The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The 1,336 pounds (606 kg) urea nitrate–hydrogen gas enhanced device[1] was intended to send the North Tower (Tower 1) crashing into the South Tower (Tower 2), bringing both towers down and killing tens of thousands of people.[2][3] It failed to do so but killed six people and injured over a thousand.[4]
The attack was planned by a group of terrorists including Ramzi Yousef, Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammad Salameh, Nidal A. Ayyad, Abdul Rahman Yasin, and Ahmed Ajaj. They received financing from Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, Yousef's uncle. In March 1994, four men were convicted of carrying out the bombing: Abouhalima, Ajaj, Ayyad, and Salameh. The charges included conspiracy, explosive destruction of property, and interstate transportation of explosives. In November 1997, two more were convicted: Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind behind the bombings, and Eyad Ismoil, who drove the truck carrying the bomb.
Al Queda.
United States Congressional Record March 17, 1993 Vol. #33, page H-1303 [The] Speaker [is]-Senator James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House: “Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.”It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States.” United States Congressional Record May 4, 1992, page H 2891, Senator and Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, Senator Henry Gonzalez (Texas) speaking on “NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL THIEVERY IN HIGH PLACES” “We are bankrupted. We are insolvent on every level of our national life, whether it is corporate, whether it is just plain you and I out there with the life of debt that we have all piled up, private debt, credit cards and what not, or whether it is the government. We are insolvent. How long will it take before that nasty Mega-truth is conveyed?” United States Congressional Record January 19, 1976, page 240 Marjorie S. Holt (Maryland): “Mr. Speaker, many of us recently received a letter from the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, inviting members of Congress to participate in a ceremonial signing of “A Declaration of INTERdependence” on January 30 in Congress Hall, adjacent to Independence Hall in Philadelphia. A number of Members of Congress have been invited to sign this document, lending their prestige to its theme, but I want the record to show my strong opposition to this declaration. It calls for the surrender of our national sovereignty to international organizations. It declares that our economy should be regulated by international authorities. It proposes that we enter a “New World Order” that would redistribute the wealth created by the American people. Mr. Speaker, this is an obscenity that defiles our Declaration of Independence, signed 200 years ago in Philadelphia. We fought a great Revolution for independence and individual liberty, but now it is proposed that we participate in a world socialist order. Are we a proud and free people, or are we a carcass to be picked by the jackals of the world, who want to destroy us? When one cuts through the high-flown rhetoric of this “Declaration of INTERdependence,” one finds key phrases that tell the story. For example, it states that ‘The economy of all nations is a seamless web, and that no one nation can any longer effectively maintain its processes of production and monetary systems without recognizing the necessity for collaborative regulation by international authorities.’ How do you like the idea of “international authorities” controlling our production and our monetary system, Mr. Speaker? How could any American dedicated to our national independence and freedom tolerate such an idea? ....America should never subject her fate to decisions by such an assembly, unless we long for national suicide. Instead, let us have independence and freedom....If we surrender our independence to a “new world order”........,we will be betraying our historic ideals of freedom and self-government. Freedom and self-government are not outdated. The fathers of our Republic fought a revolution for those ideals, which are as valid today as they ever were. Let us not betray freedom by embracing slave masters; let us not betray self-government with world government; let us celebrate Jefferson and Madison, not Marx and Lenin.”A dollar is a measure of weight defined by the Coinage Act of 1792 and 1900 which is still in force today. A “dollar” specifies a certain quantity, 24.8 grains of gold, or 371.25 grains of silver. In Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth Edition, Dollar: “The money unit employed in the United States of the value of one hundred cents, or of any combination of coins totaling 100 cents.” Cent: “A coin of the United States, the least in value of those now minted. It is the hundredth part of a dollar.” Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the united states of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold or silver coins can be “money” in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or “currency.” Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) make no such promises, and are not “money.” A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not “money.” The federal United States government and the U.S. Congress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the united states of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money, -gold and silver coin. It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper into debt. We the People no longer have any “money.” Most Americans have not been paid any “money” for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are “bankrupt,” along with the rest of the country? Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRNs are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). When ever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs. Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRNs has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRNs, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRNs are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank. There is a fundamental difference between “paying” and “discharging” a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRNs, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in Common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of “good & valuable consideration.” Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already. Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations. The Federal Reserve System is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a “Canon Law Trust” as their model, adding stock and naming it a “Joint Stock Trust.” The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal “person” to duplicate a “Joint Stock Trust” in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (to 1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. [1:9:3] The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same. Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it.) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principle. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve,-in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit “money substitute” it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves”, the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers. Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another. This has been going on for over eighty years without the “informed knowledge” of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it’s easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt. Why don’t more people own their properties outright? Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less? We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it. Frederick-Earl Executive Producer (wow!) and Host for "Freedom's Questions", heard every Wednesday from 5:30-7:00 PM PST at 90.1 FM, KZFR, Chico, California, in the Sacramento River Valley. <> Don't fail to visit Thomas Thornhill's extrodinary work at: |
Are you a slave? Is the USA a corporation? Is the USA a plantation? What is the world leading to in the end? History untold, compiled for easy listening. LIKE US on FACEBOOK!
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Heres some info for you to look up...
Lincoln made first executive order as ceasar of the USA and made himself President Dictator and president of the Corporation ending the republic. We have been living under martial law ever since. FDR even passed law that all US Citizens are the enemy of the USA. The US is bankrupt and has been since 1933, The Recievers of the US Bankruptcy is the INT Bankers via the World Bank, UN, and IMF
All US offices, officers and Depts are working under a "defacto" status only under the emergency war powers. This new form of gmt is known as a democracy(Instead of Republic) being and established communist/socialist order under the "The New Governor of America" - Congressional Record March 17th, 1993, Vol 33, Page H-1303. It is established fact that the US Fed Government has been disolved under the Emergency Banking Act March 9, 1933 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719 Declared by FDR
Being Bankrupt and insolvent H.J.R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933- Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold Clause - Dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the US and the official capacities of all US Gov Offices Officers and Depts and is further evidence the the US Fed Gov only exist today in Name only. US being in Martial Law since 1933 and as far back as civil war Senate Report 93-549 (1973)
Us Citizens Declared Enemies of US By FDR ex ord 2040 and ratified by congress march 9th 1933 48 Stat 1. FDR changed the meaning of TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT of dec 6th 1917 by changing the word "without" to citizens "within"the US. a Legal Name is a "Prisoner of War" Name. Fictitious "nom de guerre" name for a non-living entity: also referred to as the strawman and or transmitting utility.JOHN DOE -Name in all caps which is format called Capitus Dimenutio Maxima
Capitus Diminutio Maxima (Maximum Diminished Status) means that a mans condition changes from freedom to bondage and becomes a slave or item of inventory - Blacks Law Dictionary Revised 4th Ed. 1968.
The UNITED STATES of AMERICA is a corporation.Go to the UNITED STATES CODE (note the capitalization, indicating the corporation, not the Republic) Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is a corporation.
A fictional persona being surety for the debt as fiction in commerce also known as "Ens Legis" which means "legal entity" It is non-human and "civilly dead". That is not you... unless you are a fiction. Realize with your REAL EYES ;)
US Inc., The Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, (c. 1871), 1930 under the Secret Treaties of Geneva and enacted March 9th 1933 under EBRA
The term bankruptcy comes from two Latin words meaning “bench” and “break”; thusits literal meaning is “broken bench.” Under Roman law, after gathering together and dividing up the assets of a delinquent debtor, the creditors would break the debtor’s workbench as apunishment and a warning to other indebted tradesmen. Bankrupt individuals were regarded as thieves who deserved severe penalty. Romans deprived such persons of their civil rights,and many other societies stigmatized them by requiring them to dress in a particular identify-ing garb.
The Vatican - Crown imposter de facto U.S. Corporation which was operating as if it were the organic National Government (which it was not) was deliberately Bankrupted in 1930 (enacted March 9th 1933) by those that created UNITED STATES Corp. in 11871.
Emergency rule equivalent to martial law has been in operation since the so called civil war which was a Coup of the The United States of America by the forces that signed the Secret Treaty of Verona in 1822 which was exposed in the Couped De facto Congress in 1916 by Congressman Curtis. See the Article under Unlearn - re-educate:
CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE. 64th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION VOLUME 53, PART 7 Page 6781 25 April 1916 I wish to put in the RECORD the secret treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many. I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine. It throws a powerful white light upon the conflict between monarchial government and government by the people. The Holy Alliance under the influence of Metternich, the Premier of Austria, in 1822, issued this remarkable secret document : [American Diplomatic Code, 1778 - 1884, vol. 2 ; Elliott, p. 179.]
At the end of the civil war a Counterfeit UNITED STATES was created by seditionist and traitors to the American people to rule over DC's then 100 square miles, now 68.34 Square miles as a municipal Government for DC. This was created under the Act of 1871.
However this masked the real intent given away by the name given to the Mutual Government called UNITED STATES which was since used to rule The United States of America since as if it were the authentic legitimate Organic We the People
government created by the people under the FOUR founding acts that created The United States of America which are below in this excerpt from Ed Rivera's Organic Laws Website:
Merriam-Webster defines “organic” as “of, relating to, or constituting the law by which a government or organization exists”. In the front of Volume One of the United States Code, you will find the heading Organic Laws of the United States of America.
The four Organic Laws listed, in the order of their occurrence, are:
The four Organic Laws listed, in the order of their occurrence, are:
- The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
- The Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777
- Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787
- Constitution of September 17, 1787
The Declaration of Independence says there shall be no taxation without our consent. Therefore, this principle should be adhered to in the Internal Revenue Code. In fact, it is!
According to the Articles of Confederation, the states of the United States of America are “free and independent”, i.e., sovereign, and yet the federal government seems to be in a dominant position over those states. How is this possible?
In each State’s statutes, hidden in plain sight, lies the answer awaiting your discovery.
The Declaration of Independence states: “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”.
The Declaration of Independence states: “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”.
Clearly, the Organic Laws have established the principle that government needs your consent to govern you. This being true, you should be able to find in the Statutes and Codes how to give your consent. Furthermore, the Organic Laws or the Statutes and Codes should contain an option for those who choose not to be governed.
Government bureaucrats rely on your ignorance of the fact that all written law is limited to a specific subject. For governments, the subject is territory. Thus, Congress cannot write laws for Japan. Furthermore, Congress cannot write laws to regulate you without your consent, unless the United States of America owns the property on which you are located.
The above is a clue to let you know that which we are being governed by is not what we thought it was....
The DC de facto Government is one of many De facto Corporation operating "AS IF" it were an organic Government.
The Question is, did you consent to be governed by a private foreign owned (by agents of the Crown and Vatican system) Corporation merely masquerading as a legitimate we the people government and violating EVERY sacred principal on which this nation was founded.
The Corporation by those that couped this nation created the UNITED STATES Corp. to bankrupt it and enslave the American people and the states AS IF both were a party to the bankruptcy - which of course they never were...
The misery caused by these bankruptcy is the root cause of all strife on the planet that we have been plagued by since the wrongly called civil war. What was in fact a Rothschilds Coup of the Free and Independent States of this nation and the
Organic states created We the People government.
People see more inclined to research and investigate root causes and actual conditions in hard times, so I am posting this information once more, in the hope some of my countrymen who do not UNderstand what is presently happening will become aware that they are UNaware, and in awakening, awaken others to the end game. I really was a railway switchman once, before I enlisted in the Army, and I hear a night train coming, and am pretty sure the engineer is asleep or dead...
If you don't mind, this isn't a thread about the merits of metals, but about recent history, and worse things we can expect if we don't wake up and demand some accountability from our alleged servants in government.
The fact of the matter is, the United States did go "Bankrupt" in 1933 and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and by Executive Order 6260 on March 9, 1933, under the "Trading With The Enemy Act" of October 6, 1917, AS AMENDED by the Emergency Banking Relief Act, 48 Stat 1, Public Law No. 1, which is presently codified at 12 USCA 95a and confirmed at 95b. You can confirm this for yourself by reading it on FindLaw. Thereafter, Congress confirmed the bankruptcy on June 5, 1933, and thereupon impaired the obligations and considerations of contracts through the "Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard And Abrogate The Gold clause, June 5, 1933" (See: HJR-192, 73rd Congress, 1st Session). When the Courts were called upon to rule on various of the provisions designed to implement and compliment FDR's Emergency BANKING Relief Act of March 9, 1933, they were all found unconstitutional, so what FDR did was simply stack the "Court's" with HIS chosen obsequious members of the bench/bar and then sent many of the cases back through and REVERSED the rulings.
House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR-192), 48 Stat. 112, was passed by Congress on June 5, 1933. The 'Act' impaired the obligations and considerations of contacts and declared that the notes of the Federal Reserve banks were "legal tender" for the payment of both public and private debts, and that payment in gold Coin was against "public policy". (In effect, FDR and Congress, under executive orders and legislative fiat, nationalized the people's money, i.e., their gold Coin. Nationalization is a violation of the Law of Nations and existing public policy of Congress. See: Hilton vs. Guyot, 159 U.S. 113 (1895). The gold Coin that was confiscated (nationalized) was later used to purchase voting stockholder shares in The Bank and The Fund at $35 per ounce.) At this point in time, "Fair Market Value", i.e., a willing seller and buyer, without compulsion, lost any substantial meaning.
Moreover, all of the Governor's of the several States of the Union, who were summoned to and were in Washington, D.C. during the several days of this pre-planned economic "Emergency" (the first phase of which was to nationalize and expropriate the people's Money, i.e., their gold Coin on deposit in the banks), pledged the full faith and credit thereof to the aid of the National Government, and formed various socialist committees, such as the "Council of State Governments", "Social Security Administration", etc., to purportedly deal with the economic "Emergency." The Council of State Governments has been absorbed into such things as the National Conference Of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws, whose headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois, and "all" being "members of the Bar", and operating under a different "Constitution and By-Laws", far distant from the depositories of the public records, and it is this organization that has promulgated, lobbied for, passed, adjudicated and ordered the implementation and execution of their purported "Uniform" and "Model" Acts and pretended statutory provisions, in order to "help implement international treaties of the United States or where world uniformity would be desirable." (1990/91 Reference Book, NCCUSL). These organizations operate under the "Declaration of INTERdependence" of January 22, 1937, and published some of their activities in "The Book Of The States." The 1937 Edition openly declares that the people engaged in such activities as the Farming/Husbandry Industry had been reduced to mere feudal "Tenants" on the Land they supposedly owned.
On April 25, 1938, the supreme Court overturned the standing precedents of the prior 150 years concerning "common law," in the federal government.
"THERE IS NO FEDERAL COMMON LAW, and CONGRESS HAS NO POWER TO DECLARE SUBSTANTIVE RULES OF COMMON LAW applicable IN A STATE, WHETHER they be LOCAL or GENERAL in their nature, be they COMMERCIAL LAW OR a part of the LAW OF TORTS." -- Erie Railroad Co. vs. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64, 82 L.Ed. 1188.
You must realize that the Common Law is the fountain source of Substantive and Remedial Rights, if not our very Liberties.
The members and association of the Bar thereafter formed committees, granted themselves special privileges, immunities and franchises, and held meetings concerning the Judicial procedures, and further, amended laws so as "to conform to a trend of judicial decisions or to accomplish similar objectives", including hodepodging the jurisdictions of Law and Equity together, which is known today as "One Form Of Action." This was not by accident, but by a carefully conceived plan.
The enumerated, specified and distinct Jurisdictions established by the ordained Constitution (1787), Article III, Section 2, and under the Bill of Rights (1791), Amendment VII, were further hodgepodged and fundamentally changes in 1982 to include Admiralty jurisdiction, which was once again brought inland.
"This is the FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE necessary to effect unification of Civil and ADMIRALTY PROCEDURE. Just as the 1938 Rules ABOLISHED THE DISTINCTION between actions At Law and suits in Equity, this CHANGE WOULD ABOLISH THE DISTINCTION between CIVIL actions and suits in ADMIRALTY." (See: Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure, 1982 Ed., pg.17; also see, Federalist Papers No. 83; Declaration Of Resolves Of The First Continental Congress, October 14, 1774; Declaration Of Cause And Necessity Of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775; Declaration Of Independence, July 4, 1776; and, Bennet vs. Butterworth, 52 U.S. 669)
The United States thereafter entered the second World War during which time the "League of Nations" was reinstituted under PRETENSE of the "United Nations" (22 USCA 287, et seq.), and the "Bank For International Settlements" was reinstituted under PRETENSE of the "Bretton Woods Agreement" (22 USCA 286 et seq.) as the "International Monetary Fund" (The Fund) and the "International Bank For Reconstruction And Development" (The Bank or World Bank).
The United States as a corporate body politic (artificial), came out of World War II in worse economic condition that when it entered, and in 1950 declared Bankruptcy and "Reorganization." The Reorganization is located in Title 5 of the United States Codes Annotated. The "Explanation" at the beginning of 5 U.S.C.A. is MOST informative reading. The "Secretary of Treasury" was appointed as the "Receiver" in Bankruptcy. (See: Reorganization Plan No. 26, 5 U.S.C.A. 903; Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5967)
The United States went down the road and periodically filed for further Reorganizations. Things and situations worsened, having done what they were Commanded NOT to do (See: Madison's Notes, Constitutional Convention, August 16, 1787; Federalist Papers No. 44), and in 1965 crowned their continuous fraudulent acitivities with passage of the "Coinage Act of 1965" completely debasing the Constitutional Coin (gold & silver, i.e., "Dollar"). (See: 18 USCA 331 & 332; U.S. vs. Marigold, 50 U.S. 560, 13 L.Ed 257) At the signing of the Coinage Act on July 23, 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson stated in his press release that:
"When I have signed this bill before me, we will have made the first fundamental change in our coinage in 173 years. The Coinage Act of 1965 supersedes the Act of 1792. And that Act had the title: An Act Establishing a Mint and Regulating the Coinage of the United States...."
"Now I will sign this bill to make the first change in our coinage system since the 18th Century. To those members of Congress, who are here on this historic occasion, I want to assure you that in making this change from the 18th Century we have no idea of returning to it."
It is important to take cognizance of the fact that NO Constitutional Amendment was EVER obtained to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE, amend, abridge or abolish the Constitutional mandates, provisions or prohibitions, but due to internal and external diversions surrounding the Viet Nam War, etc., the USURPATION and BREACH went unchallenged and unnoticed by the general public at large, who had become "a wealthy man's cannon fodder or cheap source of slave labor". (See: Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, pgs. 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 & 56) Congress was clearly delegated the Power and Authority to regulate and maintain the true and inherent "value" of the Coin within the scope and purview of Article I, Section 8, Clauses 5 & 6 and Article I, Section 10, Clause I, of the ordained Constitution (1787), and further, a corresponding DUTY and OBLIGATION to maintain said gold and silver Coin and Foreign Coin at and within the necessary and proper "equal weights and measures" clause. (See also: Bible, Deuteronomy, Chapter 25, verses 13 thru 16; Proverbs, Chapter 16, Verse 11; Public Law 97-289)
Those exercising the Offices of the several States, in equal measure, knew that such "De Facto Transitions" were unlawful and unauthorized, but sanctioned, implemented and enforced the complete debauchment and the resulting "governmental, social, industrial economic change" in the De Jure States and in the United States of America, and were and are now under the delusion that they can do both directly and indirectly what they were absolutely prohibited from doing. (See: Craig vs. Missouri, 4 Peters 903).
You can confirm the whole affair by taking a look at 12 USC 95a and 95b. In addition, the various Reorganization Acts listed in Title 5 of the United States Code. There are your legal public record and historic proofs. Now we are going to hear from a former Congressman who (surprise!) ended up indicted and in federal prison, while more brazen felons continued to run the Congress:
United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303
Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:
"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.
It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?’
Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the united states of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold or silver coins can be "money" in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or "currency." Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) make no such promises, and are not "money." A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not "money?’ The federal United States government and the U.S. Congress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the united states of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money, -gold and silver coin.
It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper into debt. We the People no longer have any "money." Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the rest of the country?
Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRNs are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). when ever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs.
Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRNs has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRNs, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRNs are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank.
There is a fundamental difference between "paying" and "discharging" a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRNs, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in Common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good & valuable consideration." Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already.
Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations.
The Federal Reserve System is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model, adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal "person" to duplicate a "Joint Stock Trust" in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (to 1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. [1:9:3]
The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same.
Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it.) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principle.
Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913)
"Hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, -in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.
In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another.
This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed knowledge" of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it’s easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt.
Why don’t more people own their properties outright?
Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less?
We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it.
America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country."
So there it is. No wild-eyed "conspiracy theories", just the facts, witnessed and recorded. If you are here to defend the status quo, please don't bother, but please do answer whether or not you believe any citizen would be liable to criminal prosecution if we modeled our lives or financial affairs after the conduct of what passes for "our" government. If you care what happens to US next, tell ten people to tell ten more. The hour is late. Conspiracy is not "a theory", it is a federal felony.
Unknown author
"They who have put out the people's eyes reproach them of their blindness."
John Milton, 1642
This piece comes from David Robinson. A Grand Juror seated under Summons on the Cumberland County Maine Grand Jury for the first four months of 2014.
The United States CONSCRIPTED — that is, borrowed — an interest in everything that we would ever do and create — a “usufruct” relationship where our interest and the ownership of every thing within our estate transferred over to them; and they never gave their control of our property back to us. They have no lawful right to any of it, and no valid claim to us, our land, our businesses, our children, or any other asset of ours.
These thieves are pretending that we consented to this circumstance and “volunteered” to subject ourselves to the United States jurisdiction “for the War Effort” in a war that has been over almost a hundred years.
The expenses that they are responsible for are the expenses of all the shill legal fiction entities that they have created and run “in your name” by abusing the right of usufruct. Those expenses include the expenses and debts of the federal “State” foreign situs trustdoing business as “David Everett Robinson” and the Puerto Rican ESTATE trust doing business as “DAVID EVERETT ROBINSON” and the United Nations transmitting utility doing business as “DAVID E. ROBINSON”, and so on ad infinitum.
What they create, they control — and they are obligated to pay for what they create and control. The ones with the gold pay the bills!
USUFRUCT: A right to use another’s property for a time without damage or diminishing it, although the property might naturally deteriorate over time. A legal usufruct is one created by law. A 100 year encumbrance — Black’s Law 7th, page 1542.
Because of this “usufruct” relationship the United States has the hidden obligation and lawful responsibility to maintain everything we think we own. We were promised that on demand, but were never taught how to access it. The system made a promise that they could not and did not keep. We need to stop claiming ownership of everything we think we own and revert our interest back to the United States so they can put it in a trust for us (which they may have already done) so they can settle our claims.
Our signature turns a piece of paper into a negotiable instrument because we are financial institutions considered to be estates patented under land patent because we come from the earth. They patented a “usufruct” interest in us. We are all agricultural beings, commodities. When you buy a house you’re not buying a house, you are creating a loan against yourself, you become the collateral for the loan. The land patent cannot go to ground because its immovable.
You are considered in law — the international law of the Hague Treaty — as Liebercode Entities “outside of” and “foreign” to the United States.
We’re our own estate on our debtor side, and considered to be a financial institution, so when you put your signature on any piece of paper you are considered to be a bank. They just take a piece of paper and overlay it on your signature, and write on that piece of paper, on top of your signature, your signature that authorizes a transaction that you never see.
Then they place a lien against that signed piece of paper and sell it as a security on the stock exchange. This is what they’re doing with child support. They have you sign something so they can slap a lien on it and then sell it as notes no longer with them, a counterfeit security anyway, as there is nothing backing it and they’ve obtained it through fraud, so they are anxious to put the obligation onto someone else so it relieves them of the obligation, because they don’t have the Note as it’s been already been sold off.
You become the naked owner. They’re supposed to be the naked owner, and we should have the usufruct.
We’re being treated as terrorists in our own country. We are living basically in a fictional reality. We’re coming out of war. We are non-adverse. We’re not here to own anything.
Once the application is completed, that’s it. The funds are supposed to be disbursed to the individual who needs it. They’re not doing that. Instead they’re creating a “usufruct” relationship. Meaning that when the person applies for something, they sign their rights over to the state, so now the state has the right to move as power of attorney which makes the person signing the application incompetent like an infant who can’t handle his own affairs and they stick someone else with the obligation to complete his financial accounts. It doesn’t matter who they appoint. This is why you find that some people are hit with the obligation.
So with the bills they have you sign, you could do a reversionary interest. You could take it and sign it over to the United States Treasury which now has the obligation under “usufruct” to settle the claim. That’s it. You sign everything over to the U.S. Treasury, excluding the middle man, who is the administrator who is acting wrongly.
When you keep this up, guess who will go down to check out their books? The U.S. Treasury. We are protected by international law and the statutes no longer apply to us as we are no longer at war once we move into non-adversarial status.
The United States government went bankrupt in 1933. It’s an established fact that the United States Federal Government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719 declared by President Roosevelt, being insolvent and bankrupt.
House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR-192), 73 Congress in session, June 5, 1933 — A joint Resolution to suspend the gold clause standard and abrogate the gold clause — dissolved the United States and the official capacities of all U.S. Government Offices, Officers, and Departments, as further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The Receivers of the U.S. Bankruptcy are the International Bankers via the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. All U.S. Offices, Officials, and Departments are operating within a de facto status, in name only, under the Emergency War Powers. (And this has been going on much longer than 1933).
With the constitutional Republic form of Government now dissolved, the Receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government FOR the United States. This new form of government is known as the Democracy, being an established Socialist Communist order under a NEW WORLD ORDER governorship for America.
We’re operating under a fictional basis now, because we are under Martial Rule thanks to what happened with Abraham Lincoln, which was intended to protect us.
The Founding Fathers declared that only gold and silver coins can be the “only money to be made in America.”
This Act was instituted and established by transferring the Office of the Secretary of State to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Sec. H.R. 1355 reads in part: “The United States Secretary of the Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States.”
When the colonies broke apart, when the North and South broke apart, when they went bankrupt way back then, the U.S. Constitution was no longer valid. The Constitution is now void, because there’s no sovereign government — and we’re under Martial Law Rule. So it’s time for us to wake up.
Since gold and silver coinage was heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check or promissory note was issued as a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money.
Federal Reserve Notes aka “dollars” make no such promise and are not “money” because they have no monetary value. They are worth nothing.
A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States Government, not “money”. The federal United States and the Congress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the United States of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money — gold and silver coins.
It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and paper money substitutes.
One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper into debt. We the People no longer have any real “money”.
When this happened, and the Federal Reserve came in, and booted the United States Treasury out, and brought in the IMF, the United States Treasury ended up in Puerto Rico. The real United States Treasury is not in the District of Columbia now, at all.
Now you know why most Americans have not been paid any “money” for a very long time, perhaps not even in their entire lifetime. Do you comprehend now why you feel broke? Why you are “bankrupt” along with the rest of the country?
Did the Central Banks commit fraud? The answer is “Yes”. Being a sentient being, our signature is a commodity to the banker’s scam, due to the fact that they had an agreement (contract) after the gold was taken. The agreement was to collateralize all United States Citizens as debt slaves. The HJR-192 Resolution (agreement contract) that ALL DEBTS ARE PREPAID!!! (On demand).
In exchange for their gold the people were promised that ALL DEBTS ARE PREPAID!!!
This means that the International Banking Cartel came up with an Economic Security Offer aka SSN — the “Socialistic Security Act. This New Deal is not a bad deal — IF it were “honored”. Sustainable benefits at old age; a secure place to reside; Healthcare; all the essentials of living; a method of transportation. Everything is actually all prepaid because we are basically Shareholders in the United States Corporation because of our Birth Certificates bonds.
If you are part of a corporation, you’re part Stockholder, so you should be getting dividends from that stock, yearly or monthly. But you’re not getting anything at all.
So this was definitely done behind our backs, with the Birth Certificate bond, without full disclosure of the contract or anything explained. All this to “protect” you — protect you from what?
Banks are acting in your behalf when making a so-called loan, but instead of you receiving the actual money to pay for a house, you are actually being scammed of you own moneyevery time you put your signature on their so-called “Promissory Note”.
The most likely Question is: “Why do they need our signature so badly?” The simply answer is: Because You are the Creditor and the Debtor. You create the money every time you sign a fraudulent contract with the international bankers.
Because you are land; you come from the land; therefore, you are a financial institution. When you sign your signature you create “credit” (credibility) that they can actually take from you and pocket, because you are Walking Real Estate. You are the walking Estate that they have patented. They have patented everything through your Birth Certificate. Can you imagine, we are very rich! But they are using us as agriculture in a very devastating way.
Under the UCC you create the Money.
That’s right!
You are the Banker.
Your signature is Required — so you can Discharge the Charge.
Under the UCC you create the Debt.
That’s right!
You are the Banker.
Your signature is Required — so you Have and Hold the Debt.
A Run on the Bank is created when borrowers demand real gold or silver instead of paper representations; so instead of being outlawed, the federal Government legalized it, and regulates the fictional money scam.
This is why Roosevelt had an issue with the Bankers. They basically came in and took the Money out of the Notes — they took Everything.
What have we learned? That around 1933, President Roosevelt declared the bankruptcy of the United States Corporation. The International Bankers demanded our gold and made it legal. They also removed Money notes that were backed by the real gold standard set by the Founding Fathers of the Republic.
The Bankers demanded even more Monies, so they created House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR-192), based in effect on the the private central bank, the non-federal FEDERAL RESERVE, INC. And, again, one of their resolutions was to Collateralize all citizens via their Birth Certificate Bonds. In exchange for HJR-192, all citizens were to have Free Transportation; Socialistic Security; Prepaid Utilities; Socialistic Healthcare; Food Rations, etc. We were to be protected and maintained by the Government of the United States of America. Everything was supposedly prepaid.
The owners of the gold pay the bills.
But something happened then, and we are now under Martial Law Rule. We we’re supposed to have all this, but the Bankers came in and took Everything to make it look like we have to pay for everything ourselves with our sweat and toil, when this is not true all.
Everything should be prepaid right now.
To simplify — John Doe is born, and is incorporated. The Bond Certificate is then collateralized (converted into “money”) — for example a million dollars — and the bond is then sold in the privately held International Central Bank System. The bond is sold over and over and over again which in turn can be worth a lot of money!!! One million over a 20 year period may grow to 40 million dollars or more! But understand, in this process you are nothing but a human resource to the bankers.
After a bond is collateralized for a million dollars, a million dollars gets created out of thin air and the Federal Reserve orders the Treasury to print up 1-million Federal Reserve Notes. If you’ll notice, the dollar bills have a serial number. That is actually a “person” you are holding in your hand. So really; we are all collateralized.
Who is doing this to us? We are being treated as agriculture. So we have to find out who we are and what we are and what we are here to do. What’s being done to us, is very inhumane.
Go to a bank and ask for a loan. The bank acts as a 3rd party between you and the Federal Reserve to tap into your million dollar Birth Certificate bond. They are loaning you your own money!!! Your own energy.
We start out on an adversarial level, but we have to act on a non-adversarial level.
With HJR-192 our best friend was created (the IRS!) our personal accountant for our bond. This is where you, the debt slave, can discharge alleged debt and where the UCC process comes on board. Now, the IRS can be your best friend.
When you accept a charge, for the honor of the name, and deposit it as credit into the United States Treasury, you are released from the obligation of the debt, by reverting all the interest to the State.
The US Treasury via the IRS is going to contact all these agents and make them get their act together. Where are they pocketing the money? Where are their books?
The Uniform Commercial Code is 1.) a code of statutes, of contracts, a product of private “Bankers” that have hijacked the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It is 2.) based on Merchant Marine law. This is important because of the prevalence of commercial transactions extending from one state to another.
For example, goods may be manufactured in State A, warehoused in State B, sold from State C, and delivered in State D.
The UCC deals with the following consecutively numbered Subjects:
1. General Provisions; 2. Sales of goods; 2A. Leases, leases of good; 3. Negotiable Instruments; 4. Bank Deposits; Banks, and Banking, Check collection process; 4A. Fund Transfers, Transfers of money between banks; 5. Letters of Credit, transactions involving letters of credit; 6. Bulk transfers and bulk Sales Actions, and liquidations of assets; 7. Warehouse Receipts, Bills of Lading and other Documents of Title; 8. Investment Securities, Securities and financial assets; 9. Secured Transaction, Transactions secured by security interests — and most importantly, Liens.
Under the UCC you are considered to be a “vessel” over which Maritime Laws apply.
Under the UCC you can be liened — in total conflict with Declaration of Independence “unalienable rights”.
Under the UCC by contracting — such as applying for a license — your inherent (original) rights are turned into privileges that can be liened. We’re under the contract of Martial Law Rule. We’ve already been liened.
• Your right to travel is now a privilege to drive.
• Your right to free speech is now a privilege to protest.
• Your right to hold property is now an asset that can be seized.
• Your right to hunt and fish is now a privilege to hunt and fish, which can be fined.
These are just a few examples of the usurping statutes of the UCC. Because they own it all, they own your title; they own you cars; they own everything you registered to the state; and more. They see you as a war-time criminal. Under the UCC all of us are considered to be an asset of the State — a debt slave used as collateral for their debts. All of us are equity for debts to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
By filing a UCC Finance Statement, Liening your Legal Status Name, you become the Secured Party Creditor of your ens legis Strawman. In effect, you have . . .
1.) . . . taken over the Birth Certificate bond originally created by them, and you are a “UCC Creditor” now handling your own affairs. The means being non-adversarial; you are not at war with the United States and are willing to settle your bond account via the “IRS” by accepting it for discharge;
2.) . . . you have taken over the private banker sovereign status which creates money that cannot be liened — and discharges it;
3.) . . . you have a lien on the CAFRs, and all officials who work for us whom we can shut down if they break their own corporate laws — aka, the “UCC”.
You’re moving yourself off of war-time status.
CAFRS: Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. It has been reported that trillions of collective dollars, not shown on government Budget Reports, are shown through government CAFR reports that are virtually never openly-discussed by the syndicated News Media, Democrat and Republican Party members, the House, the Senate, nor organized public education.
With it being that the CAFR is “the accounting document for every local government, and with it being “BLACKED OUT” for open mention over the last 60 or more years, the Fact of unintentional Omission of coverage is one of the biggest Conspiracies that has ever taken effect in the United States of America.
A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is the government’s complete accounting of“NET WORTH”.
The CAFR was established as local government’s complete accounting record started in 1946 through the efforts of a private group located out of Chicago, Illinois by the name of Government Financial Officers Association (GFOA) which became mandatory by FED requirements on all local governments in 1978, to complete if they had not already done so.
From more than 84,000 CAFR reports produced by local governments each year in combination with Federal Government owned investment holdings, shows a conservative value of some Sixty Trillion Dollars held by local and federal governments, as of 1999. An example of the holdings shown from just one Government CAFR (NY State 2005 Retirement Fund CAFR) shows 133 Billion Dollars of investments held (Microsoft; 44 million shares thereof).
Instead of us receiving these tremendous amounts via dividends every month to the populace, we are being cheated out of all rightful benefits ourselves, and benefitting them instead.
As a Secured Party Creditor, putting a lien on the CAFRS makes a lot of sense!!! We are Share-holders of the United States Corporation and should be sharing in its profitable dividends. But we’re not getting anything at all.
Discharge of Fines; Liens; Summons; Court Case Charges; Orders; Legal Notices; Protect all your Vehicles; Child Support Payments; School Loans; Alleged Credit Card debts; Utility Bills; Secured Loans; Tax Liens; Traffic Tickets, and so much more.
By using this private process, you have the power to put them under Notice of Default and use the process to lien them as well and receive monies from their bond — when they break “UCC CREDITOR LAWS”.
“But they that be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” — I Timothy 6:9-10.
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. — John 10:10.
The bank system is a well organized corrupt criminal Cartel that came to a head around 1933 when President Roosevelt declared the bankruptcy of the United States. The banks took over our gold and silver money that was backed by a gold standard.
The result is a new type of “fiat” money and a de facto government system. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, now established as a Socialist, Communist NEW WORLD ORDER Government of America.
“Fiat” money is any money declared by the government to be legal tender. Before 1933, paper money was backed by gold. Ever since, Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs), aka “dollars”, are not money but money substitutes backed only, by false belief.
David Robinson is a journalist and author living in the mid-coast area of Maine. He can be reached at:
For his other publications, see:
David Robinson served as a Grand Juror seated under Summons on the Cumberland County Maine Grand Jury for the first four months of 2014.
He publishes this newsletter, The Maine Republic E-mail Alert, and is a member and supporter of the National Liberty Alliance.
He publishes a series of handbooks on the subject of the Common Law Grand Jury and is the Chief Administrator of the Unified Maine Common Law Grand Jury for the Maine Republic Free State.
Here's my advice go to search engine whatever you use type in
We have been under martial law ever since we went bankrupt in 1933
and you will see all these links I have shared and all stories to links. I give these people credit I am just sharing the Truth We Folks Been Blinded To See.
We have been under martial law ever since we went bankrupt in 1933
and you will see all these links I have shared and all stories to links. I give these people credit I am just sharing the Truth We Folks Been Blinded To See.
and this the image I got I screen shot on my cell to put on my blogger. this what government wants you 2 see.
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