Sunday, April 8, 2018

USA RUSSIA CHINA 3 Corner Triangle. Good vs Evil

USA, RUSSIA, & CHINA The Triangle that are under Attack by Globalist, Soviet Union, Rothschild, ad others. Deep State run by Bushes, Clintons, he who shall not be named, and others all funded by Soros, National Banks like Wells Fargo, Chase and others in this affiliation,brain wash mutants like Democrats, Rhinos, Governors, Police, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, Media, all gov and fed that brainwash the poverty stricken, mid class, upper class, rich class lifestyles. You know the game they on the #bluepill Massive Attacks, Massive Shootings, from early as 1776 to today all massive attacks, wars, shootings, kidnapping, etc. These bad people have so many hate groups, cults, clubs, secret society's. secret locations. We the People been at war forever. USA became a country since the war 1776 British said to our forefathers drop your guns. Our forefathers said Fuck You. British sent our Forefathers as migrants to this country long long ago, to make USA the British land. But the residents of this land multiplied, migrated to other parts of USA, formed Colonies sought power to become a Free Country from the dictatorship of European Union. so 1776 war came. we became a free country tha rules and laws were written the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendments and others. We became a free country first President Elected was George Washington to our 45th President. During the 242 years European Union, British Union now has been called Globalists/Nazi's been trying t get back the USA. We had many wars in USA and with other Countries. USA being one of the Powerful Countries with Today's Technology. And with many migrants coming from other lands becoming USA Citizens that sought Education in USA to help our Technology power grow with Medicine, Electronics, Farming, Food, Cars, Buildings, Businesses, Way of Living and ETC. But still there are Wars within the USA. Right now We going through the WAR within the USA of #2ndAmendment#2A #2Ashallnotbeinfringed. We have free states within own government going against the Leader of USA President Trump seeking Rebellion against Gov. and trying to take Away a #AmericanCitizens #2ndAmendment rights. Trying to take away our Guns. But we have #bigpharma giving vaccines in shots to kill us or make us sick since birth. Or putting Chemtrails in the air. or in our Foods, and Waters. you know the Demo. I do not need to Explain it to you. But Remember Religion is another cult to Control the Humans by the masses. We have many religions the look at one god. than we have the enemy religion. Don;t Forget about FreeMasons, Illuminati, and all their hang out spots Bohemian Grove, and other places. One famous place is House of Willis Funeral home in Cleveland Ohio. Bush( not referring to bush jr 43rd president) being 33rd Freemason and all his family from his grandfather Prescott Bush. Clintons play apart in this so Does O 44th president. they all been bought.
Now We Got 45th President Donald J Trump CHOSEN by GOD. To Save America and The Rest Of the World From Tyrants the Enemies involved in Taking over the World to Make NWO.
It All has to Do with Business, Trades, Education, Military, and other crap don't wanna mention. But you know what I mean. Anyways Trump is Our President he is Making Allies with China, Russia, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia been purged So SA been knocked down and is on our side Aligning with us. 2 corners of Enemy Triangle Left. RothsChild and Soros. Globalists. UN part of It, Sections of Mideast Part of it too, Like Countries like Iran and other countries under Iran's Control. Remember #Q mentioned 5 eyes? Well that is being dismantled as we speak.
But Now the Good Countries that are in the Triangle of Power Are USA, Russia, and China.
Here's Q's post. and this my explanation of it.
Written by:anon123
Here's Q's post. and this my explanation of it.
Apr 8 2018 10:29:24 (EST) Anonymous ID: 446509 950959
Putin is Russias President.
His job is to look after the Russian people.
Put yourself in his shoes.
He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies.
Trump comes along.
Russia/Putin becomes our Ally
Xi becomes our Ally
Xi and Putin are also underattack by the deepstate which is rooted Globally- Anon
Q's Response
They are trying to start a war.
Public interest shift.
Pullout announcement.
Chem attack.
These people are sick.
Chemical attack in Syria killed many. Why?? Iran wants control. Iran under NWO causing massive Human Genocides. This is Why I mentioned all this in the article I wrote out and blogged the article pay attention. Don't fall stupid. Be smart friends. We R Under Attack.
#q #qanon #anonymous #trump #usa #russia #china #blog #facts #truth#lies
As mentioned Above Chemtrails, Big Pharma. Read My article. Gonna Blog This.

Apr 8 2018 10:29:24 (EST) Anonymous ID: 446509 950959
Putin is Russias President.
His job is to look after the Russian people.
Put yourself in his shoes.
He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies.
Trump comes along.
Russia/Putin becomes our Ally
Xi becomes our Ally
Xi and Putin are also underattack by the deepstate which is rooted Globally- Anon
Q's Response
They are trying to start a war.
Public interest shift.
Pullout announcement.
Chem attack.
These people are sick.
As mentioned Above Chemtrails, Big Pharma. Read My article. Gonna Blog This.

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