAITORS! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening
Remember Trump is your President
He is Working for US Americans 4 Free!
Trump Will Fix Everything, but He can't
Without Our Help. Keep spreading the Truth.
Anons, Fake News, False Flags, Islam, Legacy Media, Lunatic Leftists, News, No Coincidences, NWO, Religion of Peace, The Cabal
unsolved?? Now Question yourself this what ties did the Owners of Browns Chicken in
Palatine have with Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton herself did live once upon a Time
growing up in Elk Grove Illinois. Richard and Lynn Ehlenfeldt these are the owners
that were killed in Browns Chicken Massacre in 1993. Now what ties did they have with
Hillary Clinton? What did they have on her to expose her? Why were they All of a Sudden
Killed off? a Massive Coverup for something. (Research this) than there CIA headquaters
shootings another coverip. Planned attack by Clintons to coverup somethingm the attack
was done on 2 CIA employees in their cars along with 3 others injured performed by
Pakistani national Mir Qazi who wa later in 2002 tried by judge and executed by lethal injection.
Was Mir Qazi questioned? Is there a Audio Recording of his interview? Why did he kill the specific
2 CIA Employees? What information did they have on the clintons. Add these to the
#ClintonBodyCount. 1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting Colin Ferguson, pulled out a
Ruger P89 9mm pistol killed 6 passengers. Now Question yourself why did this
#freakaccident happen on this selected train? Who was on this train with info on Clintons?
And how do they tie to the Clintons?
Six passengers died from their injuries:
- Amy Federici, a 27-year-old corporate interior designer from Mineola, New York.
- James Gorycki, a 51-year-old account executive also from Mineola.
- Maria Theresa Tumangan Magtoto, a 30-year-old lawyer from Westbury, New York.
- Dennis McCarthy, a 52-year-old office manager from Mineola. His son Kevin was severely
- injured. His wife Carolyn McCarthy[6] was elected to the U.S. House of Representativesin
- 1996.
- Richard Nettleton, a 24-year-old college student from Roslyn Heights, New York.
- Mi Kyung Kim, a 27-year-old from New Hyde Park, New York.
Now go research these people, and how they Tie to Clintons. You will have your answers.
The 1993 Jack in the Box E. coli outbreak occurred when 732 people were infected with the
Escherichia coli O157:H7 bacterium originating from contaminated
beef patties. The outbreak involved 73 Jack in the Box restaurants in California, Idaho, Washington,
and Nevada, and has been described as "far and away the most infamous food poison outbreak in
contemporary history."The majority of the victims were under 10 years old.Four children died and
178 other victims were left with permanent injury including kidney and brain damage.
Why? Massive Human Genocide? #SaulAlinsky
Than lets route to the Waco siege in Texas of 1993, where Janet Reno was involved.
And than later in the years Janet Reno being a Person to Snitch on Clintons domination
Plan she was dosed with Parkinson's Disease and Died. add another body to Clinton's
Body Count. Waco Siege of 1993 lets discuss this for a minute.
The Waco siege was the siege of a compound belonging to the Branch Davidians, carried out by American
federal and Texasstate law enforcement, as well as the U.S. military, between February 28 and
April 19, 1993. The incident began when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. An intense gun battle erupted
resulting in the deaths of four government agents and six Branch Davidians. Upon the ATF's failure to raid
the compound, a siege lasting 51 days was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Eventually, the FBI launched an assault and initiated a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch
Davidians out of the ranch. During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center. In total, 76 people died
including David Koresh. Now Janet Reno was part of this. Why pick on these people?
What did the do Wrong? Did they see the Clintons being the Next Hitler, Bush?
Now think about kkk. Hillary Clinton Kissed Leader of kkk Robert Byrd. He than Later died,
probably Hillary gave him the Kiss of Death. Because Hillary has been labeled #Reptillian.
Think about Bohemian Grove? Mulloroch on the dollar bills? that is the OWL they have
dark eyes a lifeless sole to the "Other Side" What do they worship in Bohemian Grove?
Mulloroch! they have human sacrifices there. why is only Men allowed there? No Woman?
are they being Sexist? A Place to worship Evil period. #evil #satanicrituals. Well there
been many other disasters attacks while Bush was President Possibly the most under any
of the other Presidents! I will say Obama the 44th President did have millions of lives lost
under his term of Presidency including the USA and Other Parts of the world. With
McCain his general for Isis and Hillary being the mother of Isis. Than we had the Uranium1
Scandal, than 30,000+ deleted emails. Than we had Benghazi, 4 Americans were
tortured, raped, beated, burned, bones broken, stabbed, beheaded while the Isis terrorists
made demands from the USA and they were not met so they killed the 4 Americans off.
Hillary and Obama and McCain Are All Still to blame for this. The Case was thrown out.
Than we had a Scandal happen a Fake Plot made up last minute by the FBI, DOJ, CIA
ad all those involved including the Deepstate Controlled Media. Sandy Hook in
Connecticut. Where it said many children were killed by a mad shooter in a public
school brought to you by the Fake Media. But it was investigated and the truth was
brought out, this si when the Truth got labeled Conspiracy Stories. All those Crisis Actors
involved were paid, and the children are fine and grown up. Some of those Actors were
used in Recent Attack on 2.14.18 V-Day Massacre. Where David Hoggs plays big Crisis
Actor he is all over the News like CNN. his story is he is a student at Marjory Stoneman
Douglas high school. But what he forgets to mention he just moved to Florida last summer
in 2017 from California, He also forgot to mentioned he is in his 20's, and graduated hs
prior in 2015. (research this) ad his father is FBI and a Crisis Actor teacher. **KeyWords**
and his mother is a Liberal Activists, Real Estate,and has ties with CNN. So David Hoggs
all a Act. tie to Clinton, Podesta, Huma, Epstein. Unfourtunately the Massacre did happen
but it was not Nik Cruz. It was 4 police officers dressed in Police Garb, Teachers and
students witnessed this and reported this. You can Youtube, Bitchute, Vimeo or whatever
websites that have videos on them you can see for yourself. there is also a Video Floating
around the internet of 4 officers carrying out 3 big green duffle bags about 3 feet in length
White Pickup Truck with a Open back latch. You can watch this off the Sky Video.
This is all a Coverup on the Fisagate Memo Release, All a Coverup to try to Take Away our Guns.
Same with the Las Vegas occurrence that happened 10.01.17 with Stephen Paddock Patsy.
Remember in another post I said 3 corner Triangle Saudi Arabia is Purged? Or reference to my
Video. Q even posted it Saudi Arabia being purged. Have you seen PURGE ELECTION YEAR?
If not go watch it now.
From the Parkland Florida Shootings I forgot to Mention Q Mentioned Epstein, I looked up Jeffery
Epstein Mansion in Palm Beach Florida it is Exactly 41 minutes(40.4 miles) away from MSD hs
(Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS). Than Q Mentioned Rachel Chandler, her ties to the Modeling
Company she is photographer for on Child Trafficking. Than Pictures of her and Bill Clinton
on the Lolitia Express to Orgy Island When Rachel Schandler was 17, and her picture with Emniem.
You can tell by her eyes in the photo she was drugged up. I guarantee it that chick was drugged.
Think How Big Pharma plays into this. Than think Huma, Podesta. Than think Chester Bennington
and Chris Cornell killed 1 month apart apparent Suicide. But they were killed.
Now you see how all this ties together?
Now you do Understand How Hillary, McCain, Obama, Mousa, and All other names mentioned
have toes with Isis, Syria and Human Genocide. I will Share Pictures Below on Everything.
#JosephDorseyHouse #DorseyHouse #DorseyHouseFire #BorderStates
#Obama #MousaMoustafa #JohnMcCain #GeneralofIsis #Syria #GunControl #Beghazi
#Elections #SecretaryofState #RepublicanRhino #democrat #Benghazi #WacoTexas
#BrownsChicken #ElkGroveIllinois #WacoSiege #JanetReno #BillClinton #WhiteWater
#Fiagate #SandyHook #Isis #ChemicalAttacks #SyrianWar #SaulAlinsky #FBI #CIA #CNN
#LasVegasMassacare #LasVegas #SandyHook #CrisisActors #MSD #ParklandAttacks
#Humantrafficking #Childtrafficking #SeekTruth #GOD #JesusProtectsus #GodProtectsUs
#seek,JesusNow #BohemainGrove #OrgyIsland #JefferyEpstein #HumaAbiden #Cair #JohnPodesta
#LolitaExpress #TRAITORS! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening
- “NoName” McCain’s Adventures In Syria with ISIS. #QAnon #GreatAwakening
- #DeepStateGasAttack #NoCoincidences #ThesePeopleAreSick #TraitorMccain
- #ChemicalMccain #IsisMccain
- #QAnon #GreatAwakening
- “They are trying to start a war” #QAnon #GreatAwakening
- #QAnon #GreatAwakening #Pizzagate #Pedogate
Refer back yo my other blog posts on Russia, China, USA 3 triangles.
Refer to my Rachel Chandler Blogs to.
Remember Trump is your President
He is Working for US Americans 4 Free!
Trump Will Fix Everything, but He can't
Without Our Help. Keep spreading the Truth.
Anons, Fake News, False Flags, Islam, Legacy Media, Lunatic Leftists, News, No Coincidences, NWO, Religion of Peace, The Cabal
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